"This money is not a refund, it is buying my freedom. From now on, he will be my boss."

Knowing from Qing'er that it was Jiang Xiaohu who rushed to the hospital and pulled himself out of the ghost gate, Zhao Jian's heart was magnificent and could not be calm for a long time.

This is not the first time that he was injured as a bodyguard for Long Ye. Every time Qinger paid for the medical expenses, Long Ye came to give away 20,000 yuan.

Twenty thousand seems to be enough for minor illnesses.

But it was Zhao Jian's turn to take action. As long as he was injured, he couldn't afford the medical expenses of 20,000 yuan.

This also led to Qing'er following him, becoming more and more desperate.

"Zhao Jian, you are crazy! Your life is Lord Long, so you actually said such things!"

Shang Kun roared, extremely dissatisfied with what Zhao Jian said.

Jiang Xiaohu frowned as he listened. These people have problems.

Just as Long Ye issued the order, seven or eight bodyguards rushed up and stood in the aisle.

Each of these people has a black thread wrapped around the body of Long Ye, but what's the matter with their desperate and forbidden behavior.

Obviously there is an enemy of life and death, but still listen to Long Ye's words.

"My life has been paid, and now my life belongs to him!"

Zhao Jian angrily scolded Shang Kun.

Shang Kun lowered his head.

These bodyguards all have the same situation, and now that Zhao Jian saved Lord Long's life, it can indeed be said to be paid back.

"Okay, since I don't want to talk to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu won't force it, Zhao Jian, you can do it yourself!"

While speaking, Lord Long turned and left.

Shang Kun, with his head down, came to Zhao Jian and took back the one hundred thousand check.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't even bother to retreat. This is what Zhao Jian did.

"Long Lord, this wolf cub dare not be obedient, or not?"

Downstairs, Shang Kun followed Long Ye closely and raised his hand to make a knife motion.

"Have you beaten him?"

Long Ye raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of anger.

Zhao Jian is one of the few good players under his hand. For this kind of person, one less is a huge loss.

He also didn't want Zhao Jian to go, but he knew that he couldn't keep it.

In fact, if these people who followed him knew about it, they would not be able to keep it, but it would become a major disaster.

But because of this, he let Zhao Jian go.

He needs to buy off these men and can no longer treat them as tools.

"He is injured. With so many people here, he may not be his opponent."

Rubbing his wrist again.

This Zhao Jian is simply a monster, he can quickly recover from every injury. The pinch just now doesn't look like an injury at all.

"Okay, if you want to go too, get out of here at once."

"Don't dare, Lord Long."

Hearing what Long Ye said, Shang Kun immediately lowered his head.

"Since he dared to leave, he won't be mine from now on, let the wind go, he has nothing to do with me anymore."


When you Zhao Jian followed me, did you know what you did?

If you want to leave my umbrella, I will see how you live in Binhai.

"That Jiang Xiaohu, forget it..."

The Jiang family, Long Ye is very taboo.

Last time Jiang Shirao said what he meant to suppress Jiang Xiaohu, but it was not obvious.

If Long Ye misunderstands him, it is for him to protect him. If something happens in the end, he will be implicated.

Just let this kid linger for a few more days, wait for the next time Jiang Shirao comes over, ask to understand, and then look at the countermeasures.

"Long Ye, Gao!"

Shang Kun gave a thumbs up.

In the past, when they robbed the field, were there few people offended?

As long as you leave Longye, who of them will end well.


"You pick up 20,000 yuan, if I..."

Deng Shuangshuang's problems started again.

At that time, Zhou Lin kept pulling, and secretly explained the identity of Long Ye to her, and was quiet for a while.

Now as soon as people left, she started to fall ill again and was held back by Zhou Lin.

"For the medical bills have been spent, I still owe the hospital money."

The money for the operation was not settled. For Qing'er, let alone 20,000, she also picked up two thousand, two hundred, or two.

When I think about it, Qing'er's eyes are full of tears.

"Hey, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, wait until I become a big star. No, I will ask my dad later, how much is the medical expenses, I will pay for it."

Unexpectedly, the fierce and brainless Deng Shuangshuang was actually afraid of women's tears.

It made Jiang Xiaohu's eyes bright.

Unfortunately, he is not a woman, so this trick cannot be used.

"Big Brother."

Zhao Jian ignored the conversation between the women and knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

As he promised in front of Long Ye, from now on, his life is Jiang Xiaohu's.

"Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

In the past, Zhao Jian's system was at best a servant of Jiang Xiaohu.

And now, after knocking on the fairy gate, he is qualified to become Jiang Xiaohu's disciple.

Following Jiang Xiaohu's words, the women in the room were dumbfounded.

"Mr. Straight, people want to follow you. You can't be a brother, you can be a little brother. You want to accept someone as a disciple. What rhythm is this?"

Deng Shuangshuang looked at Jiang Xiaohu with an expression on your IQ.

"Master is here, apprentice Zhao Jian, pay homage to the master."

Zhao Jian didn't know why Jiang Xiaohu suddenly became an apprentice again.

But he didn't care, he only knew that his life was Jiang Xiaohu's.

What Jiang Xiaohu said, that's what, let alone being a master, just asking Zhao Jian to be his father, Zhao Jian would not say anything.

Seeing that Zhao Jian knocked three heads down at Jiang Xiaohu in the way he thought, Jiang Xiaohu nodded very satisfied.

The situation is not a problem. Heaven vowed not to be anxious, as long as the heart is sincere, it will be ceremonial.

Zhao Jian is no better than Qi Minghai. He has decades of medical skills. Of course, Qi Minghai can't be Jiang Xiaohu's disciple now, because his temperament is not enough.

Zhao Jian followed Jiang Xiaohu as his teacher, and Jiang Xiaohu’s best skills in medicine and kendo could not be inherited, and Jiang Xiaohu did not intend to let him follow his own path.

Now he is knocking on the fairy gate, his talent is stronger than the ancient Kua tribe ancestor Kuafu, and Jiang Xiaohu can't predict where he can go in the future.

"Since I have worshipped me as a teacher, we must know that we have three things to do! First, do not do anything against the order of the teacher; second, do not do anything against your heart; third,..."

Jiang Xiaohu fell into memory.

That was what happened when Tai Lin was deeply involved in bullying.

"Don't mention it for the time being, you worship me as a teacher today, and give you a meeting ceremony for yourself."

While speaking, Jiang Xiaohu touched his pocket.

Nothing long.

This is the first apprentice Jiang Xiaohu has received on this plane. If you give money, you will lose your share.But apart from money, there seems to be nothing else.

As for the Kua Clan's practice method "Chasing the Sun Jue", that can only be taught after Zhao Jian's body recovers.

It is not very good to teach at this moment in front of the women.

"Straight man, your pockets are about to be broken, what kind of gift do you want to give! We are waiting online, very anxious."

Deng Shuangshuang craned his neck vigorously, and Zhou Lin did the same. Even Qing'er got close to Zhao Jian, seeming to care about Zhao Jian's body, her grunting eyes flickered.

Money is best.

"Okay, it's decided it is it!"

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