Exploring this place is more difficult than imagined. This was something Hua Yueling and the others could not imagine.I thought it was just a place similar to the mine I've been to before, but it turned out to be much more complicated here.Although the journey is not necessarily longer, there are more places to explore here, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for, which is very annoying.

Hua Yueling and the others came to the end along the passage, and looked outside, there was an empty area outside with nothing.

Several people walked out and arrived in this area, Hua Yueling immediately noticed the danger, and hurriedly said aloud "Danger!"

Almost a few people evaded subconsciously. At the moment when they evaded, a huge body fell from above. Hua Yueling and the others did not even see what it was, they saw a huge claw grabbing it. Come down.The dust covered the enemy's body, and after Hua Yueling and the others avoided it, there was still no way to see exactly what kind of enemy they were facing.

"There is such a monster here, it seems that it should be here. As long as we defeat it, we should be able to get what we want."

"Don't worry about anything else, just beat it."

Aroline said from the side.After speaking, she flashed away and didn't know where she went, but Hua Yueling was not surprised. After all, Sister Aroline would not help them fight. In that case, fighting would be meaningless. It was simply a one-sided battle. Now they still need to deal with this terrible monster.

Before the dust had dispersed, he saw the monster's claws attacking with the sound of the wind. Hua Yueling was taken aback. He still hadn't seen the enemy's attack clearly.But now is not the time to take care of this, he must avoid it.

Hua Yueling leaped high, and jumped in the direction where the monster's arm was swept. Fortunately, the monster's arm was not as big as its body, Hua Yueling still easily avoided it.He was still a little worried about his sisters, but they shouldn't be a problem after thinking about them.

After the monster attacked for a round, Hua Yueling rushed forward immediately after taking out his hands to build it.He rushed to the monster, waved his two-handed sword and cut it down.

The two-handed sword slashed to the monster's body, accompanied by a heavy sound, Hua Yueling felt a little pain in his hand for a while, and his face was a bit stunned. He didn't expect this monster to have such a hard shell.

He immediately jumped a step back, and then his face changed, and he speeded up and hid behind.

Just dodging, there was a gust of wind blowing in front of him, which was caused by the monster's long tail sweeping by.

"It's hanging, almost!"

Hua Yueling breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the amount of dust falling in the air was also much less, allowing him to clearly see the state of the monster.The real body of the monster appeared in front of her eyes, and Hua Yueling found that the monster in the center was a big scorpion, but the body of this scorpion was like steel, and the part that was hit by him had only a little scar. , And nothing else.

"It turned out to be a steel scorpion?!"

Hua Yueling thought with surprise. In this case, the damage that can be done with the two-handed sword seemed to be insufficient. Although he did not try his best to attack, the damage was limited.

"Moreover, the defensive power of this scorpion is too strong, it is not easy to break through its defense."

The defensive power of this scorpion was stronger than he had imagined. A sudden attack with a two-handed sword could not even cause damage, which was a bit too exaggerated.

"Is it still a weak point of attack? Its eyes, if they don't work anymore, they can only change their weapons."

Hua Yueling waved his left arm, staring at the enemy and thinking.

The monster's attack speed is not fast, but the movement is extremely large. After all, its body is so huge that it can support two of him. This is understandable, but it will cause difficulty in combat.Hua Yueling didn't care too much, it would be better if the battle was more difficult, which could enhance his combat experience.

"Sister Yun, you should also be careful, it is not so easy to deal with, it has a strong defense force, and the attack is not easy to break!"

Hua Yun's response sounded in the distance, and the three of them didn't seem to be together, and they were separated. This is just right. If they were together, it would not be easy to fight.

The scattered yellow sand dissipated a lot, and everything became clear. Hua Yueling could clearly see the monster's figure and actions now, which made him a lot easier.

Looking at the monster's movements from a distance, perhaps because it had attacked it before, the scorpion monster turned and faced him at this time, and the terrifying spikes pierced towards him.

Hua Yueling leaped to the side, easily avoided, and the scattered dust "pounced" towards him.Hua Yueling rolled over on the sand, half stood up and turned his head to look at the side of his eyes. The scorpion monster spikes had already lifted up at this time, and they were sprinting towards him again.

After several consecutive rolls to avoid the stabbing of the scorpion monster, Hua Yueling got up and stepped on her feet, and in a blink of an eye she came to the front of the scorpion monster. His two-handed sword aimed at the part where its arm and body were connected.


With a loud noise, the scorpion monster left a deep mark on its body, but it was still unharmed, not even a bit of bloodshot eyes.Hua Yueling's attack was like a direct hit on hard steel, and it was not ordinary steel.

"Try a special attack?"

After Hua Yueling withdrew, she thought so in her heart, the power surged into the two-handed sword, and the light filled the body of the two-handed sword.


When he raised his two-handed sword high and was about to rush up and try again, he saw that the scorpion monster raised the front half of his body and leaped directly towards him.The shadow covered his body, even the shadow was covered, Hua Yueling was startled, no matter where he dared to attack, quickly ran to the side, the speed is extremely fast, both legs are almost turned into phantom, for fear After a step, I was overwhelmed below.

Don't underestimate this, if Huayue Ling is really pressed underneath, then Huayue Lingke will be really troublesome, I don't know if he can bear it.

With the level of defense of this scorpion monster and such a huge body, who knows how much weight it is, it is estimated that the key can be crushed directly under the key.


The dust flew up, as if another sandstorm was blowing outside, and Hua Yueling was directly buried underneath.Avoided the pressure of the enemy, but failed to avoid the flying dust, and it was impossible to avoid it.


After getting up, he immediately shook the dust on his body. Perhaps the scorpion monster had just used too much force, and had not recovered from lying on the ground.

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