The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1099 Temporary Residence

Mu Ningshuang was responsible for making the first adobe, while Aroline and Livio helped her to reinforce it, and then the girls came to help.Their job is also very simple, that is, move those tree trunks over so that Mu Ningshuang can use magic to wrap them.

It took almost an hour to cooperate in this way, and they finally completed all the tasks, at least the city wall was made.

"Huh... this should be the end."

Hua Yueling and the others also helped. After finishing the work, they took a few steps back and looked around. Although the walls were a bit rudimentary, they were still good. At least they were made in such a short time. If you need to reinforce it, it will be the next thing. There is no need to consider these now.

"Okay, let's rest for a while and restore my magic power."

Mu Ningshuang's own magic power was definitely not enough to support the creation of a soil wall for such a long time, but after that she used the potion to recover it several times, otherwise there would be no way to finish it in one go.


Mu Ningshuang was also exhausted enough. After coming down, Hua Yueling had already brought her stools. In addition, Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong had also brought a few stools and placed them under the wall, asking them to sit down for a while.

Aroline and Livello didn't have any problems. Although they were busy for a long time, they basically didn't consume much, and they were in good condition.

Mu Ningshuang is really tired. After sitting on the chair, she still breathes hard, her face is a little pale, not only because of matching, but the most important thing is that she consumes too much magic power, although she still uses magic potion Replenishing magic power, but even this is still not enough.

"Lie down and rest for a while."

Seeing her look tired, Arolin looked like she was about to lie down, so she took out a bed from the space.I don't know when she took this bed, put it on the ground, and let Mu Ningshuang lie on it.

Mu Ningshuang did not refuse, although many people around looked shy, but fortunately she didn't care about it. After lying down, she closed her eyes and rested. She soon heard her steady breathing. Fell asleep directly.

"It seems that this kind of magic consumes more to her than she imagined. She hasn't fully mastered it yet."

Aroline looked at her pretty face in her sleep and said.I originally wanted to complete all the buildings today. Now it seems that it’s impossible to rely on Mu Ningshuang. If they want to complete it, they will have to take action. With the strength that Mu Ningshuang has shown, they have built it. A house is probably unbearable.

But this can't blame her, after all, this kind of thing can be done as easily as imagined, if that's the case, Gokala and Rafia don't have to worry about it.

"At that moment, sister and I will come, let Xiao Ningshuang rest first, and then let her come when she is rested."

No one knows how long Mu Ningshuang will rest, but they can still do something before that. If there is not enough time, they can only do it by themselves, not just thinking about letting Mu Ningshuang come.

In fact, if they want to make it by themselves, it is not only better than Mu Ningshuang, but also faster, but they also did it to train Mu Ningshuang. Now they need to see if Mu Ningshuang can do it. , If not, they can only come by themselves.

The girls on the other side still want to do something, but at least there is nothing they need to do right now.What I want to say is to tidy up the newly constructed wall, and add a new gate to this wall.But now they don't have ready-made products to use, so they have to make them by hand.

These girls are hunters, not carpenters, and they don't know what to do about making the gate.Asking for help looked at Gokala and Rafia, but even if they looked at them, it was of no use. They didn't have much research on carpenters, so they didn't have any ideas on how to get them.

"Would you like to remove the inner door first and install it outside?"

Rafia turned her head and looked around. When she noticed the door on the inner wall, she came up with such a way.

"No, you have to keep the door inside. Maybe they have a way, they should ask about it later."

Gokala rejected her idea, and after that he focused on other things instead of spending time on it.

"Some of you go back, two or three people in a team, go to the wall to be on guard. Reporter point, not only need to pay attention to the situation outside the realm, but also inside the village, remember?"


There are not too many girls who take the initiative to stand up. Everyone doesn't seem to like just standing there on guard, but there are still some girls who take the initiative to stand up and take on this task when there is no one.

The number of six girls is still less, and Gokala is not satisfied, and glances at the girls in front of him.The remaining girls are better.The number of those who took the initiative to stand up this time plus the girls who were sent on duty before adds up to only eleven, which is still too few.

Gokala called them not only to make them stand guard on the wall, but also to set up a patrol team to keep an eye on the movements in the village. This is also to prevent some things from happening.Don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, it is better to be fully prepared for the sake of insurance, so as to save time when you are in a hurry.

The rest of the girls, look at me and I look at you. Although they said that, a few still stood up.Gradually, perhaps because of the influence of these people, everyone no longer hesitates, but is willing to stand up.

But Gokara doesn't need that many people. After choosing a sufficient number, there are fifteen people in total, plus the ones guarded in the village before, making a total of twenty.

After taking them into the village, she asked five of them to guard on the wall, but the five were to stand in different places.Even so, for the sake of safety, she still let them stand closer to each other, so that they can take care of each other in time even if there is any danger.

The remaining individuals were formed by her into two patrol teams, both teams are led by a relatively strong old hunter, responsible for patrolling the village.

It's no wonder that Gekara is so careful. After all, this is their first stronghold. Naturally, they can't be too careless, they need to be careful and protected.If there is no way to manage it well, how can we manage a bigger place?

After doing all this, she returned to the outside, and at this time Livio and Aroline stopped resting, but started to build a house.Their movements are much faster than Mu Ningshuang. In almost ten minutes, a house was built easily. The area is small and the interior is relatively simple, but there is no problem with sheltering from wind and rain.

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