The remaining scorpion monsters weren't able to cause much threat from Hua Yueling, and he easily solved it.


Huayueling breathed a sigh of relief and scanned the place again. Yellow sand was piled up everywhere, and the corpses of some scorpion monsters existed nearby, but the first killed was also "covered" at this time. The thin yellow sand is almost buried to the end, which is quite easy, and there is no need to prepare a grave.

"There is nothing else, and there is nothing useful here."

After the move, he couldn't find anything useful. Hua Yueling didn't stay here any longer, but walked toward the road inside.But after only two steps, he heard a faint shout from above, a sound he was familiar with at that time.

"Huh? Sister Yun?"

Hua Yueling didn't expect to hear her voice in this way here. If they thought about it this way, they should have followed them here, right at the top of this big pit.It's really unexpected.

"Sister Yun!"

Hua Yueling also yelled out with all his strength. I don’t know if this voice can reach the top, but it may be able to reach the deep and deep part of the channel. By then, sister Yun and their response have not yet arrived. Well, the monster inside came out first.

But Hua Yueling currently doesn't have time to think about this. What he wants now is to talk to Sister Yun and the others first to know what they are going to do.

After waiting for a while, there was a response voice from above, but the voice was not very clear. Although Sister Yun and the others should have responded with a loud voice, it was still difficult to hear clearly, especially It was when the words were so long.

"No way, I can't hear you clearly!"

Hua Yueling responded loudly, he had worked very hard to listen, but it still didn't work.There is no way but to use the tools they use for long-distance communication.

As soon as the tool was taken out, I saw it reacted, and it seemed that Sister Yun and the others had the same idea as him.

"Xiao Ling, we are right above where you are. There is a big pothole here, and Aroline said that we can go down here."

"Hey, wouldn’t it be dangerous? It’s in a deep place, and sand is flowing down all around, so the rope can’t be pinned. Besides, if that’s the case, it’s better to come down in front. There is no need. It’s more troublesome to have to come from this place. When you come down, you have to fall into the sand."

"It doesn't matter, Aroline said she has a way, she doesn't have to climb down like that."

Hua Yun's words left Hua Yueling speechless, he had forgotten Sister Aroline's abilities quickly, if she said there must be a way.Hua Yueling didn't doubt this, but didn't know what Sister Aroline would do.

"All right, Sister Aroline has a way? Then am I waiting here?"

Hua Yueling asked.

"Well, it's fine for a while, don't wait too long."

After finishing talking, Hua Yun hung up the call, Hua Yueling stepped back a few steps, got out of the way, and then tried to look up.A lot of dust and sand fell on it, all of which fell on him, and when he raised his head, it also fell into his eyes.


Hua Yueling was worried that the sand would fall into her eyes when she raised her head, but she still couldn't hide it.He shook his head vigorously, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and rubbed the sand out.

"So uncomfortable..."

After finally rubbing the sand out of her eyes, Hua Yueling immediately lowered her head, staring at the sand accumulated on the ground, and did not look up.

"I don't know what method Sister Aroline will use, or just send it over?"

Sister Alorin naturally has many methods, no matter whether it is teleportation or other methods, there is no problem, but Hua Yueling is not quite clear, so wait and see, it will be clear after a while.

In the environment of yellow sand, Hua Yueling waited motionlessly.

Seeing so much yellow sand in this space, Hua Yueling was a little confused, and she didn't know why the yellow sand here didn't accumulate for so long, and it still looks like this.

"It's strange. If this place existed from a very early time, it would have been flooded by yellow sand after so many years. Can't it be like this?"

Hua Yueling was strange, but he couldn't think of why.Why is it like this? Very strange.This reason may be important, or it may be of no use.

As he was thinking, a ray of light flashed in front of him, and then Aroline brought Huayun and the others appeared in front of him.

"Sister Aroline, did you send it here?"

Hua Yueling asked when they saw them coming.

"Well, this place is good. There is nothing blocking it. It is quite easy to teleport in. But even though it is such a big place, no one can believe that there is such a large space underneath."

"Yeah, I didn't think about it either. But it's much easier. Otherwise, I don't know how much time it takes to go back and forth. I'm almost tired when I climb down from above, but I can't rest on the way. I can only endure it to the lowest level. I have really worked hard to hide this place."

"These are all Xiao Yueling you killed?"

"Well, it's all monsters. There is one outside, but I haven't found anything worthy of note so far. That kind of thing may be hidden deeper."

"Then go ahead."

After chatting with Hua Yun and the others, Hua Yueling and the others continued to move forward.Walking along the road and entering the passage inside, Hua Yueling immediately shook her body, throwing out all the dust that fell on her body.But even so, I still feel a little uncomfortable. I can't take a shower or change clothes now. I can only endure it first.

Walked into a slender passage, after a short period of time, a mechanism blocked their way.

There is a small button on the ground, which is difficult to find without careful observation.However, Hua Yueling and the others are meticulous, and it is naturally impossible to hide them from an organization of this level.

"There are well-designed holes on both sides. It seems that there is the place where the organ is located."

The switch is under your feet. If you accidentally step on it, you will probably be shot into a sieve if you fail to respond.Fortunately, they found the mechanism and walked directly from above, easily.

Continue to walk inside. The passage is very quiet, but the sound of sand falling from both sides can still be heard. I don't know how it is designed. It's strange.

This sound is not unpleasant, but it is a bit annoying.

"It looks like there is still space on both sides, I don't know if I need to explore."

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