
Jiang Xiaohu said in a cold voice.

He wants to see in person, what is the origin of this guy who dared to poison President Tailin.

After the WeChat positioning was issued, Jiang Xiaohu gave an explanation to the hospital and directly transferred the power of the hospital to Bai Fu's hands. Li Tong Wuhe and even Yu Bailing in the hospital were puzzled, especially after learning that Bai Fu today I just became a person at Tailin Hospital, and when I have not gone through the entry formalities, I am even more confused.

But soon, Yu Bailing saw Zhou Lin.

Looking at Bai Fu again, he figured it out in an instant.

I want to come to Bai Fu to take care of Zhou Lin here, so I'll take full responsibility for the hospital.

Following this train of thought, Yu Bailing didn't think much.

It's all about curing diseases and saving people, and other things don't matter.

It was Zhou Lin, her complexion was ruddy and shiny, and she slept soundly, unlike sick.


The car drove to the Tiandi Infinite Bar, this is the address sent by Zhao Jian.

Jiang Xiaohu stepped in, and a strong bloody breath rushed into his nose.

Walking into it, a severed hand fell on the bar, and there was a wine glass next to it.

It seems that Zhao Jian should have found someone or a clue here.

The Kwa people can share everything they have in a friendly way with their people, relatives, and friends. Similarly, if someone hurts an important person in the Kwa people, the violence in their hearts will be infinitely magnified.

"Find some ice cubes, wrap this hand, and you can connect it. If you have a bag, it's better to seal it and freeze it."

Behind the bar, a group of staff who were trembling with fright were still shaking. Hearing Jiang Xiaohu's words, all their eyes were dull.

"Didn't you hear it?"

Jiang Xiaohu's voice was a little louder, and his tone was more severe.

"Yes Yes!"

Frightened like frightened rabbits, several people immediately hurriedly moved.

Some took ice cubes, some took bags, but no one dared to pick up the severed hand anyway.

It is really strange that people can cruelly pluck other animals alive, or eat them raw, but dare not touch one hand.

Jiang Xiaohu's helplessness, being disabled and being able to pick up, violated different legal standards.

Jiang Xiaohu had no intention of letting him escape the national law in Zhao Jian's radical behavior. However, it is always good to be able to stay for a few years.

Jiang Xiaohu picked up his hand, a little bit blue, not very active, I believe that after the connection, it is probably a good look.But these have nothing to do with Jiang Xiaohu. If he didn't do it by himself without Zhao Jian, I'm afraid it would not be much better than this.

When he threw his hand into the ice bag, Jiang Xiaohu held it, and asked if he called the police.

The people at the bar shook their heads.

It seems that calling the police is more of a scourge than seeing a severed hand.

Jiang Xiaohu instantly understood that there are still many shady activities in this bar. Long before work, these people have been instilled in the idea of ​​never calling the police.

He doesn't care either. That's okay, at least, you can ask for more time to understand.

In the box, the deity with severed hand was spread on the ground at this moment.

The place of the fracture was tied up with wires, and there was no more bleeding.

However, looking at the technique, it was clearly what Zhao Jian said, there was no sense of beauty at all, and the strength of the binding was too strong, the flesh was squeezed out, and people were already dizzy.

The remaining few people knelt on the ground covered in scars, facing Zhao Jian, their entire bodies were swinging.

"Did you ask?"

Jiang Xiaohu opened the door.

The few people on their knees looked up.

Seeing the ice bag in Jiang Xiaohu's hand, through the transparent film and clearly visible fingers inside, two of them fainted unexpectedly.

"This is Dou Fei, he is looking for someone to do the tricks!"

Zhao Jian's eyes were red, and when he saw Jiang Xiaohu, the red gradually faded, but still pink.

Reached out, the guy who passed out on the ground.

Jiang Xiaohu saw the person fainted, and threw his severed hand into the arms of a kneeling little brother, and fainted again.

Under Jiang Xiaohu's disgusting eyes, the other man remained awake, with a fierce face picking up his boss's hand and holding it.Obviously know that this hand is still useful.

"This Dou Fei, your boss?"

Seeing the guy in front of him picking up the bag, Jiang Xiaohu dispelled the idea of ​​waking up the person and asked the guy in front of him first.


"Why did he get Zhao Jian?"

"Zhao Jian maimed the boss's brother and broke his arm."

The bastard couldn't beat Zhao Jian, but stared at Zhao Jian undaunted.

"When I was with Long Ye before, Dou Fei and Long Ye grabbed the land. They did it at that time."

When Jiang Xiaohu looked at Zhao Jian, Zhao Jian immediately explained.

"Then why don't you get Lord Long?"

"Why didn't you do it!"

Hunzi roar!

Looking at Zhao Jian, his eyes were even more fierce.

Jiang Xiaohu instantly understood that with the protection of a system like Zhao Jian, who was almost indestructible, Dou Fei probably gave up many people to Zhao Jian.

Now if Zhao Jian doesn't talk to Lord Long, these people will naturally come to take revenge.

"How did you find Zhao Jian?"

"I don't know, the boss told us!"

Hearing the answer from the other party, Jiang Xiaohu was puzzled.

Dou Fei manages several entertainment clubs and several casinos. On weekdays, he still grabs sites from the surrounding areas. If it wasn't for the younger brother to find Zhao Jian, how did he know that Zhao Jian was in the Tailin Group and Zhou Lin was acting as a bodyguard?

Zhao Jian works in the company, and the past is completely two worlds.

This is a bit strange.

Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand to face Dou Fei who was in a coma. This guy woke up and saw Zhao Jian, and wanted to raise his hand desperately.

As a result, seeing his hand in the hands of the little brother, the whole person screamed madly.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't get used to it either, so he tapped his neck and throat, and immediately made him unable to make a sound.

After a round

I ask, you answer.

When Dou Fei learned about Zhao Jian, he actually heard the news from another black boss.

Jiang Xiaohu felt more and more that someone was involved in this matter.

It seems that Zhao Jian was wrongly injured by Zhou Lin, but what if the target was Zhou Lin in the first place?Or, there are other possibilities.

"You take this hand, take a taxi to Tailin Hospital, and tell the people inside that Jiang Xiaohu asked you to go, and they will pick you up for free. And your brother, who says he is disabled, is fine, you let him go to Tailin Hospital. At the hospital, someone can cure it. I have already helped you call the police about Zhao Jian's beating you. That's the end of your grievances.

Since he worked for Long Ye back then, you should go to the Lord.

Are there any questions?

Very good, nodding means agreeing.It is estimated that the police will be there in ten minutes and you can handle it yourself.Zhao Jian, stay here, surrender to the police during the fight, and take the initiative to explain to you.You can just let Dou Fei talk to the police about that hand.I'll go to Dong Xing to ask."

Understand the cause and effect.

Jiang Xiaohu took a closer look at the causal line and found that Dou Fei and Zhao Jian, that is, the brother was injured and disabled.

Moreover, the master is not counted, Jiang Xiaohu intends to resolve it.

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