He said that the patient could not wait for a price cut.

This is true, but it costs money.

The cost of treatment has not increased, but has decreased, and the financial deficit has made it impossible to recover funds.

Can't wait for this!

Yu Bailing is now almost asking government officials to inspect the work and report the actual situation of the hospital to the government.

My lord, there are people here who want to burn money!

There is another reason for being so excited. After learning about the terrible rate of burning money in the future, Zhou Lin and Yuan Yimeng calmed down a little bit. Instead of thinking about reducing expenditure, they were thinking about increasing income and how to earn more every month.

It's terrible, these two women, Jiang Xiaohu, what are they going to do!

If a family spends 100 million in three months, and will spend more in the future, it is already hopeless.

"Well, you can ask, the last investment conference, I had dinner with Mayor Yuan, if he can come this time, it would be great."

Zhou Lin nodded, seeming to agree with Yu Bailing's opinion.

"I will contact you about this matter. Mayor Yuan is very kind. He didn't agree to my godfather last time."

Yuan Yimeng said immediately, with a smile on his face.

Yu Bailing and Zhou Lin were all taken aback when they heard this, and then looked at Yuan Yimeng in surprise.

"What do you think, Yuan Shi looks like my dad for so long. My dad has been dead for so many years. When he suddenly saw it, he couldn't help but mention it. People didn't agree, and they sarcastically wanted to frame him."

Looking at the expressions of the two, Yuan Yimeng knew that they wanted to make a difference, and quickly explained.

"Not revenge?"

Zhou Lin nodded solemnly while thinking, and asked seriously.

"There is no hatred, right?"

Yu Bailing also stared at Yuan Yimeng with eyes wide open. She knew that the person in Yuan Yimeng's heart was Jiang Xiaohu, and wanted to see some clues.

"You two! Divorce!"

Yuan Yimeng stomped angrily, turned and left.

Last time at the China Merchants Conference, Yuan Yimeng went with Zhou Lin. When I saw Mayor Yuan, both of them had the surnames Yuan, and the appearance of each other really shocked Yuan Yimeng. In private, Yuan Yimeng I found Mayor Yuan and talked about it.

Later, it was very abrupt to think about it. Let alone others, she looked down at the beautiful figure in the evening dress she wore at the time and found it unreliable.

This time through the inspection, it is also easy to explain to others.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here, and I will go back to the company too, and feel free to contact me if necessary."

Zhou Lin and Yu Bailing looked at each other and smiled.

"it is good."

Yu Bailing nodded and agreed.

"By the way, what do you think of Jiang Xiaohu?"

As he was walking ahead, Yu Bailing saw him off, and Zhou Lin suddenly looked back and asked Yu Bailing for a moment.

"Very handsome and outstanding."

Yu Bailing replied subconsciously.

I realized that when I stood in front of my wife and judged her husband like this, it was very inappropriate and his face flushed.

"Well, I see. If one day you find that you are in love with someone, very very loving, remember to tell me."

Zhou Lin nodded with a smile in her eyes.

His eyes seemed to see everything through, making Zhou Lin's eyes dodge, only knowing that she nodded stupidly.

Waiting to raise her head, Zhou Lin had already walked out of the hospital.

I don't know why Zhou Lin talked about it suddenly, loving someone very, very much, and told Zhou Lin.

Although the two of them can be said to be the relationship between the boss and the employee in name, they have become friends and girlfriends who talk about everything after getting along for three months.

Just like last time, Zhao Jian's thing.

Everyone wanted to tell her that when it came to Jiang Xiaohu's ears, it was also intentional.

This is also a way that everyone accepts her.

Take a deep breath

What am I thinking!

Yu Bailing felt that she might be thinking too much.

While it is impossible for a woman to accept a friend to pursue her husband, she also defaults to adding another suitor.

Yu Bailing never understood the relationship between his friend and Jiang Xiaohu.

The hospital became nervous and busy.

The number of windows dealing with discharge procedures is increasing. This is the method that the three people thought about.

Since there are not enough hospital beds, let the severe patients stay and the mild patients go home first.

The doctor communicates with the patient.

This proposal was quickly accepted by everyone.

After all, the tension of the beds in Tailin Hospital is in everyone's eyes.

For many minor injuries with colds and fevers, everyone will queue up for medical treatment in an orderly manner, which greatly increases the efficiency of doctors' visits.

Although this approach still cannot completely solve the fundamental problem, at least many patients with minor illnesses will choose hospitals that are closer and more convenient when they see so many people in the hospital.

"Next person."

Jiang Xiaohu, who had been on the operating table for three days and three nights, spoke.

The patient who has just completed the operation is sent to the sterile ward for recuperation, and the next patient will be sent in immediately.

Jiang Xiaohu took advantage of this opportunity to add some glucose water.

Food is not allowed in the operating room for fear of bacteria.

Glucose is from the hospital, so you can open the bottle and drink it directly.With a pot of stomach, the body quickly absorbs, Jiang Xiaohu adjusts his physical condition, and at the same time picks up the next patient's data to watch, and check the already formulated surgical plan.

In fact, most of them are temporary decisions.

Through simple X-ray photos, CT and other inspections, the operation can be started directly.

"Dean Jiang, the next patient has been sent to Doctor Yu's operating room on the 3rd."

The nurse pushed open the door of the operating room, and the strong smell of disinfectant inside was lost.

This is an operation going on and the disinfection is synchronized. Jiang Xiaohu doesn't care about the disinfectant. After ten minutes, he will directly prepare for the next one.

"Then the next one."

"The other acute patients have also arranged their own surgeons. Dr. Yu asked me to tell the dean. For the next half day, they will stare. Let the dean rest."

The nurse looked at Jiang Xiaohu's clear eyes and left without waiting for a reply.

Now that the number of patients is increasing, the work of nurses is equally burdensome.

"I'll go with you."

Jiang Xiaohu heard this and knew that everyone would accommodate him.

He was not tired anyway, he took off his surgical gown, and took the dried glucose directly to the medical garbage recycling bin except for the operating room.

Following the nurse closely.

The nurse was surprised and asked the dean what else was going on.

"You treat me as a nurse, don't be the dean, just tell me wherever you are busy."



The nurse was really busy. She took Jiang Xiaohu directly to the head nurse.

The head nurse directly scolded Jiang Xiaohu for not making trouble here. Jiang Xiaohu refused, and the head nurse shouted directly.

Then go to the paramedic for first aid.

There are all men, heavy work and more tired.Busy people are too busy.

Jiang Xiaohu directly took off the surgical gown and threw it into the unified recycling vehicle, really walking towards the nursery job on the first floor.

"Head nurse, you are so domineering, you actually let the dean move things?"

There are too many people in the hospital. Food purchases should be moved down. Medical supplies should be moved down. Patients who cannot walk should be lifted and hugged. Male nurses are required to do all these things.

"Domineering shit, hurry up and work! Performance is undesirable!"

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