Hua Yueling and the others managed to solve a problem and obtained enough materials to prepare for the next goal.Gekara and Rianne are still in the process of moving, their speed is not as fast as Hua Yueling and the others, they are moving forward without stopping along the way.

They are not slow, but compared to Hua Yueling, they are still very slow.

But there is no way, after all, Hua Yueling and the others have Aroline there, so they can directly teleport, but they can't.They also want to be able to go to other places so easily, but they obviously can't do it. Such transmission requires more than strength.

The two people are actually quite boring along the way, after all, they are just on the way, and there is nothing else they can do.And the target distance is still quite far, it still takes some time to pass.

Maybe it only takes a few days for Hua Yueling and the others to collect all the materials, but they only have to hurry here for more than a few days.

Rianne said that she told her to go down and tell those who were outside to collect information, but it would be a few days before those people got the news, and it took a lot of time.

Along the way, they walked on a green grassland. The environment here is still good. After crossing this grassland, they will reach the plain, and there is their first goal—a special material.

At their current speed, even if they don't rest at night, it will take several days, not to mention that they can't not rest at all.

In fact, there is no problem even if the two people are separated, but Gokara is still somewhat uneasy, otherwise they will separate faster.

After Hua Yueling and the others collected a material, they returned to Alorin's side and sat down again to rest.

"Is it all collected?"

"Well, I collected enough this time." Hua Yueling said after taking out all the materials.

"Let's go to the next place in a while. But don't send it directly this time. Let's take a walk. The environment here is still pretty good."

"It's also pretty good, it's good to just go for a while."

Hua Yun nodded and said without any comments.

"Then go for a while."

They drank a can of drinks again, but afterwards they still drank some water, which was somewhat consumed after all.After a short rest, they got up and set off again.

Along the road pointed by Aroline, over the mountains, until they came to a plain.There was a gentle wind blowing on the plain, stroking his face.A dirt trail appeared in front of them, and they walked all the way to the road, along the road to the next goal.

Although the road ahead is quieter, perhaps a bit boring, but it is quite lively when there are many people.They walked like this, and no one was seen on the road.

Hua Yueling looked left and right, looking into the distance, what I was going to say here was actually not a scene, there was a deserted scene everywhere.The mountains may be better, but it is difficult to see plants on the plains.

The road is flat, and although there are some stumbling points, it is quite easy to walk.

Step on those rocks or dirt, and in some places there are some dirt pits.On the road, you can see some of the ruts left by vehicles passing by. These ruts are very deep, and it seems that many vehicles have passed by here.

Horse-drawn carriages are the most common means of transportation in the world. People basically use this means of transportation when they go out. Otherwise, they are riding horses or walking.Hua Yueling and the others come from modern society. They have only seen horses in pictures, but have never seen the real ones.

But there is no horse here. The road is very quiet. No people or creatures can be seen everywhere. It's boring to walk like this.

It was a walk, they just walked forward.Hua Yueling didn't even know where her destination was, and she couldn't see the end no matter how she looked.

I don't know how long it will take to walk in this way to reach the destination, but anyway, it is only a temporary walk, not really going on like this.Otherwise, they don't know how much time they spend here.

Looking ahead, the road stretches forward. The roads here are very different from those on the earth. The roads that people have repaired can be seen everywhere on the earth, but people stepped out here, and there is no repair. Mark of.Maybe it's because of the distance or something, maybe no one here takes this to heart.

"It doesn't seem to have changed at all."

After walking for almost ten minutes, the surrounding scenery has not changed, it is still the same.The plains are bare and you can rarely see the greenery, and next to them are the towering mountains, which are endless, and there is almost no possibility of breaking off.

Although there is some greenery on the mountain, it is only a few signs, and it gives people some surprises, but it is not enough to make people feel happy. It is hard to say that it is a natural beauty.

It's actually quite nice to be able to see some different scenery. Hua Yueling and the others browsed the scenery here without hurriedly walking slowly.

It is difficult to see the traces of biological activity on the mountain. It seems that the creatures here are hiding like a rock mountain dragon, and they will not come out if they are not touched at close range.

No matter how you look at it, it is the same, similar sceneries emerge one after another, like a film or image that is repeated continuously.It looks the same.

"Sister Aroline, how far is the next place we are going?"

Hua Yueling asked Aroline.

"It's still a long way. If you walk past, it will take ten and a half days."

"Ten days and half a month?"

Hua Yueling feels that ten days and a half months is a bit too long. Although the time here is quite different from that on Earth, after ten days and a half months have passed here, they are also wasting a lot of time. .

At least Hua Yueling didn't want to spend her time walking, and there were still many important things to do.Besides, they are here to help, not to live here all the time. On the other side of the earth, they still have to pay attention.

They were originally going to go back, and if they hadn't had something to do now, they would have gone home.After all, there is nothing important for the time being, and they can't help much.

"If only there are a few horses, we can also ride horses. I have never ridden a horse before. I really want to try it."

Lu Yuetong stared at the horseshoe prints on the ground, and looked at the rut prints covering it.

"It's not that difficult to get a few horses, it's easy, can you ride them?"

"will not."

Hua Yueling and the others know that what Sister Alorin said is true, but they really don't know how to ride a horse.

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