"Why are you still not leaving?"

Standing on the side of the road, looking at the little beetle driving, let the big man Jiang Xiaohu do it in the extremely aggrieved little QQ.

"Get in the car, I'll take you there."

Deng Shuangshuang exposed his head and smiled at Jiang Xiaohu.

"No, everyone is busy!"

I definitely don't want to take your car, and even if you are not busy, I am also very busy!

"Jiang Xiaohu, what is this for? Both are kind, hurry up and get in the car, you don't want to see it in the crowd!"

Jiang Xiaohu:!!!

This woman!She is pushing her nose on her face!

This is not a good sign and needs to be stopped immediately.

"We are going to visit the patient, and she doesn't know her. Besides, wasn't Shuangshuang auditioning yesterday? The results will come out immediately and I can't go to the studio to wait. Don't delay here."

Jiang Xiaohu hopes to persuade Zhou Lin with sincere words.

"It's okay, the director just sent me a message and asked me to report to the crew tomorrow. I am very free today. Just thank you for helping me and get in the car quickly."

Jiang Xiaohu:...

Can't you tell the point?That fairy servant belongs to me, you don't know it!

Jiang Xiaohu got in the car, and the conversation between the two in front of him made him crazy.

"How did this straight man catch you with cancer?"

"Arranged marriages."

"Oh~~ no wonder."

The car drove to a residential building on Heping Road.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jian actually lived here, which does not fit the status of the bodyguard of the big boss.

Zhaiju Building is also called Kongcheng District.

Describe the occupancy rate of this place is extremely low, almost no people can see.

Because of this, the rent here is also very low and the traffic is extremely underdeveloped.

If it weren't for Deng Shuangshuang to drive over, I am afraid that no driver would be willing to come here.

Zhou Lin’s public will not be able to pick up the car until tomorrow. Deng Shuangshuang is a free driver. Zhou Lin is also very happy. I don’t know if it is revenge for Deng Shuangshuang’s toss last night. Jiang Xiaohu proposed to drive along the way, but Zhou Lin didn’t let him. .

In fact, no matter how small the car is, the driving space will still be large.

In this way, Jiang Xiaohu could only be frustrated all the way.

"I thought of buying some fruit somewhere, but I didn't expect it to be so empty here."

After getting off the car, Zhou Lin looked at the street downstairs from the house, and a business man frowned.

"It's okay, I have preparations in the back of the car."

Deng Shuangshuang looked smug and opened OO's poor little trunk.

There are boxes of pure milk and sea blue inside.

The combination of wine and milk made Jiang Xiaohu finally understand how Deng Shuangshuang's head and murder weapon grew.

Putting a box of milk and two bottles of Sea Blue, the three of them walked up to the third floor.

Go to the door and knock on the door.

The little thin man opened the door and saw Jiang Xiaohu standing at the door with two beautiful young ladies at a loss.

"Quick, please come in, please come in."

The three of them entered the house and put down the tonic they had brought.

"Brother, you can stand up even if you are injured, so amazing."

Deng Shuangshuang smiled sweetly, and the little thin man who looked at him was dazed and waved his hands again and again.

"Don't call someone brother, she is a female!"

Jiang Xiaohu said without turning his head.

The furniture in the house is relatively simple, there are no electrical appliances, it is very clean and tidy, and the spotless splash tiles on the ground show the owner's diligence.

"Brother, you..."

When the little thin man heard Jiang Xiaohu's words, his eyes widened behind the broken bangs in surprise.

She has always dressed up as a man, even with short hair.

Except for Zhao Jian, no one knew that she was a woman.

Even Zhao Jian's brothers and colleagues thought she was a man.

"Big Brother!"

Hearing outside sounds, Zhao Jian stood in the door frame.

This is one room and one living room, and there is a small bed in less than a few flat halls.

Three people walked in at a time, but the room seemed a bit crowded.

"Um, if you don't dislike it, just sit on the bed. I can sleep on that bed."

Qing'er blushed.

After being recognized by Jiang Xiaohu, her daughter showed her attitude.

"Already able to stand up? Good recovery"

Jiang Xiaohu gave the medicine packet in his hand.

Since the Chinese medicine prepared before coming, Jiang Xiaohu would not be unprepared since he was coming.

"Thank you, brother. Big brother is spending money again."

The body of Kuayang is recovering fast enough. The operation was only completed yesterday, and now there is blood on his face. I think it will be better within two days.

Such a system was once admired in Tailin. People with this bloodline can get the greatest guarantee for their lives.

Jiang Xiaohu was not jealous, but at the moment he was a little envious.

The cultivation talents of the people who originally boasted the sun were not too high, even in Tailin, they belonged to the middle and lower ones, and they only depended on the strong physical quality to have a place, which is known to Tailin.

But now Zhao Jian, when he knocked on the immortal gate for him yesterday, Jiang Xiaohu clearly felt that Zhao Jian's cultivation talent had reached the same level as a super cultivator.

As long as Zhao Jian is given a copy of the practice technique, and with sufficient spiritual energy, his cultivation speed can almost catch up with Jiang Xiaohu, who has the "Nine Revolutions Universe Art".

Is it because of the thin aura of this world that gives birth to such a strong talent?

Jiang Xiaohu didn't know, he was thinking about whether to teach the Kuazu's supreme cultivation method "Chasing Sun Jue" to Zhao Jian.

Knowing that Qing'er is a girl, Zhou Lin and Deng Shuangshuang quickly communicated with them without hindrance.

The world of women is so simple, and the speed of getting acquainted quickly can catch up with Jiang Xiaohu's training progress.

"Bang bang bang! Zhao Jian, open the door! The boss is coming to see you!"

It was the moment of happiness, when a rough knock on the door sounded.

No one said anything, and Qinger did not stand up.

It seems that I want to pretend that there is no one at home and let the other party leave quickly.


Zhao Jian spoke.

Qing'er bit her lip. She didn't want to open or see the person who made Zhao Jian almost lost his life.

"Open the door."

Jiang Xiaohu spoke.

Some things need to be broken.

From the first time I saw Zhao Jian, Jiang Xiaohu saw a black thread tied his ankle.

The other end of the black line was on the person named Long Ye.

Jiang Xiaohu was also curious as to why Zhao Jian would work for someone he had hatred, even before he gave his life.

The red line represents emotional debt, and the black line represents hatred.

The two of them were obviously feuding their lives and death, and Zhao Jian was still under each other.

This is so strange.

After hearing Jiang Xiaohu's words, Qing'er hesitated for a while before standing up and opening the door.

"Little Liu! Why is it so slow! Oh, it turns out that there are guests, or beauty!"

"Shang Kun!"

Zhao Jian growled.

The other party immediately stopped.

"Okay! Zhao Jian is my savior, you dare to do this to my savior! Go aside!"

The hoarse voice outside the door sounded, and Zhao Jian clenched his fists.

"Oh, Zhao Jian, you are still alive, hahaha, I know you can't die! It's okay!"

Long Ye Dama Jindao walked in and saw Qinger standing in front of Zhao Jian and pushed him away.

"This person is really shameless. He came empty-handed to see the patient."

"I thought I would play a black club and treat myself as the boss!"

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