The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1028: Are You Satisfied?

Zhou Lin, an inconspicuous girl from the Zhou family, left the family.

This is not a big deal.

It was because of the announcement of the collaboration between Tailin and Huang's on this day, and it was hyped up.

Everyone guessed a few points, put them on Weibo for discussion, and even reposted them on Binhai News.

1. Why did Zhou Lin leave Zhou's house?

2. Is it true that Tailin (New Lido) was bought for 2.5 million?

3. Since Zhou's family received the money, why did they go to the Tailin club to make trouble? Is it because they are thinking about the formula of the Tailin mask?

In an instant, all kinds of speculations and all kinds of confirmations, countless insiders were found out and told what happened, including his father Zhou Fuguo and the development history of the Zhou family. As long as you bring Tailin, you will immediately be searched.

With the addition of Huang's, Tailin Mask went through rounds of hype, and even caught up with a divorce star.

This kind of fermentation was unexpected.

But it makes sense, because this is the result of the speculation behind the Huang Group's shareholding.

"Zhou Lin, the foreign debt issue has now been dealt with, and other development issues have the Huang Group’s professional team. You don’t need to consider so much, or even pay attention to the news, but you don’t need to think about whether the truth is true or not. Take it to heart."

Yuan Yimeng held Zhou Lin's hand, and Deng Shuangshuang held Zhou Lin in his arms.

"Those are all real."

Before Zhou Lin could speak, Jiang Xiaohu said something.


Deng Shuangshuang's already big and shiny eyes are now bigger.

Zhou Lin's body trembled slightly, Yuan Yimeng's hand tightened even more.

If what Jiang Xiaohu said is true, how did Zhou Lin come over these years?

"A dream is right, everything is over. And now, you can live the life you want! What you want, everything."

Xia pointed outside the balcony.

Not far from there, you can see the sign of Tailin Clubhouse. The name of the two-dimensional sign board just installed not long ago shines on the sky and the ground, and the word Tailin is constantly rotating in the yellow incandescent lamp.

A month

In just one month, the sales of Tailin masks are under the superb operation team of Huang Group.

The sales of Tailin masks are climbing up.

In just one month, it occupied 90% of the market share of Binhai, and it has been well received throughout the country.

And the original valuation of 30 million 10% of the shares has already earned back its capital.

The sales terminal of facial masks has a monthly turnover of more than 3 billion.

Now sitting in this small house that was bought by hundreds of thousands, Zhou Lin with 60% shares and Yuan Yimeng with 10% shares, and even Deng Shuangshuang, who had just finished the filming of Tai Lin's face mask, became 100 million yuan. A wealthy woman of ten thousand worth.

Yuan Yimeng never expected that a choice of life direction would bring such a big change to her.

Especially Zhou Lin, she never dreamed of it.

It turned out that the small goal of 100 million is really not that difficult to achieve.

Even, originally waiting for Deng Shuangshuang to finish the filming quickly and then endorse Tai Lin, this matter was also put on the agenda in advance.

Tailin didn't catch fire because of Deng Shuangshuang, but because Deng Shuangshuang took a photo of Tailin's mask, the next step became popular.

People have speculated as to why Deng Shuangshuang's background can surpass Huang Liying and endorse the mask too.


The three girls screamed at the same time!

Excited, they began to throw up their pillows indiscriminately, and most of their attacks were on Jiang Xiaohu.

They were arguing and yelling, and they didn't care about the image of women.

Women are destined to have too many burdens. Jiang Xiaohu looked at these three girls. Success seemed to require a little luck and a push hand. They only need to muster up the courage and try to do it once, and meet a noble person, that noble person, sitting opposite them at the moment, Was asked to go to the kitchen to cook noodles immediately.

Because the noodles he made are so delicious.

This is the time when the three women almost always need to celebrate, they will find Jiang Xiaohu.

Of course, there are too many things to celebrate.

For example, when the debts are paid off, Zhou's family publicly apologized to Zhou Lin, expanded production and sales, and patented the formula so that Tailin had the exclusive right to sell.

Wait for all the happy events to come one after another within a month after the press conference.

"Zhou Lin, now I want to ask you one thing. I need you to answer seriously."

Jiang Xiaohu just put a large pot of noodles on the coffee table, then raised his head and looked at Zhou Lin seriously.

"You ask."

"Hurry up!"

Yuan Yimeng eagerly answered instead of Zhou Lin, and Deng Shuangshuang on the side began to urge.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaohu not to come over with the bowls and chopsticks, they wouldn't want to hear any questions and answer them!

"You ask, I will answer seriously."

The excitement blush on his face still did not retreat, and the business report just sent from the accountant was still on hand.

Two months ago, she stood on the street with nothing.

Looking at the Tailin sign, I thought I would be trapped in Zhou's cage forever.

Then, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly changed. He was no longer timid, no longer afraid, and even became a little high and aggressive.

"Do you feel happy and satisfied now?"

Hearing Zhou Lin's eyes, he needed a true inner answer.

As Jiang Xiaohu's sight passed through Zhou Lin's facial color, the flush of excitement slowly receded.

Did she perceive it?

But what about it, he is Jiang Xiaohu, but he is not.

He has thousands of years of experience. To his wife who has known him for less than two months, he is willing to do everything to satisfy her, from calling her wife to slowly calling her name, so that she can adapt to this change. .

"Haha~ Your husband is probably hungry. This question is too much to ask! Jiang Xiaohu, your wife, who has just become a billionaire, ask her to be happy and satisfied?"

Deng Shuangshuang turned on the mode of grabbing the conversation, all kinds of chaos.

"Lin, tell him, and then let him take the bowl, or undress and tease him! Or, let's be together!"

Yuan Yimeng was rubbing Zhou Lin's shoulders with excitement, and cuddling with Deng Shuangshuang next to Zhou Lin.

"I am very happy now, and also very satisfied."

Being held by two girlfriends, having friends, a career, and a life.

Zhou Lin gave the answer after hesitating for a short second.

In fact, she still has a little bit of dissatisfaction, but she did not say, or chose this occasion to say it.

Zhou Lin and Jiang Xiaohu were married for three years. In the past three years, they have never done something that should be done between husband and wife.

Even two months after Jiang Xiaohu's sudden change, he didn't.

"Okay, I'll get the bowl."

There was a hint of excitement in Jiang Xiaohu's eyes.

The pressure of Heaven's Oath disappeared from Jiang Xiaohu's body.

After he seized this body, Jiang Xiaohu made an oath for the attached soul that he would make Zhou Lin happy and satisfied.

And now, he did it.

In other words, Jiang Xiaohu is now Jiang Xiaohu, and he is no longer affected by that Jiang Xiaohu.

and so.

"Want to eat? Take your own bowl!"

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