The alien species of the city arrives

1059 Solve Deng Shuangshuang first

Hurry up, passport.

When he heard that he might be going out soon, Deng Shuangshuang threw the big head doll to his feet anxiously.

Here, she finds it troublesome and hasn't done this yet.

In fact, it was an online operation, and it could be dragged to the present.Yuan Yimeng was a flight attendant before, and Huang Liying often had to go to other places to rehearse. Zhou Lin also went there not long ago.

All have passports

They just didn't. Everyone helped Shuangshuang make trouble together.

One by one, I thought it was better not to let her go to places like Luck with such a small head.

"Luck just released the news, there was another car bomb there. We..."

Applying for a passport, Deng Shuangshuang was messed up by a group of friends, and he ran to read the news on his cell phone.

Many of the above scenes and pictures are mosaics, but the indifferent pink squares are enough to make people scared, especially, like these few now.

"You said, let's go, will it become an oil bottle?"

Deng Shuangshuang expressed his thoughts in all worries.

The brains of a few women were hot, and the decisions they made were basically unreliable.

Deng Shuangshuang has seen such things a lot in the crew.

So why, the directors are all men, because women's overall outlook is always incomplete, and a man is needed to coordinate.

But they are going abroad this time, this kind of thing is not as simple as going to the supermarket clothing store downstairs.

"I didn't follow Jiang Xiaohu. I'm going to open a subsidiary and go to the local development and construction."

Zhou Lin raised her head and said that this decision had nothing to do with Jiang Xiaohu.

"Yes, I don't go to Lak, I go to Pullman."

Huang Liying also echoed.

"Why, you are going to find Jiang Xiaohu!"

Yuan Yimeng looked at the situation and found nothing to say.

"Then you go find it, I will go shopping with Liying."

In this sentence, Yuan Yimeng's original aura was completely absent, and the whole little wife who was afraid of being dumped had to follow her in such a lifeless manner. If there is no reason to follow, she must go together.

Yuan Yimeng, who has always seemed strong, suddenly came out like this.

The emotions of several women were suddenly depressed.

Yuan Yimeng is very smart. Deng Shuangshuang is a bit simple but not stupid.

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohu was going to such a far place, and he still told Zhou Lin, even Zhou Lin was going to follow.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaohu did not plan to tell them a few.

In other words, such a long time of company.

After waiting for such a long time, Jiang Xiaohu has already given a clear answer in his heart.

He even refused Zhou Lin, let alone them.

Sometimes, if you say women are stupid, they will become very smart again.

At this time, all the women understood what Yuan Yimeng meant, and they were depressed for a while.

Will there be results afterwards?

They didn't understand why they were attracted by Jiang Xiaohu.

"Where to go! Not anymore! Where is that, people all over the world can't hide in time! What are we going to do! Save the world and maintain world peace! Whoever you love, I won't go!"

Huang Liying threw her pillow.

Get up and leave.

She didn't understand why she played the pole like this.

And they didn't respond, but the shadow in Huang Liying's heart just lingered.

Between the two, except to save his father's life.

There is no friendship.

To be honest, she had paid this kindness long ago.

With Huang Liying's departure, everyone's mood was even lower.Zhou Lin did not speak, got up and went to the kitchen.

After a while, there was a sound of boiling water.

She is below.

After a busy day and making numerous arrangements, she was really hungry.

Jiang Xiaohu is on duty today and won't be back. Even if she gets there, she has to act on her own and not cause Jiang Xiaohu to trouble.She is a legal wife, no matter what other people do, no matter what Jiang Xiaohu thinks of her, Zhou Lin is determined to go.

Waiting for the next week.

Dinner every night.

During the meal, at Michelin, Zhou Lin informed Jiang Xiaohu that she would go overseas to develop business.

The next day, Deng Shuangshuang, who likes spicy dishes, served super spicy pork belly and told Jiang Xiaohu that he would go overseas to shoot commercials.

Then Yuan Yimeng, eating the light and fragrant white-cut chicken, chatted with Jiang Xiaohu, and said that he had never traveled before and planned to visit the world.

Huang Liying is the most direct, she wants to go shopping at Pullman.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't know what happened to these women after two days.

Obviously I made it clear, and now I have to follow them one by one.

Regardless of what Jiang Xiaohu said, their attitude was extremely determined. This decision gave Jiang Xiaohu one head and two big ones.

The women's determination came inexplicably.

The travel date is imminent, and the passports of Bai Fu and Deng Shuangshuang have also been processed in these two days.

He kept showing off in front of Jiang Xiaohu.

"Xiao Bai, you have to follow along, you can do it for me!"

These days, Jiang Xiaohu and the other girls said that they would not go too long and would return soon, but none of them listened to him.

Looking at Jiang Xiaohu, who was still in a big mouth, thought of a way.

"What's the matter, say!"



Jiang Xiaohu felt that he was inhumane.

"Deng Shuangshuang, do you know him, just the one two years older than you."

"She is older than me?!"

Bai Fu looked angry.

Others don’t know, don’t you know?Regarding the age of my grandmother, you may not be able to keep up with the ages of their grandmothers. How dare you arrange this girl like this!

"The fiercest one!"

Jiang Xiaohu was speechless.

When you chased Yu Bailing and called your sister, why didn't you think about age?

"Well, that girl movie. I know. Hey, let me tell you, I am called Miss Sister, that is a polite term. Don't take advantage of me in this matter. Speaking of, how old are you!"

"Five thousand three hundred and seventy-three years old"

"Brother, tell me, what do you want that doll!"

Well, you are big.

Bai Fu guessed Jiang Xiaohu's age, but he didn't expect it to be this old.

Bai Fu is also aware of Jiang Xiaohu's physical condition and belongs to a similar reincarnation technique.

It seems that his body is in his twenties. It can be achieved in such a thin aura space with Jiang Xiaohu's cultivation method. The future is boundless, that's for sure.

"She wants to follow us too, but you know, she is an ordinary person."

"So? You asked me to kill her?"

Bai Fu opened his big mouth, revealing two suddenly stretched fangs, sharp and glowing green.


Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand and just pumped.

What are you thinking about!

"I let you scare her, tell her that the place is dangerous, don't frighten and make peace with you!"

If it is so easy to kill, I will still use you!

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Bai Fu, this was the best deal.

When the time comes, she will land on the airport, and if she missed the first flight, she would definitely not dare to follow.

"Oh oh."

Bai Fu's little head lit.

Look seriously obedient.

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