Without letting them wait too long, the person who collected the information mentioned by Rianne came back. The person collected a lot of information and told them in person.

"In this way, his wife and children are normal. There is no need to kill them all."

Aroline said so after hearing this.It was originally planned to kill them all, but then it seems unnecessary.

"What about the others, do his subordinates need to be dealt with?"

"Those people don't need to be merciful. There are not many good people under him, so it's better not to let it go."

Gekara said at this time.

"Yes. There are basically no good people who do things for him. Think about the girls who were saved before. They were not all captured by his men."

After making enough preparations, Hua Yueling and the others began to act.After changing into black clothes, they jumped out of the window invisibly, and the light inside the room went out, making it dark, as if everyone inside was asleep.

After Hua Yueling and the others jumped downstairs, they quickly walked along the edge of the hotel to the main road.The number of people in the city at night is much less than during the day. The people walking on the streets are basically adventurers or hunters, and there are some soldiers. Few ordinary people will go around at this late hour. It's normal to wander around randomly.

These have little to do with them. After confirming the situation on the street, they quickly walked along the wide road to the depths of the city, and the mansion was deeper in the center of the city.The area taken out is the place where such high-ranking officials live. Therefore, the guards are tight. It is impossible for ordinary people to walk around in such places. Especially at this time, people who go to such places are suspicious. Targeted.

Along the way to the destination, there was a patrol of soldiers nearby. They did not go to the entrance, but to the side, and then turned directly over the wall.

This series of movements was very relaxing. After they came inside, Hua Yueling and the others found that they had arrived in a relatively large garden.The scenery here is quite good, the natural scenery looks very good, but unfortunately the owner here is not like the environment of the garden.

"His room should be here."

Leanne pointed to the right and said.But it was deeper, and I had to go there through the corridor from where I was now. There was a long passage through a small lake in front of me.

Several people walked around the lake, got inside, then climbed over the railings into the passage, and followed the passage directly to the fork.

After entering the house leading to a deeper level, after going out, he came to the inner courtyard.There are many houses in the courtyard, but the most inviting one is the largest in the middle.

"Just go in from here."

After a few people entered, they quickly found the place where the target was.This task was entrusted to Hua Yueling to do it, and Hua Yueling went down alone, first confirmed the surrounding situation, no one else, although someone was guarding it outside, they could not be found here.

Hua Yueling opened the door and walked in. After getting inside, she went to the bed and looked down.There were two people lying on the bed, one of them was their goal this time, and the other was his wife.

"Killing him right here will easily disturb her."

Hua Yueling held the Hidden Dragon Blade in her hand and thought, but it was not easy to get the opponent away from here. The most troublesome thing was how to get rid of this man's wife without disturbing him.

Staring at this man hesitantly, Hua Yueling doesn’t have any useful things in his hands. It’s okay if there are drugs, but he doesn’t, unless he buys from the store now, but Hua Yueling doesn’t want to do that. .

"Um... it seems a bit more troublesome than expected."

After being silent for a while, Hua Yueling still didn't think of what to do.If you don't have to worry about alarming a man's wife, it is easy to do, but he still wants to be perfect at this time.

"Is there no easier way?"

Standing in place, there has been no movement, Hua Yueling is also very upset, just can't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

If you kill people directly here, unless you are very careful and have sharp hands and feet, it is difficult not to disturb the people next to them, especially when they are so close, it can be said that it is too difficult.Otherwise, Hua Yueling wouldn't have to worry so much.

"Go back and ask...no, I have to solve this problem myself. Only one thing, if it is light enough, should I be able to hide the past?"

Hua Yueling is not sure, but he still has some confidence in his own strength, especially when the opponent is just an ordinary person, there should be no problem if he does well enough.

The hand holding Yinlongblade tightened again, Hua Yueling wondered if she wanted to do this, or think of another way.

At the moment, it seemed that there was only one way. Hua Yueling took a step forward, raising her hand, and it was possible to stab her at any time.

"There is only this, and there is no other way."

Hua Yueling thought so, staring at the chest of the man lying on the bed, waved her hand down, the hidden dragon blade slammed down and pierced the man's heart.

In the slight noise, the man didn't even react at all, so he was killed easily. Hua Yueling was still a little nervous and couldn't help looking at the other side. The woman fell asleep, her eyes closed tightly. He did not wake up.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

He said this secretly in his heart, Hua Yueling pulled out the hidden dragon blade forcefully from one of his hands without making any sound, put away the hidden dragon blade, and he quickly left the room.


Aroline asked after she went out.

"Well, I killed it."

Hua Yueling nodded and replied.This trip took some time, and it was more troublesome and difficult than expected, but fortunately there was nothing wrong in the end.

"Well, the next thing is for the other people to solve them one by one. Let's split up and gather where we came. Be careful. If you are not sure, don't do it and wait for us to pass."

Aroline glanced at everyone and said seriously.When Aroline is really serious, it is actually very rare. After all, she can actually walk sideways with her strength in this kind of place. There is no need to worry about anything at all. It’s just that Huayueling and them are here now, so It must be said.

Hua Yueling and the others nodded very seriously. You can't relax at this time. The next action will take some time. Although there are not many people here, it is quite troublesome.What's more important is that they can't alarm other people. If they alarm others, it will cause a lot of trouble.

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