The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1023 Who is going to treat?

The companion flower is originally a fairy product, and it rarely exists in Tailin.

At this moment, the two plants were entangled with each other, which isolated the soil and became even closer, making Jiang Xiaohu stunned.

"You don't need soil? Can you survive?"

The two plants are connected and are even more vibrant.

This kind of strangeness has never been seen even in Tailin.

"This is a cultivated grass, not a natural one!"

Jiang Xiaohu immediately thought of the green bamboo leaves on the green pine on the crooked neck.

The little snake's thumb was thick but very spiritual, clearly intended to stop him from going up, but suddenly retreated.

The snake is the ultimate of all souls, and it is a madam by itself.

Even in Tailin, it is a kind of spiritual ability, and its cultivation talent is second only to the human race.

According to legend, the Taikoo Nuwa is also a snake clan, so it can be studied and created.

Perhaps, the biling grass entwined with the companion flowers was cultivated by the green bamboo leaves, so that it could tell what happened yesterday.

Since it was a causal thing, Jiang Xiaohu didn't have much interest in the biling grass and companion flowers.

This thing has a master, forcing to seize, and cultivation is useless.

It can be raised temporarily, but Jiang Xiaohu has no such idea for the time being if he wants to use it.

Cultivation is the most important thing for Jiang Xiaohu. He breathed out overnight and absorbed the thin aura brought by the river surface to help his practice. Although it was small, it was costly. Jiang Xiaohu was not an eager person.

Even though he has the thousand years of Da Luo Jinxian Dao and deeds, he also knows that the path of heaven cannot be jumped, and that step by step has a fate.

At the same time, Zhou Lin and Yuan Yimeng who had arrived early in the Tailin Club were standing inside the door listening to the wind.

Since the public release of how to deal with the victims, with Huang Liying's appearance, more victims appeared, and the mask incident continued to ferment, leading to rounds of conflicts at the gate of Tailin.

"Yimeng, I told you not to follow me. Okay, I can't eat anymore."

Zhou Lin was apologetic on her face, but her words were blunt.

On the day Jiang Xiaohu left, something happened to the mask suddenly.

Yuan Yimeng, who came to Tailin Club for beauty treatment, was at the time when Zhou Lin was deploying facial mask sales terminal to communicate the matters. She happened to be not in the clubhouse. There were little girls in the clubhouse, unable to do anything about sudden accidents. Zhao Jian was just a guard and faced a group of people. The big man is not afraid, but he can't help a disfigured woman and relatives, let alone the younger Qinger.

At that time, Yuan Yimeng took the initiative to stand up and first called Zhou Lin to tell her how to deal with it.

Zhou Lin was extremely grateful and let Yuan Yimeng take full responsibility.

Yuan Yimeng immediately called an ambulance and took the victim to the hospital in the name of his family for active treatment.

"It's okay, I lose weight!"

Yuan Yimeng, who didn't mind at all, stood beside Zhou Lin.

She handled the mask incident with her sole discretion, and she couldn't do it if she let it go.

"Open the door! I know you are in there! Why, if you do something bad, just want to leave it alone!"

The violent knock on the door became stronger and stronger.

In the clubhouse, beside the two women, Qinger was also shivering.

Women pay the most attention to appearance damage, and their crazy behavior scares them.

When the face with a sudden bubble and rotten face rushed into the store and beat and smashed, all the staff were stunned by the scene.

Qing'er even hid behind Zhao Jian.

"Boss, master him?"

When this happened, in Zhao Jian's mind, only Jiang Xiaohu could handle it.

As he was speaking, the sound outside the door suddenly stopped.

At the same time when everyone thought that the women who were making trouble outside the door had gone, Jiang Xiaohu's voice appeared at the door.

"Open the door."

Jiang Xiaohu said indifferently.

"Master is here!"

Zhao Jian opened the door of the clubhouse and looked at Jiang Xiaohu with joy, and then his pupils grew up in an instant.

Behind Jiang Xiaohu, seven or eight people were big and round. The fiercest shrew who had been making trouble these few days fell on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. Fifty or sixty family members and victims surrounded Jiang Xiaohu. There were obviously many people, but Face full of horror.

"Well, what I just said, I will honor my promises soon, please come in now!"

While speaking, Jiang Xiaohu walked into the Tailin Club step by step.

The surrounding crowd swallowed their saliva and gave Jiang Xiaohu a way to clear the way, and then entered the Tailin Clubhouse with him.

"Zhou Lin, take out the Tai Lin mask."

Zhou Lin came to Jiang Xiaohu, but before he could speak, Jiang Xiaohu had already spoken.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu like this, Zhou Lin didn't say much, and immediately greeted Qinger, and Yuan Yimeng followed him to the clubhouse to get the mask.

Zhao Jian saw the master in front of him, and followed his steps closely, never leaving.

The women with big waists outside the door could no longer get up.

Not knowing what happened, Zhao Jian was puzzled, but didn't ask much.

"Bring in the person at the door. If she speaks badly, you are welcome."

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Zhao Jian and raised his slap.

Zhao Jian stared blankly and nodded fiercely.

Soon, a group of women with big arms and round waists were sent in. Some of them wanted to leave, but were scared by Zhao Jian's terrifyingly strong body and did not dare to leave.

What the master said is: Bring in!

"I have seen your injuries. It is not a permanent damage, it can be repaired. I have medicine here, which is directly covered on our Tailin real mask. Just use it."

Jiang Xiaohu took out a small bottle with the liquid medicine he extracted from the roots of Bilingcao in the morning.

The injuries of these victims have come to the best repair time, and many of them have covered the facial nerves with toxins.

In severe cases, even some facial jerks appear.

Regardless of whether these people were injured because of the Tailin mask, they really came because of the word Tailin. Jiang Xiaohu planned to cure them from the beginning.

"You still let us use it! We are all made like this by you... by your mask!"

A middle-aged aunt had an angry tone.

Facing Jiang Xiaohu with fear in his eyes, just outside the door, inside this group of encircled circles.

The largest group of vanguards was brought down by this man.

The problem is that everyone hasn't seen how Jiang Xiaohu did it.

It's terrible.

"Whether you bought the mask from this club, everyone knows each other. We have already tested the two models, and we have also asked the authoritative organization for certification, and everything will be determined by ourselves.

I am the pharmacist who cooperated with this mask. I made this medicinal solution by analyzing the ingredients of the mask you used before.

As long as three days of use, toxins accumulated on the face can be slowly discharged without leaving scars.

Of course, you can also disbelieve.

But even so, I hope you can go to the police station and explain all the details of your purchase of the mask to the police, instead of besieging our club here.

This is Tailin, no one is allowed to run wild here!"

Jiang Xiaohu asked Qing'er to bring the water, pour the liquid medicine into it, and then tore the packaging of Tailin's mask, soaked it inside, and then took it out.

"Who will rule?"

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