Hua Yueling ran at a fast speed, the scorpion monster also turned his body at a fairly fast speed, and a pair of terrifying spikes continued to pierce him.The spikes pierced the ground, piercing small potholes.

There was a constant stalemate like this, Hua Yueling and the others were moving, and Hua Yun and the others must also be constantly moving, otherwise they would also be affected.In this way, there is no way to stay in one place for too long. They need to run and hide.

Lu Yuetong had already jumped directly onto the back of the scorpion monster. She landed on her feet and immediately ran forward, all the way to the top of the scorpion monster.

Although the scorpion monster was extremely angry and burned with anger, almost only Hua Yueling was the enemy in his eyes, but others still knew what others were doing.When it noticed that someone came to its back again, it immediately looked like a cat with blown up fur. It even stopped chasing Hua Yueling, its tail raised high and slammed toward him. Stabbed down.

"The response was quite quick."

Lu Yuetong frowned, which is not a good thing for her.But it only increased the difficulty, and if she did well, it should not be impossible to achieve the goal.

Thinking about this, she flew to avoid the attack from the stabbing tail, jumped onto the head of the scorpion monster, and fell from it again.

The spikes of the scorpion monster moved, and in a blink of an eye it pierced from the side.Lu Yuetong was taken aback. He didn’t expect that the Scorpion Monster would react like this. He wanted to attack, but now he had to jump up again and jumped onto the Scorpion Monster’s head, avoiding it. s attack.

The attack of the scorpion monster continued, even faster than expected.Just after Lu Yuetong dodged a wave of attacks, its tail lifted up from behind and slammed down.

"That's it, it's endless!"

Lu Yuetong thought helplessly, but she had no choice but to continue to hide, avoiding another wave of attacks from the scorpion monster.


After the attack, Lu Yuetong found that the scorpion monster did not respond, which made her a little strange, but after looking at it later, she realized that it was not that there was no response, but that the speed had slowed down a lot. compared to.

"What's going on? Are you tired?"

When thinking strangely, he heard a series of footsteps, turned his head and looked down, and saw Huayueling rushing over quickly, standing up and leaping onto the face of the scorpion monster.The attack of the scorpion monster had already fallen, but it fell to the place where he stood before jumping, and instead of hitting him, it gave him a chance to attack.

Hua Yueling took this opportunity to quickly take out the hidden dragon blade. In order to cause the most damage to the scorpion monster, he even gave up using the two-handed sword. The hidden dragon blade can cause more damage.Even though the hidden dragon blade is not as big as a two-handed sword, its destructive ability is stronger, and it can easily pierce the eyes of the scorpion monster and cause terrible damage to it.


The hidden dragon blade easily pierced the other eye of the scorpion monster. At this time, Lu Yuetong also jumped down, waving his two-handed sword and attacking the other side.However, the attack was not over yet, the tail of the scorpion monster was raised again, and at the same time the scorpion monster wailed, waving a pair of spikes indiscriminately, shaking and twisting his body like crazy.

"Can't stay on it, Yuetong, go down quickly and avoid it!"

Hua Yueling immediately turned around and jumped down as she spoke. Lu Yuetong also jumped down with him without any hesitation.After the two fell on the sandy ground and rolled around for a while, they continued to run forward. During the period, they didn't forget to look back and saw the scorpion monster behind them. Both eyes were basically blind, completely mad. It fell, but even then they could not kill it, it was still alive.

"It's really hard enough, I didn't expect it would not die like this, what else should I do?"

Hua Yueling said while running.There was really no way. He found a weakness after searching, but this weakness can't be attacked repeatedly.

The scorpion monster was waving its arms and tail wildly on the spot, attacking without a target just like that, the sound made by Hua Yueling and the others could not be heard by it.It was too messy here, it made a particularly loud noise, completely covering up the noise made by Hua Yueling and the others.

"Xiaoling, Yuetong, are you okay?"

Hua Yun and Mu Ningshuang also approached from the side, and the four of them moved away from the scorpion monster, and said this while watching it go crazy there.

"Fortunately, nothing happened. But I didn't expect that this monster was not dead yet, and its eyes were finished, but we had no other way."

Hua Yueling sighed and said.Originally thought that this would be able to solve the scorpion monster, who would have thought it would be so, what to do next, at least for the time being Hua Yueling is not clear.

"Otherwise, just ignore it and let's go straight. It won't cause us much trouble anyway, looking at it now."

Hua Yun stared at the scorpion monster for a while and then whispered.

"That's an idea. But there are still some places where I want to go a little troublesome."

"That's easy, just don't go to that place for now."

Mu Ningshuang added.

"Ningshuang and Yuetong have your opinions. If you don't think it is necessary to fight, then we will ignore it and sneak past. This will save a lot of things. If you continue to fight with it, in fact, The difficulty is not small, it’s even more difficult for us to attack like this indiscriminately."

"Then ignore it, anyway, as long as you ignore it, it won't find us now."

After discussing it, they glanced at the dynamics of the scorpion monster and saw that it was still in a crazy state, and it seemed that it would not get better in a short time.This must be very good news for Hua Yueling and the others. They carefully moved forward from a place farther away.

This area is still very large, enough for Hua Yueling and the others to move, as long as it is not too intentional, there is no problem.However, this place originally seemed to be a living room-like place, but I don't know why a lot of sand was piled up in some places. I don't know whether the sand was piled up there deliberately or appeared for some reason.

But these are not important, Hua Yueling and the others moved to the other side, passing through a room in the meantime.

"Would you like to go in and explore?"

"Let's go and see if there is anything in there."

After a few people discussed it, they decided to explore the rooms here, although they didn't have much hope.

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