
The flame burned in Zhao Jian's eyes.

Then Jiang Xiaohu told Zhao Jian what happened.

It turns out that they weren't adopted by Long Ye at all, they were children left behind by the persecuted family by Long Ye.

Long Ye started by doing demolition.

After having the first pot of gold, I bought land myself to build a building.

Many nail households became obstacles to his wealth, and he took people to demolish them.

After the accident, he changed his strategy and asked people to forcibly take people out, and then forcibly demolished the house.

If these people admit their fate, he will give away some money.

If he doesn't listen, he has to go everywhere and he will lock up the person.

And the longer they are detained, for many families with children, the children will find their parents to wander around.

At this time, Lord Long brought these children to his side.

Become their adoptive father

He spent ten years teaching these children to listen to his orders and teach them all kinds of skills, except for reading, fighting, fighting, how to guard him alone, all of these, and then as these children grow up, they become dragons. Lord brought countless sites.

With these territories, Lord Long's influence is getting bigger and bigger.

As for those parents.

When I figured it out, I signed the documents and went out, but I couldn't find the children and became crazy.

If you are not obedient, he will let the women go out for a few days to let people know that they are still alive, and then go out for the other half without making people suspicious, and someone will follow the whole process.

Shang Kun's mother had looked for Shang Kun after she went out.

And Shang Kun had already recognized the thief as his father, and didn't want his own mother at all.

Even because he knew this, he was still loyal and appreciated by Lord Long.

And Zhao Jian, because he only has a father.So Father Zhao has never been out of that cell in his life.

The first time that Zhao Tian was imprisoned, Lord Long also used a lot of effort. Finally, in order to punish the dishonest people, Lord Long had people pluck out Zhao Tian's tongue.

"The teacher allows you to kill him, but there are two things you must do first. The first is why Lord Long should die, you have to let people know. The second, after killing him, surrender."

"The disciples obey orders!"

With tears in his eyes, Zhao Jian knelt and kowtow to Jiang Xiaohu.

Often followed Zhou Lin to participate in activities, Zhao Jian also knows many reporters.

He called the reporters and took them to the places where his parents were held.

Overturned all the guards of Long Ye and let the reporters take photos of everything.

After following Long Ye for so many years, Zhao Jian also knew a lot of Long Ye’s illegal crimes, and then stopped one stop after another. The live broadcast of Long Ye’s smuggling, drug trafficking, pornographic entertainment clubs, etc., took reporters one by one. All were broadcast live on the Internet.

An uproar in Binhai continued to ferment.

"Zhao Jian! You and he eats inside and out, hacked him to death!"

When Long Ye learned that his industry had been exposed on the Internet, he brought people to Zhao Jian the first time.

The reporter behind Zhao Jian saw Long Ye and more than a hundred younger brothers appear, and their legs were all frightened.

"Are you crazy? This guy's surname is Luo, and he killed your parents' enemies. Do you want to help him to abuse him!"

The reporter took pictures of the warehouse scene where countless people were detained and showed them to the men behind Long Ye.

In this, all the men of the same age as Zhao Jian began to waver.

Even so, they are still hesitating.

They have long lost the impression of parents.

And they can live to the present, only this surname Luo, claiming to be Long Ye's adoptive father.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Jian. My father was imprisoned by Luo Biao. I used to be his thug. Then, he did a lot of bad things. I will kill him. I was released on bail. I apologize, the following scenes are too bloody and will not be shot. When I kill him, I will surrender."

After Zhao Jian finished speaking, he signaled his reporter friend to close the live broadcast.

"Zhao Jian, the law will clean up people like him, don't be impulsive!"

The friend's knife stopped in front of Zhao Jian. He didn't want Zhao Jian to commit a murder.

"He is old, I'm afraid he can't wait for the sentence to be pronounced. If I can't make him pay here, I can't forgive myself, and I'm sorry to my father."

When Zhao Jian finished speaking, he pushed away the knife and rushed towards Luo Biao.

"Hack him!"

Luo Biao, who claimed to be Long Ye, obviously knew that he was finished.

All the evidence was sent online, and he had no chance of turning over.

Luo Biao couldn't think of it, but it was a hunting dog he raised that turned into a wolf one day and killed him in one bite.

As Zhao Jian flew up, the colleagues who had been with him subconsciously made the act of protecting Long Ye, and then reacted instantly and jumped aside.

Then Zhao Jian's punch directly hit the trigeminal nerve in Luo Biao's temple.

Luo Biao fell to the ground, motionless.

He did not die on the spot, but he was not far from death.

He has to endure sitting in a wheelchair for a year. If he still has children to take good care of, this year will not be too difficult. He just suffers whole body tingling day and night, and then dies in the severe pain of the trigeminal nerve.

This method was the position Jiang Xiaohu told Zhao Jian before he asked Zhao Jian to get revenge.

Zhao Jian can be sure that there is no deviation in his position.

After doing all this, Zhao Jian's heartfelt humiliation was still not relieved.

He urgently needs to tell people about all this, but this matter is very private and he does not want to tell the audience on the live broadcast.

Zhao Jian got into the car directly, and the knife followed closely.

The two came to the police station, Zhao Jian surrendered, and told the police about the countless wrongs he had done in all these years.

Everyone was full of sympathy for this big man.

Fortunately, Luo Biao was not fatal, and the crimes he committed could also be forgiven.

It's just that Zhao Jian broke Dou Fei's arm just now, and he was on bail. The impact was very bad. In the end, the court sentenced Zhao Jian to 2 years.

This is the verdict made by Huang Liying's team of lawyers and the judges' approval of Zhao Jian's behavior.

Qinger assisted Zhao Tian and watched Zhao Jian's sentence. The tears in the eyes of the old man and his wife finally made Zhao Jian feel fortunate that Luo Biao could not be killed.

When he comes out, he will definitely make up for his father and love his wife.

Prior to this, all he needed to do was to study well in prison and reform well.

Jiang Xiaohu passed the full version of "Sunday Judgment" to Zhao Jian.

He had been cut off from Qianchen's sins, Jiang Xiaohu was able to officially accept Zhao Jian's apprenticeship in the reception room of the detention center, and at the same time let him kneel to take the heavenly oath.

"I would like to worship Jiang Xiaohu as my teacher, and be careful to follow the rules of being too imminent, never betray, and if I violate my wishes, I will be punished by five thunders."

The police on guard even made fun of Zhao Jian stretching his thumb and index finger and swearing.

But it was not like a sudden thunder that shocked him.

This is in broad daylight, so thunder will explode.

And it happened that Zhao Jian just swore to finish.

This is when the oath of heaven is taken, because when the oath is taken, the body's aura needs to be stimulated, and the sky thunder is used to prove it.

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