The alien species of the city arrives

1000 I Want To Sleep With You

At the same time, Zhou Gantian's face turned blue.

The reason why he hasn't said anything up to now is precisely because what Jiang Xiaohu said is all right.

This disease has tortured him for almost half a month, although he doesn't understand what Jiang Xiaohu said about Wuli Huiyang, but he has itching, but it is very clear.

Jiang Xiaohu's time of onset of illness was not bad, which made him feel regretful.

He was ill, so Jiang Xiaohu told him in public.

This face.

Several people who came with Zhou Gantian saw Ren Xue's movement and quickly took out their mobile phones and searched, only to know that Zhou Gantian had actually gotten a chancre.

This frightened everyone.

Even the martial arts instructor who was about to clean up Jiang Xiaohu just jumped three steps away.

Far away from Zhou Qiantian.

"Grass mud horse! You fart, you slander Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu fights with you!"

Zhou Gantian, who was so irritated, wore a big hat and costume, jumped up and flew towards Jiang Xiaohu.

His innocence was ruined, so many people were present.

I am afraid he will be unemployed tomorrow, because Ren Xue not only accompanied him, but also accompanied the director of the play.

This circle no longer has a place for Zhou Qiantian.


Jiang Xiaohu directly stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's body that was flying up in the sky, and threw it out at the door!

This guy is an eyesore!

The group of people who followed did not care about the meal.

Their circle is quite chaotic. At this time, if this kind of thing happens, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a detailed medical examination.

It is still early, it is not completely dark, and many items can still be checked.

Zhou Gantian lay on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

No one came to help him. In the past, when this Tiange was in Binhai, he had such treatment.

However, a few people who don't know the details wanted to come to help, and they were soon subsided by the surrounding debate.

Zhou Lin looked outside the door, then looked at Jiang Xiaohu.

Finally, he looked at Deng Shuangshuang.

"Shuangshuang, you and him..."

Some diseases need to be cured quickly. When anyone is not young and ignorant, the more they encounter these problems, the more they cannot escape.

As a big sister, Zhou Lin decided to ask clearly, if so.

You don't need to eat this meal anymore, it's correct to go to the hospital quickly.

"She's okay! It's still good!"


Deng Shuangshuang, who was eating roast duck with no distraction, almost flew out the duck legs in his mouth when he heard Jiang Xiaohu's words.

Zhou Lin didn't expect Jiang Xiaohu to be so straight.

Speaking of it, there is a ready-made doctor right in front of him, so there is no need to go to the hospital.

"Our family Shuangshuang is very pure. How could it have anything to do with that Zhou Gantian? I introduced them to me. This Zhou Gantian likes to find girls. I think Deng Shuangshuang is pretty. I borrowed him to take the lead. I didn’t expect. Self-defeating."

Fan Wang Xiaofeng changed into casual sportswear, showing his thin arms like bamboo poles.

As soon as he came over, his hand was placed on Deng Shuangshuang's shoulder.

With a distressed expression on his face, while speaking, he put his hand down and stretched out to Jiang Xiaohu.

The fork stuck in the roast duck appeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng's hand.

Grandson, stretch out a little bit more to make you disabled!

"Oh, I hate it. Shuangshuang, I'm sorry, I rushed over when I knew about this the first time. I really didn't know he was still sick."

Winning a wink at Jiang Xiaohu, Wang Xiaofeng turned to face Deng Shuangshuang with a pitiful look.

"Eating, I still think so much, don't you also remind me not to make any substantial progress with this person? I also want to thank you for reminding."

The two have been dating for a month, and if the progress is fast, there may be children.

Thanks to Wang Xiaofeng for keeping Deng Shuangshuang at a distance, this built a wall of defense in Deng Shuangshuang's heart.

From this promised role this time, Deng Shuangshuang could see Zhou Gantian clearly.

Even without Jiang Xiaohu treating him, Deng Shuangshuang could not continue to associate with Zhou Gantian.It is this person who has a great say in Binhai, and he will definitely embarrass her, but Jiang Xiaohu's move is good.

Thinking about this, Deng Shuangshuang took the duck leg that was spit out and put it on Wang Xiaofeng's plate.

The look in Jiang Xiaohu's eyes was full of blur.

What kind of person is he, who can act and heal.

At the time of the audition, Deng Shuangshuang was also confused. It was because he saw Jiang Xiaohu's back that was about to go away, he immediately entered the play.

"Go home early!"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned, and a red line fluttered around him.

Without looking at the other end of the red line, Jiang Xiaohu also knew that it came from Deng Shuangshuang.

Fortunately, the current favorability is in a state of curiosity.

This flying red thread also pointed at him like a pathfinder, and did not twist it.

"Duck legs are too greasy. I will gain weight if I eat them. Shuangshuang, you should eat less. Tiger brother, come and eat!"

Duck legs rolled to the plate in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

Jiang Xiaohu stretched out his hand and threw the plate backward.

The duck leg that had just entered the plate flew into the trash can behind him.

"If you put something you don't eat on my plate, I will stuff this roast duck into your butt!"

"The slaves are afraid!"

Wang Xiaofeng flees.

The two girls laughed together.

After the meal, the night scene of the film and television city was nothing good.

Most places with lights are concentrated in the shooting area, and the returning car is driven by Jiang Xiaohu.

Deng Shuangshuang and Zhou Lin sat in the back of the car and played against each other.

The script of the audition is not only that, there are many scenes in it.

Zhou Lin is also very talented in acting, and she plays the opponent male pig's feet with Deng Shuangshuang, helping Deng Shuangshuang practice other dialogues.

For a while, the back of the car was like the scene of a car accident, with Pippi pretending to be a bullet from time to time, and then Zhou Lin's rough voice imitated various roles.

After a busy day, Jiang Xiaohu returned home and lay on the sofa for a while, then got up, planning to take a shower first.

Zhou Lin and Deng Shuangshuang were too deep in the play, and both ran to Deng Shuangshuang's room.

Jiang Xiaohu, who is now in the Qi training period, can basically control the body's functions, such as sweating, bathroom time, body stability, temperature, breathing rate, these most basic things, all can be prohibited.

In the bath, I also wash away the contaminated dust at will. In fact, there is not even a drop of sweat.

"Why are you here?"

Wearing a bathrobe, Jiang Xiaohu just walked out of the bathroom.

On the sofa, Deng Shuangshuang, who was originally in 2709, suddenly appeared in the living room.

After taking another two steps, Zhou Lin was lying on the opposite sofa with a mask.

"I am afraid to sleep alone, and plan to sleep here tonight."

"No need to plan, no!"

Deng Shuangshuang put on the mask, speaking not very clearly, but Jiang Xiaohu still heard clearly and became even more annoyed.

Is it true that you come to sleep in Da Luo Jinxian's site?

Even the fairy servants don't have this treatment!

"Sister Lin!"

"Jiang Xiaohu, Shuangshuang is indeed too deserted, let her sleep here for one night."

While talking, Zhou Lin pulled down the collar on her arm!

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