Had an underground meal that couldn't be said to be a sumptuous dinner. This was the simplest meal Hua Yueling and the others had eaten in so long.The main reason is that there are not so many underground resources, so even if it is to entertain them, the food is actually not particularly rich. It is simple and enough to eat.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't really have any opinions, and in fact, Aroline brought a lot of food, and some of them were taken out during dinner, which made the meal more abundant.

Rianne and the others didn't expect that Aroline would take it with them. The people on their side were a little surprised, and they were all tempted to see what Aroline took out and wanted to taste.Only Rianne glared at the girls, telling them not to be embarrassed here.

"It's okay. If you want to eat, just eat. I have a lot more here. In addition, we can help you solve your food problem when you turn back, so you don't have to worry about it then."

Aroline didn't know what she was thinking, so she told her about it at this time, and she naturally received a lot of thanks from Rianne.Gokala looked at it strangely. Originally, Aroline meant that she was not going to intervene in this matter. Why did she seem to have changed her mind now?

But she didn't know what Aroline thought, whether she really changed her mind, or she just talked about it, in the end she had to make preparations by herself.But it doesn't matter anyway, even if she just talks, it can only be like this, and it is impossible for Gekara to blame her for this, how can she do that kind of thing.

In this way, it can be regarded as a relief for Rianne and the others.Then Aroline pushed the food she had brought over to let Rianne and the others taste it.

After saying thank you, Leanne took the snack with the packaging bag. She had never eaten a snack of this kind. She was a little curious, but she was amazed.

As for the girls, they started to gobble up after taking it over, forgetting everything else. If it hadn't been for Rianne to remind them that they should say thank you, they would have left this behind.

It was a pleasure to have dinner, especially when there was another thing that I had been worried about for a while, and Rianne kept expressing her gratitude to Aroline and Gokara.

"This is what should be done, everyone is for the same goal, if I can do something, I will naturally do something."

Gokala said so.

After eating, they walked outside again, but the scenery here is not very good, so it is actually easy to get bored.The same is true for Hua Yueling and the others. After all, they only turned once in the afternoon, and now even if they turn again, there is no beautiful natural scenery or anything worth seeing.

After moving their bodies, they returned to their respective rooms.Among them, Gekara was the first to go back, and after walking outside for a while, she said she was going back to the room. She also spent a lot of effort to recall the two artifacts, but it seems that there is no progress so far.

Hua Yueling and the others were a little later, and it was already late after returning to the room.The room is darker as it is during the day. In fact, the words to be said are better. The light of the special magic props seems to be adjusted to be brighter, so the room is still quite bright, but with the earth There is no way to compare.

Hua Yueling and the others are not used to going to bed so early, but people in another world usually live like this, just like ancient people, they go out early and return late.At night, there seems to be nothing to do. Unlike modern people on earth, there are various interesting activities even at night.

Since it was still early and they couldn't sleep, they gathered together and took out the game console to play the game.Since Gekara still had important things to do, she was not called to her.

Hua Yueling and the others are equipped with a game console, so there is no need to worry about the shortage.But the only regret is that there is no TV here, so there is no way to output it through the TV, and the screen is slightly smaller.

Fortunately, this is not a problem. After all, they are actually online games played by several people. In this case, a large screen seems to be of no use.

Not long after they came back, they heard a knock on the door. Hua Yueling and the others were a little confused, not knowing what to do with them at this time.

Hua Yueling went to the door to open the door, and saw the girl who had been arranged by Leanne to send them over was standing at the door with a tray in her hand. On the tray were steaming tea cups.

"My lord asked me to bring some drinks, please taste them."


Hua Yueling said that she would take the tray from her hand, but the girl still walked in with the tray.

"It's better for me, don't bother you."

After entering, she put the tray on a cabinet, and then she picked up the cups and sent them to everyone.

"Hey, what is this?"

The girl saw Hua Yueling's game and stared at the screen in surprise from ear to ear.Naturally, there would be no game consoles here, and it was the first time she saw such a magical thing.

After staring at it, she couldn't understand what it was, so she asked Hua Yueling them.

"This is something from our side, similar to the game you played when you were young."


The girl had a question on her face. She even forgot what she brought them to drink. She stood there watching them playing, completely attracted by the vivid images on the screen.

Not only the game itself, this way of presentation is basically unseen.There is no such magic equipment here, and there are still some differences in this respect from the different world that Ze Lucy is in.

"Come on, do you want to try it?"

After Hua Yueling came back, seeing her standing aside and watching, she pointed to her position and asked.Before he went to open the door, so he said that the role he controlled had long been solved, and he didn't know who did it.

"Can you? This, this is not good, let's forget it, I have to go back quickly, otherwise I will be scolded again."

The girl said so, but the movements of her body directly betrayed her. She stood motionless and didn't seem to be leaving at all.Everyone could tell that she was wrong. Maybe she knew that she was a little bit bad. A blush floated across the girl's face and she was a little shy.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, isn't there nothing important right now? It won't be delayed for a while early and later, try it."

People are obviously looking forward to it, Hua Yueling naturally can't say that rushing people back is not, so she pointed to her seat and said.

"This, is this really okay?"

The girl still hesitated.

"No problem, it's not a big deal, try it."

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