"Rice buckets, buckets, a bunch of buckets!"

In the city lord's mansion, the lord lord's room, the lord lord is struggling to sway the anger in his heart.The flames in his eyes burned, and his body was even more enveloped in flames. If someone approached the past, he would definitely be able to notice that Lord City Lord's body was so hot that he could cook directly on him.

He clenched his hands tightly, clenching his painful teeth that were grilled by anger, his eyes were almost protruding, and his lips were fluttering like fish in the water.His hands were pressed tightly on the table top, and the clean table top that was cleaned up was messed up at once, just like a thief had entered.

The whole person is standing, half-bent over, leaning forward, the anger has not yet fully erupted, it is only part of it, and part of it is brewing, like a storm. This is just a prelude.

The heavy breathing sounded like a sound in my ears, but there was no other sound. The more it was, the more depressing it was.The leaders of those soldiers stood in front of the table without daring to say a word. He had said something and explained something before, but it seemed useless now.

"Talking, why don't you talk anymore!"

The Lord City Lord asked angrily.

"My lord, my lord, the people who came and came are too strong. We didn't even have a chance to fight back. I was thinking of finding an opportunity to report the letter, but they didn't give me this opportunity. I was knocked out, and then nothing I no longer know."

While he could still speak, the soldier captain said hurriedly, but the more he continued, he could see that the face of Lord City Lord became darker, and later it was almost as black as coal.

The soldier captain didn't know this yet, lowered his head and continued to explain.

"To shut up!"

The lord of the city let him shut his mouth completely with a roar, and his body trembled, and he almost fell to the ground in fright. Fortunately, he controlled himself and still stood still.

"Hmph, you lost the treasure I collected so hard, even if you want your life, you can't afford it!"

He patted the table heavily, and the Lord City Lord gasped for a while, and gradually calmed down.

"Get out of here!"

The Lord of the City can't wait to kill him directly, but he still has a sense of reason, knowing that even if he kills him himself, it is useless. Can you get his things back if you kill him?Impossible, it's better to let him get out of the way quickly, the more you save him, the more angry he gets, and he will be killed in time.

After the soldier captain was bombed away, he fell heavily on the chair and lay back weakly.Is it true that I have worked so hard to collect things for so long as a wedding dress for others?

Not reconciled, he is not reconciled, he can't just let it go anyway, definitely not!

"Taking it back, I want to take it all back, absolutely can't just let it go!"


He slapped the table hard just like that, and he roared angrily.The heart-piercing screams can be said to be the tears of the listener, but whether it can be done is another matter, but it should be fine.

In my heart, I couldn't say for sure whether it was okay or not. Everything was still unknown now, even what the other party used to take away his precious materials.Even if he knew everything and ordered the city to be sealed off, he was still not sure that he would be able to stop those nasty thieves. In one night, perhaps they would have left.

But no matter what, you can’t just leave it like that. Even if he knows that some people have left before then, he even wants to send someone to call those people back, but it’s impossible. There are so many people who leave, it’s impossible to call them all. come back.

"What else can I do!"

He muttered desperately and helplessly, there was no other way but to rely on God's help to see if luck was on his side.There is nothing else that can be done.

"My lord, the city has been sealed off!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and after a while he said "come in", and a soldier immediately reported after pushing the door in.

"Okay, go and inform the general, and search the whole city for me, search every corner of the city, I don't believe I can't find it!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After the soldier got the order, he immediately turned and left. Looking at his leaving back, the lord of the city sighed and returned to that state of depression.

"I'm afraid this is not good."

"Don't even notice you?"

The person who came did not answer and was silent by default.The Lord City Lord did not continue to ask questions, no answer is the best answer, no matter what it is, it can explain some questions.

"Is it possible to get it back?"

Whether he can catch the thief, Lord City Lord has no hope, he only hopes that he can get back his own things, other than that is not important.

There was still no answer, as if there was no one else here, but he was acting alone and talking to himself.

The Lord City Lord didn't care either, and he still got the expected answer.

Not speaking is acquiescence, still acquiescence, even if he means this, it means that there is really no possibility of finding those things back.In fact, he knew from the very beginning, after all, he didn't even find those people stealing things. In that case, it means that the enemy's strength is very strong and it is beyond their reach.

"Okay, forget it."

Sighing, Lord City Lord wanted to find a place to lie down and stay, and didn't want to do anything.

What a sad thing, so many things are lost, and the face was stolen from someone without knowing.

"let's go."

When the voice fell, he slumped in the chair, closed his eyes motionlessly, and did nothing.The other person hasn't spoken since he came, maybe he left here sometime.

"That's it..."

Sighing, the anger in his heart seemed to be hidden, or perhaps there was no way to vent it, he didn't have any other reaction.

The soldier ran out to the general and told the general what he had received.After the general got the news, he didn't say anything, and passed the order directly for the soldiers to execute the orders of Lord City Lord.

The city suddenly became chaotic. The gates were closed and no entry or exit was allowed. A large number of soldiers appeared on the streets and searched everywhere. Some nasty things happened. There were bad guys among the soldiers. Now it is the time for them to act. .But all this was expected, and even what they wanted to do was quickly discovered.

"Search me well, if anyone has other ideas, don't even think about seeing the sun tomorrow!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The city is in a state of chaos, and the people in the city are at a loss just because the soldiers are dispatched. They don't even know what's going on.

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