The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1013 The Woman Who Caught The Thief

Without hesitation, Jiang Xiaohu immediately took a photo of his ID card and sent it to Wu Ling.

In this era, you need an ID card to buy tickets. Jiang Xiaohu has already begun to adapt to his current life, so he will pay more attention to current affairs consultation when he has time.

During the period, I saw a message about Zeng Guoqing, which Du Niang told him.

As mentioned above, Zeng Guoqing was actually a man who came over during the Anti-Japanese War, a hero of the people, and a national hero.

If you really can't come, you can do it yourself.

Through Du Niang's feedback, Jiang Xiaohu relaxed.

If you haven't seen it, you don't know it. If you know it now, you can't pretend you don't know.

In ancient times, there were wise monarchs who were sick, and there were powerful healers who came to treat them. In addition to cause and effect, they also had great merits.

"Doctor, can you show me?"

It was lunch time, and I was about to clean up. I went to find Zhou Lin for lunch. By the way, I told Zhou Lin about Wu Ling taking him into the mountain. A familiar voice came from my ear.

"You don't need to read it, Chen Meijiao, your illness can be treated as if you go to the hospital. Don't be here with me!"

He wears a mask on his face, a scarf wrapped around his neck, and the back of his hands is covered by long sleeves.

Jiang Xiaohu said directly without even lifting his head.

This cause and effect is also drunk. I didn't expect that the first guest of Tailin Medical Center would be Jiang Xiaohu's mother-in-law, Chen Meijiao.

Jiang Xiaohu had already given her a reminder when we first met. Unexpectedly, this woman would not listen at all. Now she is losing her yin and she seems to have contracted a certain infectious disease. At this moment, Jiang Xiaohu can't wait to drive this woman out immediately.

"You, how do you know it's me."

Chen Meijiao's voice was hoarse, her eyes filled with surprise.

Yesterday she saw the opening of the Tailin Club on the news, and her teeth were itchy.

That decoration, that style, even Huang Yingsheng and his daughter passed.

What kind of luck has Jiang Xiaohu gone?

Chen Meijiao immediately went to Zhou Fuguo to quarrel. Chen Meijiao wanted Zhou Fuguo to ask her daughter for money. Zhou Fuguo didn’t go. The face lost last time was enough. In addition, he finally got forgiveness from his father Zhou Chushan. , In case Zhou Chushan knows about it, and then cut off his life, this is Zhou Fuguo's most important thing.

It was mentioned in the report that Jiang Xiaohu was able to cure Huang Yingsheng's disease by doctoring, and the other party thanked him for coming.

Chen Meijiao remembered Jiang Xiaohu's reminder, and immediately thought of going to Jiang Xiaohu to see a doctor.

In the past few days, her condition is getting worse and worse.

She didn't have the strength to walk, and Chen Meijiao was very happy about what Zhou Fuguo thought about. After each time, her body worsened.Thinking of Jiang Xiaohu's words, Chen Meijiao really didn't dare anymore. Last night, she was very itchy, so she ran to find Jiang Xiaohu early in the morning.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu looking at the door from a distance, Chen Meijiao didn't dare to come over.

Until almost noon, still not a single patient went to Tailin Medical Center.

Only when Chen Meijiao plucked up the courage to run, she still didn't dare to see Jiang Xiaohu in her true colors.

"Get the treatment early, be careful not to die, by the way, let Zhou Fuguo check it too!"

Turning around and closing the door, Jiang Xiaohu walked to Tailin Clubhouse.

The whole process did not look at Chen Meijiao.

Jiang Xiaohu searches for this kind of disease, and knows that the current term is plum flower poison.

Tailinzhong also has Sore Mei, with similar names and similar ways of getting sick.

Many things are in the same line.

It's not that Jiang Xiaohu really can't cure it, but that he won't cure it at all.

"If you can't cure it, you can't cure it. What pretend to be, my mother...cough cough!"

Feeling insulted, Chen Meijiao yelled at Jiang Xiaohu. She just said half a sentence and coughed violently.

Jiang Xiaohu ignored it at all.

This kind of woman, after this incident, Zhou Fuguo probably wouldn't want it anymore.

But these things have nothing to do with him.

Walking into the clubhouse, Zhao Jian, who was still distributing the goods, saw Jiang Xiaohu and immediately greeted him.

It’s almost time to eat, and a few young girls are still applying facial masks to guests, teaching how to use them and what to do.

The business was so good that Zhou Lin ordered another 10,000 semi-finished facial masks for the supplier, and the unloading work fell on Zhao Jian.

"Meet the master."

After practicing "Condensing Body and Purifying Heart", Zhao Jian's strong body gradually became introverted.

Everyone thought it was the injury that became thinner, and Jiang Xiaohu knew it.

These are all significant changes from the initial stage of "Ningti Qingxin Jue".

After that, Zhao Jian can reshape his body by himself, compared to this kid already feeling.


Nod gently.

To be a teacher.

Not only is it necessary to teach well, but the majesty of the master is also necessary.

"I always feel that the master doesn't like you."

On the other hand, Qinger was also helping, when she saw Jiang Xiaohu going to Zhou Lin, she said casually.

It's not that I have opinions, or I'm afraid I haven't done a good job.

"What do you know, master, it's getting better again."

This is a feeling.

Standing in front of Zhao Jian, Jiang Xiaohu's momentum was steady and heavy again.

Of course, this heavy weight was disintegrated under the roar of Zhou Linhe Dong's lion within two seconds.

"Eat! Eat a fart! What kind of mask are you!"

How could such a good effect be possible!Just five minutes ago, Zhou Lin had received more than 20 calls requesting her mask here.The price is arbitrary!

Zhou Lin is going crazy. Where can I do this business at random prices.

Nima, I said ten thousand pieces, would you buy it?

The sale of facial masks has always been a profiteering industry, and Jiang Xiaohu once priced a thousand pieces of facial masks.

Zhou Lin refused, saying, "Where is it so expensive, the cost is only fifty."

Jiang Xiaohu did not explain that the cost is the cost, and the most important thing is the formula.

That's not an ordinary medical formula. The ingredients are combined together, and after long-term use, you can stay young forever.

Such an effect, one thousand, Jiang Xiaohu is still too low.

Jiang Xiaohu raised the price issue again and asked Zhou Lin to consider that the club should provide high-end services.

Don't always put a face mask on someone by a proprietress, so that the price will be lowered.

The sales of traditional Chinese medicine facial masks are commercialized. Let those who know how to make them, sell them, and collect the money themselves. Then the facial masks made of high-quality materials are used for sales and services in the club.

Zhou Lin thought about it, but there was really no time to eat this lunch.

Box lunch has become the best choice, easy and fast, and you can continue to work after eating.

Jiang Xiaohu wanted to close the door directly, but for the owners who make money and the guests who love beauty.

It's really impossible.

"Catch the thief!"

From far and near, across the street, a man in a flower T-shirt is running hard with a ladies handbag.

Behind him, a beautiful body of a woman chased after him.

The movements are agile and fast.

If it weren't for the man in the floral T-shirt in front of him swaying from side to side, I am afraid he would not be able to get out of the palm of the woman behind him.

"Stop for my mother!"

Seeing catching up again, the woman was obviously provoked by this damn thief.

This time, she flew straight up and flew a kick at the thief who was close at hand.


The thief changed shape again.

Instead of kicking, the man jammed the woman's leg into the guardrail.

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