The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1054 Four Women Gathering

As for feelings.

It's a bit difficult.

Jiang Xiaohu also wanted to show Zhou Lin, or several women around him who were obviously interested in him.

But some things can be done without thinking.

He has experienced a life span of five thousand years, and looking at these women is no different from looking at babies.

Their feelings are too simple, they stay together and never give up.

Jiang Xiaohu can do it, but it is difficult to respond.

Because feelings are very extravagant, you will want more if you get a little bit.When a hundred years pass, you will want forever.

Jiang Xiaohu even thought about it, otherwise, he left directly and let these women find their own happiness, maybe it would be a better ending.

"You are already."

The wine glass just put down, pick it up again.

Jiang Xiaohu took another sip to dilute the words that violated his heart.

Taoist priests are more demanding than immortals.

One of the most basic is the same level of cultivation.

Now that Jiang Xiaohu is cultivating in this world, his own improvement is even more difficult. He has customized a set of cultivation techniques for Zhou Lin and let them join the Dao together.

Not to mention whether Zhou Lin can achieve the right results, or even Jiang Xiaohu is not sure if he can't live for a hundred years.

He has the foundation, they don't.

"that's nice."

Zhou Lin's eyes were dim.

It seems that I understand what I am a little puzzled.

After the dinner for the two of them, Jiang Xiaohu unexpectedly got into Zhou Lin's car and did not choose to go back for the first time.

On weekdays, Zhou Lin would look for a driver, but today she plans to drive by herself.

Jiang Xiaohu was afraid of her accident and took the initiative to act as a driver.

In the co-pilot, Zhou Lin stroked her forehead, her decent clothes showed a sense of beauty.

Zhou Lin basically drank the bottle of wine. She discovered for the first time that there were people who really couldn't catch up with you.

The weirdest fact is that not only she, but even Yuan Yimeng, Deng Shuangshuang, and even Huang Liying have never made Jiang Xiaohu change.

The car steadily carried Zhou Lin back to Lanting Yawan.

Zhou Lin was very comfortable all the way.

She remembered the first time Jiang Xiaohu drove her with her. She wanted to follow Jiang Xiaohu for the rest of her life, but found that this request was difficult.

Zhou Lin drank, Jiang Xiaohu knocked on the door of Yuan Yimeng's house.

Seeing Zhou Lin's drunk drunk, Yuan Yimeng was also surprised.

Deng Shuangshuang was also in the room and came to help together. Jiang Xiaohu said that he could not stay. There were still patients in the hospital. After getting rid of their care, he left immediately.

Jiang Xiaohu did not intend to repeat the same dialogue.

He intends to stay in the hospital as much as possible for these two weeks, although he does the same on other days.

He has mastered all the medical professional books he can read through the study in the past few months. Next, he will try his best to carry out practical operations.

Two people were killed in the last serial car accident.

Jiang Xiaohu offered to donate the body to the patient's family. One of the family members agreed and left the body.

For this reason, Jiang Xiaohu also has a good learning object.

A certain independent ward in the morgue has become a place where Jiang Xiaohu often stays.

A certain aspect of the patient's body allowed Jiang Xiaohu to fully understand every corner of it.

It is a pity that this is a male.

Women's body structure is relatively slender, and there is no reference. Among them, it is difficult to control the intensity of the operation.


Lanting Yawan

"Hey, don't you, eat with my husband... Hey, I said, you have to vomit until you vomit on the floor! Both!"

Yuan Yimeng was going crazy.

Zhou Lin being drunk is a very strange thing in itself.

The president never drinks when he is working, business cooperation, stop.

Drinking like this is the first time.

"Here! Sister Zhou, what's wrong with you? Brother Tiger is going to divorce you?"

Deng Shuangshuang wore masks and gloves, and hurried over with a plastic trash can in his hand. The Zhou Lin's vomit left in it had not been cleaned, so he began to prepare for the second wave.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Hearing this, Yuan Yimeng thrilled.

After everyone got busy recently, I did meet very few.

But it is impossible for Jiang Xiaohu to love the new and dislike the old.

Among other things, every time Yuan Yimeng and Jiang Xiaohu have a meal, Yuan Yimeng is all kinds of provocative temptations, low-cut outfits, high heels fiddle with Jiang Xiaohu's trouser legs, wanting to ask for that all night.

When did Jiang Xiaohu pass?

Of course, this matter was also discussed by the sisters.

If you can succeed, it is also your own ability.Even Zhou Lin defaulted.

Unfortunately, it didn't work once.

As for Deng Shuangshuang, she hopes to cultivate feelings. She cooks dinner by herself and takes Jiang Xiaohu to the hospital garden to eat together.

"The scripts are all played like this. When the heroine vomits, it must be a man cheating!"

"Who hacked? I didn't succeed in this figure, who can hack me!"

Yuan Yimeng glared at Deng Shuangshuang.

Zhou Lin, who spit out two bites of acid on the side, laughed at Yuan Yimeng's chest-lifting action.

The corners of the mouth are quite unpleasant, but the smile is getting bigger and bigger.

It's very oozing.

"What's wrong? Really cheated? Who is it? That female doctor Yu?"

Yuan Yimeng couldn't believe what Zhou Lin looked like.

She all took the initiative to tell Jiang Xiaohu that she could go to open the house to avoid responsibility, but Jiang Xiaohu didn't go. If this really allows outsiders to give the first step, Yuan Yimeng will doubt whether her sexy value has dropped.

"How is it possible! That's Jiang Xiaohu."

Zhou Lin shook her head repeatedly.

Snoring fell on the sofa, and gradually became short of breath, then calmed down, and fell asleep like this.



Yuan Yimeng and Deng Shuangshuang looked at each other.

Zhou Lin suddenly heard the two talking about Jiang Xiaohu's sobriety, it must be related to Jiang Xiaohu.

The two took care of Zhou Lin comfortably, and then began to discuss Jiang Xiaohu's situation. They both suspected that it was Huang Liying, a female fairy.

After all, Yuan Yimeng who can PK has such a bumpy figure, only Huang Liying has this qualification.

A phone call hit Huang Liying's mobile phone at ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

Seeing the phone number, Huang Liying immediately connected.

"Huang Liying, did you goblin take Jiang Xiaohu?"

The phone is too good, the voice is too loud, Huang Liying is accompanying her father.

With the voice of these two girlfriends who have become best friends, they almost didn't throw the phone out the window in shock.


Huang Yingsheng looked at her daughter with a look of confusion.

"It's okay, Dad, the loan! Me, I'm on the Internet."

Huang Liying retreated awkwardly and quickly disappeared in front of Huang Yingsheng.

"Hey? Didn't you say that you cooked sweet soup?"

Huang Yingsheng greeted.

After a while, the housekeeper brought in the sugar water boiled by his daughter.

By the way, it was reported that Huang Liying was just calling and did not go out.

"What nonsense are you talking about! When did I do this kind of thing!"

Although Huang Liying wanted very much, she also had no chance.

Every time she came to invite Jiang Xiaohu, she always had to think of some excuses.

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