As I walked inward, the sound of iron picks mining became louder and more messy. Just listening to the continuous sound knew how tired those working people were.

Some of their complaints could be heard, but it was only a sentence or two, and then they closed their mouths, as if they were afraid of being heard by someone.

They are very timid.

Walking along the passage, there is only one road here, a road leading inside to a deeper place.The road has no end, twists and turns.

But they didn't meet anyone outside, they still saw people in the depths.

As for the ore to be searched, no more have been found. It seems that there are few outside, and basically nothing is found.Hua Yueling and the others have also searched carefully, but the outside seems to have been hollowed out.

Is there anything else?After careful investigations left and right, nothing was found.

After walking a distance deeper, the road began to go down, and the sound came from below.After going down the slope, they reached the depths below, reached the bottom of the slope, and continued along the winding road.

"The road here is quite long, and why is it so troublesome?"

Hua Yueling looked at the road inside, thinking with some confusion.But fortunately, the voice became clearer and clearer, and it was about to reach the point where it rang from around, which meant that they had almost reached their destination.

After turning a detour, they reached a slope again, and down this slope, they could clearly hear the sound of mining from below, which meant that the materials they needed should be found below.

"Basically, there is nothing on this road. It seems that the minerals outside have been mined. We'd better go to the deepest point if we look for it. If there is no one, we can mine directly, but if there is someone, we have to wait and see. See when they rest."

A few people went down to the deepest point, and as expected, below is the place where the workers are working.And here is different from the above, the ore they saw before can be seen everywhere, big and small, but the quantity is not a lot.I don't know how much they need.

"Sister Aroline, how much do we want to collect, a lot?"

"It's not too much, just a few dozen yuan is enough. But we still need to be careful about it. It seems that this kind of ore is special and needs to be preserved in a special way."

"It looks like that."

Hua Yueling looked at the ore stuff on both sides of the road and said.

"But we can use these devices directly, anyway, there are so many here, if you use some, there should be no problem."


A few people just started collecting to see if it could be done, and then continued to walk inside.Looking into the distance, there is still a long road at the end of the road, so I don't know how long it will take to reach the end.

Looking at the appearance of those people at work, everyone seemed to be very tired.But none of them dared to stop, not even a short break.I don't know why, I was sweating all over my body, but the action didn't stop.


The sound of footsteps rang from a distance, just by listening to the steady footsteps, I knew that it was definitely not easy to come.Hua Yueling and the others glanced at each other, and immediately speeded up their pace and walked forward. They wanted to see who the person was.

I didn't go far and saw the person coming. This person looked relatively ordinary and seemed to be an ordinary patrol soldier, but the aura exuding from his body showed that this was not the case.He is a strong person, and his strength is not weak.

Hua Yueling stared at his figure and saw that he was holding a whip in his hand. There was still blood on the whip, which seemed to have been used not long ago.

"It's cruel."

Hua Yun stared at the whip for a while and said softly.

"He should be the inspector here. We just need to avoid him and ignore him."

Arolin said, she continued to walk forward, walked directly beside the person, and passed easily.Hua Yueling and the others all walked over and were not found.Walking in this way, along this road, they found that there are really a lot of people on this road, but the more people go inside, the fewer people.

There are still dozens of people outside, but there are only a few inside.There seems to be no one walking inside, which is a good thing for them.

"Look inside again, maybe you can find a place where there is no one."

Aroline said.

It didn't take long for them to finally reach the deepest point.The deepest part is a dead end, but judging from the traces on the wall, there seems to be room to expand inside.But these have nothing to do with Hua Yueling and the others, and they don't need to care about these, as long as they collect materials.

"Okay, just collect it like this."

There are no tools for mining minerals on both sides of the road, and there is no thing for placing materials, which brings them a lot of trouble.

"What, do you want to get some?"

"I've observed it before, but it's not easy to get it. Let's look at the map first. Let me see if Gokala has left any useful hints. If it doesn't work, please contact him and ask."

Arolin said, took out the map and looked at the marks on it. It was not much worse than in the memory. No special marks were made on it. It seemed that there was nothing worth noting, as long as it was collected.

"I'd better contact Gokara."

Arolin said, she began to contact Gekara, and soon there was a message back.Aroline asked about the material they were looking for, and the answer was similar to what they thought. The ore is a very special ore and needs to be stored in a special way.

The reason why I didn't say it before was because I forgot. Gokara also said that there are still several special materials that need to be collected by special methods.But for the time being, Gekara hasn't remembered it yet, so tell them when he remembers.

After understanding, Aroline stopped asking, turned off the communication tool, and then told Hua Yueling and the others what she had learned.

"In other words, we have to find a way to get the tools. Let me go and take a look. Sister Aroline, wait here for a while, and I will be back when I go."

Hua Yueling said actively.Then, without waiting for them to say anything, he ran back, all the way back, and soon he returned to the place where the miners were. The box for the found packing materials.

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