On this cool morning, a breeze blew across the ground, making a layer of ripples.


Zhao Jian was coughing, and the ripples brought up dust, much faster than the little beetle, and shook his face.

"Master! Wait for me!"

If you don't run, I'm afraid that the lunch will not be able to catch up. Zhao Jiansa kicked and started to run wild.

With a straight-line distance of 70 kilometers, Jiang Xiaohu would naturally not choose to take a 100-kilometer detour, which would increase the difficulty of himself by 30% for no reason.

Ordinary monks in the late stage of Qi training can at best enhance their immunity and invigorate blood.

Jiang Xiaohu is different. The "Nine Revolving Universe Jue" he has cultivated has doubled his body's full functions after reaching the late stage of Qi training.

That is to say, if Jiang Xiaohu could only lift a heavy object of fifty catties, he could lift a weight of one hundred catties in the later stage of cultivation.

Similarly, Jiang Xiaohu's original running speed was about 10 kilometers per hour.An ordinary monk who has cultivated to the late stage of Qi training can reach at least 40 kilometers per hour, but Jiang Xiaohu can on this basis, run the "Nine Revolutions of the Universe Formula" and double it.

This speed can reach eighty kilometers per hour.

You know, Jiang Xiaohu originally only needed to run 70 kilometers.

No obstacle can stop Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps.

In addition, many sections of urban roads have limited speeds. Even if Deng Shuangshuang disregarded the traffic rules and accelerated at a red light all the way, it would take at least an hour to reach Lanting Yawan.

And Jiang Xiaohu, at a young age, stopped at Lanting Yawan downstairs.

"Well, they are running too fast. Send them a position and let them hurry up."

Just do it when he thinks of it, Jiang Xiaohu took out his mobile phone and sent location messages to Zhou Lin and Zhao Jian at the same time.

"Husband has arrived?"


Hearing Zhou Lin's voice, Deng Shuangshuang, who was driving, almost rushed the car into a pit where the sewer was missing.

"I don't believe it, it's impossible, you give him a video!"

Deng Shuangshuang gritted her teeth, and she ran through two red lights. After waiting for the fine, this small carapace could not be on the road for at least three months.

At such a high price, Jiang Xiaohu actually got here first.

This unscientific.

Qing'er obviously didn't believe it, so she leaned her head to look at the co-pilot.

"Hey, husband, are you here? Oh my god, is our house behind you?"

Zhou Lin's name for Jiang Xiaohu's husband became more and more slippery, even without her noticing it.


Jiang Xiaohu smiled in his heart and his face was cold.

In order to express that he is indeed number one, Jiang Xiaohu took a cell phone and took a picture of his surroundings, and finally went to the roadside to buy roasted sweet potatoes to eat.

Running is also costly and needs to be supplemented.

Deng Shuangshuang began to ramp up his horsepower to run the red light.

"Master, where is Zhao Jian?"

Qing'er didn't expect that there are still people in this world running faster than Zhao Jian.

"Wait, I ask."

"Zhao Jian, where are you?"

"Master, I just fell into the pit, help."

Jiang Xiaohu:!!!

Which pit?

"The sewer hole on the road."

Then Zhao Jian sent Jiang Xiaohu a position.

It's really a center of the road.

Jiang Xiaohu was thinking, when Qinger heard the word pit, she suddenly remembered that Deng Shuangshuang just passed a pit.

"Quickly, Sister Shuangshuang, that pit, Brother Jian has fallen."


I go, are they all Superman?As soon as I passed the pit, Zhao Jian fell.

A steering wheel slammed.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect such an oolong encounter. Finally, in the video conversation, he saw Zhao Jian grabbing the rope dropped from the small carapace and pulling it up.

By the time Zhao Jian ran along with Little Carapace, Jiang Xiaohu had already ordered a table of dishes with the Chu Jiu family.

Fortunately, there was no water in the pit, and Zhao Jian was so big that he stuck his limbs as soon as he fell.

When I came to the restaurant, I washed my hands and sat down with everyone.

After dinner, Jiang Xiaohu took everyone to the hospital and club.

There are rooms in the clubhouse. It is not a problem to arrange for Zhao Jian and Qing'er to move in, but the decoration downstairs is still a little dusty, and the floor tiles are covered with dustproof paper.

For cleaning, half a day is enough.

Jiang Xiaohu arranged Zhao Jian to Zhou Lin's club, and Qinger followed.

According to Jiang Xiaohu's idea, Zhao Jian's strength is no longer his opponent with ordinary force.

Let him protect him by Zhou Lin's side, and he can rest assured.

I really have been following Zhou Lin, so he doesn't have to do his cultivation.

Qinger is a girl and can also help in the club.

The two of them jumped up with joy when they heard that Zhou Lin was living and working for them and receiving wages.

You know, to protect this job, you don't have to face the assassinations of those enemies every day. If you are basically not injured, your salary is your own savings, and Qinger also has a job.

This broke Zhao Jian and Qing'erle.

The two picked up their own house, and saw that the clubhouse had not been cleaned, so they did it together.

Because of their strength, the two often do this at home and do it in an orderly manner.

In addition, Zhou Lin is not a free one.

The clubhouse has not been opened for the past two days. Zhou Lin has not had any income, and she panicked. Doing something is a good way to reduce stress.

The three worked there, and Deng Shuangshuang went to the crew in the afternoon.

The director asked her to pass tomorrow, but Deng Shuangshuang arrived half a day in advance.

Even if you don't need to rehearse, get familiar with the crew, it will be more convenient to partner.

When Deng Shuangshuang said this, Jiang Xiaohu thought that Deng Shuangshuang had also fallen into the pit, since his head became smarter.

All three of them moved, and Jiang Xiaohu didn't even move, just when he raised his arms and was about to do a big fight.

A voice sounded from behind.

"Excuse me, is this a medical hall?"

Zeng Qiufeng supported the big glasses frame, holding the painting book tightly in his arms.

Obviously, the slender body was shaking constantly when facing strangers, but the small face stubbornly faced everyone in the room, without even blinking his eyes.


The other party was not sick, Jiang Xiaohu judged this at a glance.

Moreover, everyone is now in the clubhouse, which is indeed not a medical hall.

"You are Xiaofeng, why did you find it? Come in quickly. Cough cough, wait a minute, I will come out."

A little something, a dust in the clubhouse.

Zhou Lin saw that this place was indeed not suitable for hospitality, and immediately put down her gloves and pulled Jiang Xiaohu out.

Zeng Qiufeng asked the hospital just now, this matter must be handled by Jiang Xiaohu.

"Didn't you just ask me to wipe the glass?"

Jiang Xiaohu holds the glass scraper in his hand, and seems to be very interested in cleaning the glass.

"Stingy, Xiaofeng, did you say to look for a doctor last time in the elevator? This is my husband. He runs the hospital opposite. Ask him if you have anything!"

Zhou Lin's single Feng stared!

It hasn't been opened for many days, so I don't want to make money for my mother.

"I want to see a doctor."

Zeng Qiufeng was trembling.

"You are not sick."

Jiang Xiaohu didn't even want to lift his head.

"Is it okay for me to shake my leg like this?"

Zeng Qiufeng pointed to his leg, where it was still trembling.

"You are not sick!"

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