As soon as the man entered, the girl cursed loudly at him, and shook her body vigorously, trying to break free of the rope, but this kind of bondage is not so easy to break away.The rope is extremely tight, but it's not because they are afraid of being escaped by them.

"Hey, crying well, so good."

The poor-looking man showed a wretched smile when he entered, playing with the key in his hand, and scanning the girls with sinister eyes.

Except for the girl who scolded him after entering, the other girls were hurriedly lowered or turned their heads, not wanting to be seen by him.

The man smiled triumphantly, and walked to the girl who was still yelling at him, his expression changed again, and he smiled maliciously.

"Trash, get out of me!"

Seeing him coming, the girl struggled even harder, her hands and feet were constantly swinging, but she couldn't break free from the restraint of the rope.

But she just finished cursing like that, and the man said a few words cursingly, and she froze suddenly.But this was only a momentary thing, and then her mother was even more cruel, and she moved forward, trying to attack the man, but she had a good idea, with her hands and feet tied tightly. It's not an exaggeration to say a dream.

"Alright, I will teach you to be good today. Although I can't move you until I send you away, I didn't say that I can't communicate with the girl."

"You bastard, dare to touch me and try, believe it or not, I killed you! I will cut you off so that you can die without a place to bury you!"

The girl is not good at scolding people, and she can't scare the man in front of her with her stern expressions. After all, she is imprisoned at this time, and she can't move her hands and feet to kill people. She can't scare people.

"Hey, you kill me and see. If you can meet a beauty like you, even if you die, you can't regret it. Besides, you can't kill me. Do you think you can go out, tell you, and be sent to us adults There, you will want to die but not die. If the adults are tired, you will be sent to a better place..."

The last sentence deliberately lengthened the ending, and the look was as hateful as it was.Hua Yueling and the others couldn't help but want to do it, but they were always hindered by Gekara and did not let them out.

"Wait and see."

Gokala wondered if he could hear anything useful from his mouth, but after this sentence, the man stopped talking and focused on doing things.Naturally, Gokala couldn't let him succeed. Just when he stretched out his hand, Gokala's figure flashed behind him, knocking him out with a palm.


The girls were startled at first by what happened suddenly, even the girl who was almost touched was the same. Seeing so many people appeared in front of her, her expressions were taken aback, but her face was full of joy in an instant.

"Don't worry, after a while, I will untie the rope for you and tell us what is going on. Who wants them to catch you? Tell us all about it."

"Thank you, benefactors!"

The rope hasn't been solved yet, and the girls are grateful to them.The color of fear still remains on the face, but I can see some joy in my eyes. After being caught, I have been hoping for someone to save them, but now being rescued is almost like a dream, it’s just like a dream. Not like real.

But soon they woke up from their dreams, they knew that what was in front of them was reality.

"thanks, thanks!"

The girls kept thanking Huayueling and them, and it could be seen that they were very happy. Although there were still some fears, these fears were fading a little bit.

Waved them to stop talking, the girls were all gathered together, it seemed that the only way to make them feel safe.

"We will send you home in a while. But before that, some questions need your help."

"Please don't hesitate to say it, we must know everything and say nothing."

The girl who was rescued by her said immediately.

"Who is the one who caught you?"

When I said this, the dark color of Gokala was not particularly good. I could see that she was extremely angry. Asking this question what I want to do is naturally easy to guess.


The girl lowered her head as if thinking, and then shook her head, as did the other girls.

"Sorry, we can’t help with this question, but he must know it, and it’s the right thing to ask him. We heard some of them after we were arrested, but it’s still unclear who ordered them to act. These people are some of the most. Broken, but their leader is very cautious and has never exposed that person."

Gekara nodded. He didn't have much hope at first, and he was expected to get such an answer.But she didn't expect the leader to be so cautious, even when facing the girl who was caught.

This kind of person's mouth is very strict and cautious and terrifying. If there is a slight disturbance, it is estimated that he will find a way to escape. If he is disturbed, it is not easy to catch him again.

"How many people are there besides him and the leader?"

"There are more than twenty people. They are many in number and very strong..."

With that said, she glanced at Hua Yueling and the others, and the meaning was obvious, there are too few people here.Not necessarily their opponent.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's not our opponent, don't worry about this." Lu Yuetong comforted her, but this comfort had no effect at all, and the girl was still a little worried about them.

"Why is he the only one here, where are the others?"

"They go back to the tavern in the evening, and they won't be back almost in the early morning."

"In the early morning... do you know which pub it is at?"

The girls all shook their heads, how could they know where they were going to drink flower wine.

"That's it. Thank you for your help. Where is your home, we will take you home."

If it weren't for Aroline, Gekara would not dare to say such a thing, but before she said it, she still glanced at Aroline and nodded when she saw her.

The girls each gave out their home addresses, but there were a few girls who had no family members and were killed by these people.Another thing worth mentioning is the girl who has been stubbornly resisting and stunned the man.

"I want to be with you, I wonder if it is okay?"

Gokala looked at her in surprise, but didn't expect her to say that.But how should I answer it? If you refuse directly, it seems a bit unsympathetic, but if you don't refuse, it is better not to reveal their current status.

"You want to follow us? Why?"

"Several people saved us. If my guess is good and I want to find trouble with these people, I would like to put some effort into it. Let them laugh. Although I was also caught, I can also help."

This alone seems to be fine.

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