The remaining people were knocked out by Hua Yueling and the others, and then these people were tied up one by one, and then thrown to the place where the girls and them were previously held.

These people were thrown on the ground at will, no one cares about them, Lei Anni, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were guarding the door, and the others were a little farther away.In fact, it’s not that far to say far, they just sit across the gate.

The girl was placed on a long wooden chair by Hua Yueling, and Gekara bent down to check her condition.The girl's condition didn't look very good. She was not injured. The people were messed up by the sudden attack, and they were all drunk and drunk, so they couldn't resist at all.

With her eyes closed, the girl's hand was still holding the long sword, her body trembling, not only caused by the cold, but could also erupt at any time.

"Let her rest, she will be better after the rest."

After checking it over, Gokara got up and said.

"Is she okay?"

"It's nothing big, it's just that I was too excited, unable to control my strength, and almost broke out. Fortunately, I knocked her out in time, otherwise she would definitely be ill-advised."

"That's good. But you can't just let her rest here, let her go to sleep in the house. Or is it better to take her to the hotel?"

"Take her to the hotel to rest, but before that, you can change her appearance a bit so that no one will recognize it."

"I go?"

Hua Yueling asked again.

"It's handed over to you, but you are not good either. Let's call another one. You two will send her over. Remember to be careful, it's not so peaceful there."

Hua Yueling nodded to signal her to rest assured, and then called Mu Ningshuang, he carried the girl on his back and left here with her.The two people found the hotel here all the way, and then asked for two rooms, one for Hua Yueling herself and one for Mu Ningshuang and the girl.

Sister Aroline and the others won’t come over. When they came, they also told him that they would spend the night in the mine. There are other things to do. They have to find a way to catch those people’s mouths. Just ask something.

I told them to let them go back during the day.But thinking of the girl's experience here, Hua Yueling couldn't sleep at night, lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her mind was full of images of the girl being caught.

I've never seen that scene before, but I can imagine it in my mind, and Hua Yueling didn't want it either, but that kind of scene kept reappearing in his mind, and there was even a tendency to emerge before his eyes.Closing her eyes and forcing herself to empty her head can't be quiet, Hua Yueling got up and turned around in the room, and then quickly walked to the wall of the room next to Mu Ningshuang and their ears.

Quietly, the soundproofing ability of the wall is quite good, and the sound of another room cannot be heard at all.This made Hua Yueling a little worried, thinking that if only a room was needed before.

But it's all like this now, and it's easy to get rid of it if it goes on like this.

"Let's wait and see, I believe Ningshuang's strength."

Mu Ningshuang's strength is definitely not bad, but the only thing to worry about is whether the opponent will use insidious tricks, if that's the case, it won't be easy to handle.But fortunately, the town is now in their hands, and the other party can't make any waves.

"Well, if it doesn't work for a while, let's go and take a look."

Hua Yueling thought so, and sat down when she got to the bed, but don't think about going to bed, it's impossible to sleep for the time being.In the scene of Xu Chuang, I was always thinking about other things, how could I still rest quietly, turning over and over again.

In the other room, Mu Ningshuang did not rest after setting up the girl. She pulled a chair and sat in front of the table, looking outside through the window, her chin on her hands, her big eyes unblinking.

Staring blankly at the slightly gloomy sky outside, no one knew what she was thinking.

The time passed by minute by minute, during this period it was actually quite calm, and there was nothing worth noting.At least so far, and no one has come over, but neither she nor Hua Yueling will relax their vigilance because of this. This is not a reason to relax their vigilance.

Only when they relax, the danger will come to the door, and then it will be really dangerous, and it will be difficult to do anything else.

Unknowingly, the middle of the night passed, Hua Yueling was playing the game console, and her mood calmed down a lot. He had also confirmed with Mu Ningshuang before, and relaxed when they knew they had nothing to do.

However, this calm didn't last long. Not long after it started in the middle of the night, there was movement in the room where Mu Ningshuang and the others were.

The sound of footsteps outside the door, in fact the opponent's strength is not very good, Hua Yueling can clearly hear the other's footsteps in the room.The other party obviously hid it deliberately, but due to strength, it is basically impossible to conceal them.

Not to mention Hua Yueling, even Mu Ningshuang did not hide the past.Following the sound of footsteps, Mu Ningshuang returned to the bed and lay down, pretending to be asleep, while Hua Yueling cautiously walked to the door and listened.

No one came to him, Mu Ningshuang and the girl were targeted, but he was not targeted.

"Do you only target girls?"

This is not difficult to understand, but I didn't expect that the other party would only attack his companions, and if he did act, it would be strange enough to ignore him at all.

Hua Yueling didn't move for the time being, until he heard the sound of the door being opened, he opened the door, and then observed the outside through the crack of the door.The corridor was still relatively calm, and no one was there. The people who had stopped by Mu Ningshuang and the others should have already entered, and they were not in the aisle now.

After observing left and right, after confirming that there was no one, Hua Yueling squeezed out. After getting outside, he observed again, and then walked to the door of Mu Ningshuang's room.

After arriving at the door, the wooden door was still being watched and did not close.

Hua Yueling was not in a hurry to go in, but waited outside for a short while, confirming that no one else was coming, and he did not see that person's accomplices, and then turned and walked in.


The people in the room didn't know what they were using. As soon as they entered Hua Yueling, they felt something was wrong, but he held his breath just as a precaution and didn't inhale anything.

"It seems different from what I thought."

The room seemed to be like this, not the kind of drugged things he imagined.If you think about it this way, maybe there is a problem with the food delivered before.

Hua Yueling and the others remained vigilant and did not eat, but they still pretended to eat.Hua Yueling said that they couldn't be so kind and gave gifts for nothing.

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