The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1040 Fish Skin Treatment

"That's my son! I will never bet his life!"

Mother heard the doctor's words without any hesitation.

And at this moment, I can understand it. In this case, the best way to deal with it is indeed the safest amputation.

But here he is different.

The mother and fiancée are in a quarrel. The patient's current situation is still very stable. Everyone chooses to temporarily give the family some time to discuss the results.

The injured father had pain on his face. He didn't know how to dissuade him. The two women who were most important to his son could only pull out of the conference room one by one.

"Before they discuss the results, the 3D titanium alloy leg bone model needs to be made immediately, in case of emergency."

The family left, Jiang Xiaohu announced.

"Titanium alloy production cost is not low, if the family is unwilling in the end..."

"It's okay, money is not a problem."

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand to block other voices to characterize the matter.

"For burn patients, I have already applied for renewable fish skin medical treatment in Beixing Province. This is the world's premier burn treatment. If possible, our hospital will join the fish skin regeneration skin medical team and take the lead in using this method to treat burn patients. "

Just after treating patients with comminuted fractures and amputations, Jiang Xiaohu's proposal of 3D printing titanium alloy leg bones has surprised many doctors.

At this moment, the fish skin regeneration technology was proposed again, and the audience fell completely silent.

Everyone feels that Jiang Xiaohu is treating illnesses, and he wants to apply the latest technology to patients who are currently available.

"Dean Jiang, I have heard about this fish skin regeneration technology. At present, it is clinically and during the trial period. It is of great importance to participate in the regeneration skin medical team, and the funds it needs..."

Wu He paused, and suddenly remembered that the dean Jiang Xiaohu didn't care about money at all.

"In addition to money, we now have mature skin grafting technology, which can completely solve the patient's skin damage problem without using fish skin to repair. I also hope that the dean will consider carefully. After all, the patient needs a more mature treatment plan, rather than becoming a mouse. ..."

Wu He, who felt that he had said a little too much, stopped at once and didn't say more.

In fact, what he said is actually the voice of many Tailin doctors.

Isn't this just a guinea pig?

Treat as you like.

It is not that the proposed treatment plan is not good, but that this technology is still in the clinical trial stage and has not been promoted to medical institutions around the world.

Of course, the way it can be published in journals is very sure, and there are even experimental results.

By joining this treatment plan in advance, you can more quickly grasp the possible problems in the treatment method.

Help perfect this treatment.

But no hospital would be willing to make this kind of attempt, because once there is a problem, it is fine to say that once a major accident occurs, for example, the bacteria on the fish skin infects the patient’s body, leading to a series of serious consequences such as death and paralysis. The hospital must take full responsibility.

If something goes wrong, the hospital will be over.

Who is willing to take this risk, unless it is a large hospital with sufficient reputation and authority at the national level, other hospitals with slightly less qualifications will not dare to try.

"It's okay. I have communicated with the patient about this issue. The other party has no problem with the cost, and is very willing to use this plan for treatment. This is the medical malpractice liability certificate signed by the patient, and everything will follow the formal procedures."

The injured person with crushed leg bones has been in a coma, otherwise Jiang Xiaohu will definitely get the certificate of responsibility together.

The female patient heard that there was no need for skin grafts, making the skin on her neck black and white, and even the skin at the joints was distorted and terribly twisted. She immediately unified the plan proposed by Jiang Xiaohu without any hesitation.

Repair with fish skin after all

First, there is no need for surgery, so there is no pain.

The second recovery period will also be greatly reduced, this is Jiang Xiaohu's guarantee to her.

The third most important thing is to be able to recover as before. Jiang Xiaohu told the patient about the burn fish skin repair method that he saw in the medical magazine to completely repair the wound.

She read every sentence carefully, and then she chose this treatment plan very firmly.


The whole conference hall is extremely silent

Many doctors couldn't imagine that Jiang Xiaohu completely handled the patients.

These skin-recovered fish skins are valuable, and the cost of active air transportation alone is not low.

Although the female patient is said to be driving a car worth tens of millions, the other party is really willing to bear the treatment price of nearly ten million.

"Okay, it's so decided. Other patients are willing to accept our doctor's treatment plan. Just leave it alone about the money issue, and go all out to cure the patient. This is the top priority. There are still many things to do next. Everyone, take a good rest, and then get ready to start."

All day, the patient's body was stabilized.

Mild injuries have already been treated, but for treatment of comminuted fractures of the legs and extensive burns, medical research must be done to determine treatment methods.

After confirming the treatment, start immediately.

For two consecutive days, the operating room has been in a non-stop state.

Numerous accidents and surgical treatment were concentrated in these two days.

The fish skin can be repaired, and it was transported from Beixing Airways on the third day, and the female patient was treated in Wei Zhenqing's hands that day.

These are all active fish skins, which stick to the surface of the human body, just like a band-aid, even if it is finished.

The whole process is extremely fast

It's just that when everything is done, the horrible black and red wounds are all covered by fish skin without scales, which gives people another strange feeling.

"In this way, can it really be restored?"

There was a trace of uncomfortable on Qin Xuan's face.

She doesn't even dare to catch fish or kill them.

At this moment, the whole body was covered with no less than ten fish skins on his body.

That feeling makes her a little creepy.

"Don't worry, haven't you read the report? The repair rate is 100%. Not only is there no pain, but it can even make the skin intact as if nothing happened."

Wei Zhenqing didn't have full confidence in his heart.

But in the face of patients, he knew that he had to give them confidence.

"Ok, I trust you."

Avoiding eyes and raising his head slightly.

Qin Xuan tried his best not to look at most of the upper body area where the fish skin was stuck to the neck and the upper body.

"After you treated me and left that day, I thought my injury scared you, and guessed that you would never come back again."

In order to divert attention, Qin Xuan's head slightly tilted towards Wei Zhenqing from the ceiling, and his eyes were looking straight at each other.

After the delicate Wei Zhenqing gave Qin Xuan the initial treatment, at Qin Xuan's strong request, he brought a mirror and took pictures of Qin Xuan's wounds all over his body.

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