Just as no one thought that there would be such a deep and bottomless hidden cave hidden in this desert, no one would have thought that there would be a deep cave beneath this.

Hua Yueling stepped on the ground with both feet, and the sand covered his feet, making it a little uncomfortable to step on it.However, he did not move immediately, but stood still and watched the surroundings.There is no light in such a deep place, no torches, and no lighting facilities. This is a dark area. It is really difficult to find something here.

If there are monsters here, fighting is also a troublesome thing. Without any light, fighting is no small challenge.I don't know what the space is, whether it's wide or narrow.

It was dark, Hua Yueling was not accustomed to activities in such a place, he did not like such a dark place, he likes activities in a place full of light.He likes light.

"Fortunately, I took a flashlight before I came, otherwise I can't move forward at all."

Hua Yueling muttered in a low voice.Although the exploration skills can also help him, it still feels better to use that kind of skills than to see something directly.

Hua Yueling himself thought so, so he took out the flashlight directly from the inventory, and the light beam that came out after turning it on immediately illuminated the entire space especially bright.

"This is the way forward."

I found the way to the inside, and the light of the flashlight shone in, shining far away. The road to the inside was not paved with sand, but an ordinary earth-rock road.Hua Yueling stepped on the road, the road was very hard, and there was no problem walking.

There was no enemy in the depths, and it was relatively quiet.To say that the only sound that can be heard is the sound of sand falling behind him.

Hearing this sound and the sound of her own footsteps, Hua Yueling walked forward very carefully.He didn't care, he still kept on guard and moved forward.

Although I haven't seen the enemy yet, it doesn't mean that there are no enemies here. The more you are in this place, the more you have to be careful.No one knows what will appear here after such a long time. If it is careless, it will definitely suffer a lot.

In addition, now he is the only one, no one can help him, so he has to be more cautious, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"It seems that there is nothing. But there are materials hidden in such a place."

If you want to say, Gekara knows this place is the most powerful, no wonder she has such a strong strength.

Hua Yueling walked forward slowly, not fast, or even very slow.Walking along this road with no end, a few minutes later, Hua Yueling came to a corner.He stopped a few steps away from the corner, listening to the movement inside.

"It seems there is nothing..."

Just listening to what was happening, there was nothing, but Hua Yueling still didn't dare to be careless, and walked forward without it, but cautiously reached the corner, and then slowly poked her head out.


Not far from turning around, there was a monster made of yellow sand. The entire body surface was made of sand. The sand was constantly flowing, flowing to the ground, and then regrouping to form its body.

"It looks like it won't die even if you break it up. Is it a monster that can't die? Or do you have to attack a special place?"

A lot of yellow sand was scattered, piled up under its feet, almost buried its feet underneath.Hua Yueling hid in the corner and secretly observed the monster formed by the yellow sand. The body of this monster looked almost like nothing, and he didn't know what the body under the yellow sand looked like.


Hua Yueling was not in a hurry to attack, but was observing, he was not in a hurry, he still needed to look again.

"Where are the weaknesses, weaknesses?"

The yellow sand monster is facing this side, if its weakness is not on the front, it may be on the back.At least now Hua Yueling hasn't found the weakness of its body. If it is positive, there is no other noteworthy place except its eyes. That kind of place may be a weakness, but it is difficult to hit it.

But it's just a little bit, but Hua Yueling is still ready to take a look again, only after confirming it can he start.

"If you don't go out, you can't see what's going on behind it."

After observing all the places, Hua Yueling decided to take action, and a two-handed sword appeared in his hand.This weapon was previously purchased in another world. Although it is just an ordinary two-handed sword without any enchantments, it has only been forged and upgraded, but its power is also quite good, and it is still very good when facing multiple enemies. The role of.

The hidden place jumped out, the enemy also reacted, watching him, and slowly moving over.At this time, Hua Yueling found that the enemy's movement speed was really slow to death, it was like a snail crawling, just like that slowly.

"In this case, there is nothing to worry about."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart and quickly walked around behind the enemy.


The sky full of yellow sand grabbed from the enemy's feet like a big moving hand. Fortunately, Hua Yueling was still on guard when passing by, and did not completely give up his guard, otherwise it would be enough to hit him by surprise.

"Thanks to my defense."

The speed under Hua Huayueling's feet was fast, and the sand slowed his speed, but he was still able to avoid the big hand formed by the grabbed sand fast enough.

Sha Shou was about one-third the size of him, so he grabbed it.He caught it straight from where he was just now, and caught it on the ground.

Without catching the target, the sand hand was scattered on the ground, and the sand under the sand monster’s feet was also missing, revealing that its pair was almost merged together, like a sand sculpture. It doesn’t look like a movable pair. foot.

"Be careful."

It is not clear whether the opponent has any means of attack, Hua Yueling guards the surroundings while moving behind the enemy.

"Um... No, just attack it directly, and disperse all its body directly, then there should be no problem."

It's okay to just rush inside, but Hua Yueling still wants to get rid of the monster before moving forward, so there is no need to worry about the back.Otherwise, you will have to worry about your back when you face the enemy in front of you again. In that case, you will not be able to exert your full strength, and you will be a little more troublesome in fighting.

It is difficult to move on the sandy ground, Hua Yueling quickened his pace, and almost sank directly with his toes.Pulled out the foot forcefully from the leg, and then Hua Yueling collected some strength, the speed was not so fast, but it was still much faster than the enemy.

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