"It's almost here, just look for it in a while. Anyway, there are plains nearby. It should be easy to find that place."

The place to go this time is not a city, but an ordinary small town.A long time ago, it was said that there was a very deep mine in that town, and in that mine there were all the materials they needed.

But the mine seems to be private, and I don't know why, so the mine is guarded, but time has passed so long, I don't know what the situation is now, in short, it won't get worse.

"Will the mine be cleaned up?"

Everyone has thought about this kind of thinking, but no one wants to admit it, at least after reading it.If the mine still exists, just go directly to the mine, and there is no need to tell others, but if it doesn't, then you have to find other ways.

The group searched for it and quickly found the location of the nearby town.This time Huayueling and the others teleported to a farther location, so it took some time to walk there, and it was too late when they got inside the town.

The sun was slanting to the west and the moon was hanging high in the sky. After Hua Yueling and the others entered the town, they first went to ask for a few rooms, and then turned around inside the town.

First of all, the most important thing is to take a look at the central location of the town. The mine in Gokala’s memory is still here. There are several simpler houses nearby that are incompatible with the town. These houses seem to have existed a long time ago. It's all weather-beaten up, and there is a feeling that it may collapse at any time.

"That's it."

Several people hid in the dark and watched the place secretly. The mine was concealed between the houses, but now there seems to be no one here. Only one of the houses can be seen faintly, and the other houses are empty. of.

"Go and see nearby."

After observing the neighborhood, Gokala took them inside, around the dilapidated houses, and moved around the houses to the mine.It is reasonable to say that the time is a bit earlier, there should be talents here at this time, but maybe because they have been here for a long time, so these people here have no concept of vigilance for a long time, and basically all go out to play Up.

"There is only one person left?"

Through investigation, Hua Yueling found that there was only one person a little far away, and no one else was there, and that person was lying in the house. It is estimated that unless there is a lot of movement, it is impossible to be disturbed. he.

A few people didn't care about that person, he wouldn't affect their actions, which was the best for Hua Yueling and the others.When they reached the vicinity of the mine, several people stopped and leaned forward to look inside the mine.

The mine was very deep, and it was dark inside, and I couldn't see everything clearly, like an abyss.Seeing this scene reminded Hua Yueling and the others of the place they had explored.

In the deep cave hidden in the desert, only Hua Yueling had experienced what it was like to slide down the rope from above, and that feeling was still fresh in his memory and could not be forgotten.

The hands are almost rubbed out of bubbles. This is not a joke, but it really is like this.

But this mine is different. There are ladders here to make it easier to get up and down.The depth cannot be measured yet, and it can only be understood through observation.

"Isn't it just right to go down while there is no one?"

Hua Yueling looked around, then used a probe to probe the situation in the mine, and said.

"Actually, there is another way." Leanne interrupted suddenly at this time.After attracting the attention of other people, she continued to explain in a low voice, "Since the veins are mined here, there must be some parts that have been mined. That part may be placed somewhere in this town, or wait until a certain amount is shipped away. Or other things, we can also go there directly."

"It may not be. And this may not be small."

"That kind of things should be transported away when they are gathered. Who will stay here for long? People who let go here don't seem to want too much."

"I think there should be, unless they can figure out a way to directly send things back, otherwise they must be gathered to a certain extent."

"Let's go down and take a look. Anyway, it won't take much time, and it's just right now. We will be back later when there is no one."

After thinking about it, the few of them stopped arguing. They all agreed with Aroline's statement. There was nothing wrong with what she said. Even if it goes on like this, it won't take much time.

The group of people became invisible with Aroline's help, and then went down the rope ladder one by one, all the way down.

The rope ladder still feels about the same length as the rope they have used before, but this is just the feeling of Hua Yueling, perhaps because it has been used before, so it is said that it will feel like this.

He was the last to go down, and the first to go down was Gokara.


After a while, I heard Gekara's voice coming from below. The voice was not loud, but it was very clear.

It didn’t take long for Hua Yueling to drop her feet on the ground. The ground was solid, as if it was covered with something. Both sides of the passage were supported by cuboid-shaped wood. There was an oil lamp at the top, and the flame was burning. The shadows of Yueling and others falling on the ground were shaking.

Whether it is late at night or during the day, there is a feeling of entering a haunted house in such a place. If it is coupled with the sound of the roaring cold wind, it is really a haunted house.

But this was nothing to Hua Yueling and the others. Naturally, they couldn't be afraid of such a place. After coming down, Hua Yueling probed the depths of the passage. There was no one in the passage.

"The workers should also go back to rest at night. What do we want to do at this time, there is something simpler and less troublesome than this."

Aroline's voice came from the front, and Huayueling took a few steps to catch up, and soon found Aroline and the others in front.There is basically nothing at the front end of this passage, but there are some things on both sides of the entrance, including bags and wooden barrels. I don't know what is in it.

In addition, there are a lot of rubble on the road, some of which are large and small, but they are not worthy of attention.

At the entrance, don't even think about finding what you want. Walking inside, walking a long way along the passage, there are still many forks in the road inside.

Standing at the fork in the road, Hua Yueling and the others were observing these roads, looking for the road they should take, the place where the miners are now working.

"It should be here."

After observing, they still selected a channel and identified it there.

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