Tailin Hospital was gradually on the right track, but Jiang Xiaohu began to yearn for the status of a doctor in the field.

He needs to quickly master the various medical techniques of this era.

He can learn advanced medical skills by reading magazines and periodicals and use them flexibly.

But there are some diseases and pains, but it is not possible to encounter them anytime and anywhere in this age.

Major traffic accidents like this happen many times a year, but to appear in Binhai or in Tailin Hospital, it takes a bit of terrible luck.

Jiang Xiaohu knew that looking at the hospital and walking around every day, 40% had a cold, 30% had a fever, 20% had an accident, 10% had a bone problem, and 10% had a child problem. This ratio revolved back and forth.

Everyone has an important place in the hospital, only to hear, he needs more.

"Dean Jiang, there is a group interview in the afternoon. The doctor in charge of the interview has a temporary business at home, so he asked the personnel department for a day off. The interview in the afternoon..."

Yu Bailing found Jiang Xiaohu and told him that the hospital had an urgent problem.

Tai Lin treated the injured and controlled the number of deaths to one person, which spread to all corners of Binhai in an instant.

Everyone is rumored that as long as they can reach Tailin, their fate will be saved.

I don't know who said it, anyway, Tailin's reputation spread quickly.

"I'm here for an interview."

Jiang Xiaohu wandered around for many days in the internal and surgical departments of various hospitals.

He has mastered the treatment of simple diseases.

To some extent, Tailin prescriptions have great similarities with modern western medicine ingredients.

Western medicine is directly extracted by chemical or physical means to treat diseases. Jiang Xiaohu’s Tailin prescription is a combination of various traditional Chinese medicines. Through the difference in the ratio and the medicinal materials, it stimulates the drugs that can treat different diseases. Medicinal power.

Repeatedly watching the prescription drugs, it didn't help him much.

He has the ability to remember these simple treatment plans by analogy and quickly understand them.

Two o'clock in the afternoon, interview time.

Jiang Xiaohu originally thought that only a dozen people would be interviewed, but looking at the number of nearly 300 people sitting in the entire interview hall, he was a little confused.

If he remembers correctly, the last time he was too close to recruit troops, the first phase of the expansion of surgery and internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and several additional doctors have been recruited.

The position to be recruited today is called an inspector in the laboratory.

And only recruit three people.

Jiang Xiaohu stayed in all major departments of the hospital.

He deeply knows which aspect of the hospital is lacking, and the number of recruits is personally drawn up.

I didn't expect to recruit a few jobs that can be completed by current college students, and I don't want to have more than 300 people to apply for, which is really exaggerated.

"Let them in."

Jiang Xiaohu felt that if the first three came in, he would pass the interview.

Immediately after the remaining three hundred people, they will leave in disappointment.

Sure enough, within two minutes, Jiang Xiaohu recognized the sincerity of the other party and immediately passed the applicant's job search.

Then the next one passed the interview two minutes later.

Then came the third place, this one is better than the first two.

It was actually a part-time university student, during the internship period, a senior student of coastal medicine.

I took the scholarship, the vice chairman of the student union, from elementary school to university, the medals were photographed with photos, and the people who saw it were envious and powerful.

"Okay, you also... passed. By the way, Xiao Zhou, tell outside applicants that they can go home first. Tai Lin has their mobile phone number. If they want to study abroad, they will contact them."

When the voice fell, Nurse Zhou went out.

After a while, a wailing sounded outside.

The three inspectors who passed were all excited.

Among them, they all know that Tailin Hospital is different from other hospitals.

They have become the first case of fish skin treatment in China, and they have just created the first 3D human thigh bone.

And has been successfully installed in the patient's body.

These days, countless trail reporters wander around Tailin Hospital, all trying to confirm whether these rumors on the Internet are true or false.

"You are, neighbor."

Bai Fu was holding the doll, and the two emerald eyes on the doll were looking at Jiang Xiaohu in the medical office with joy.

"Bai Fu?"

Jiang Xiaohu couldn't believe that the other party dared to come to him.

Is it tracked?If it is true, the opponent's spiritual power should be quite terrifying.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang is a doctor. By coincidence, I am also a medical university, but it's been a long time since I graduated."

"I graduated in 1864."


Bai Fu's words fell, and there was a burst of laughter around him.

He graduated in 1864 and is now over a hundred years old.

Everyone looked at Bai Fu's immature face, thinking that the girl's brain was opened and the second dimension was upgraded, and they were waiting for this girl to make jokes for Jiang Xiaohu.

"Okay, then you are also admitted."

The mockery didn't come out of Jiang Xiaohu's mouth, but instead made a group of spectators dumbfounded.

Everyone thinks this interview is a bit tricky, especially when Jiang Xiaohu passed the first three. Others don't even have a chance to meet with the interviewer, and feel that they are the object of jokes.

"What do you mean, this woman is beautiful and said that she was born in 1864, so you will be admitted. Those of us who didn't even have the opportunity for an interview were pushed away. Is that how you recruit people? "

"Yes, isn't this for fun?"

"Where is there such a recruitment, recruit a few people, and the first few people will pass. Then why didn't you just admit it when someone came, and it made us run in vain."

"This hospital must be a lie. What a liar is just a lie!"

"Too fake……"


The crowd began to discuss.

The three admitted women didn't care about staying here, and immediately left with Nurse Zhou.

Go through the entry procedures.

And Jiang Xiaohu, he didn't care at all about the reaction of the people around him.

How can you say you were cheated when applying for this kind of thing.

The top three applicants have the strength and are diligent to get up early, so they are competent enough for the examination room.

Jiang Xiaohu believes that everyone should play to their value.

He glanced at the resume above. It showed the applicant's academic qualifications, work experience, and even personal questions about the subject.

The other party has a high degree of education, and the skills are not bad. The practical treatment also saved a patient with false shock.

Jiang Xiaohu felt that the other party could be Tailin's doctor.

And Dr. Tai Lin had already applied for the job on the day Jiang Xiaohu started to recruit.

At this moment, Tai Lin does not need to recruit a doctor from outside.

"Bai Fu, are you more than two hundred years old?"

Jiang Xiaohu and Bai Fu left the application hall one after another.

The noisy crowd behind him once again rioted.

They felt that Jiang Xiaohu had no basic respect for them, and at the same time, these people began to maliciously obliterate and make negative news to tease Tailin Hospital as revenge.

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