Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang held their shoulders tightly on the wall. They listened to the sound coming from the other side of the wall. The sound was quite messy, and it sounded like there were many people streaming down.

"Why is it different from the news?"

The message said that there was no one left here, and they didn’t notice it just now, but after all, they were still outside the courtyard wall, and they could only see the situation above, plus the door was closed, so they couldn’t see what was inside. It's normal.

"If they are gathering here, everyone should be here. But if we don't disturb them, it will be a lot of trouble."

It is not easy to solve so many enemies at once, Hua Yueling is not blindly arrogant.In terms of strength, they are naturally the dominant side. It can even be said that it is not particularly difficult to solve these enemies, but this does not mean that they can do it casually without disturbing the other party.

Hua Yueling is not so arrogant yet, it is very difficult, especially when the other party gathers together, if they all rest in their own room, it can be easily done, but now the situation is not like that, compared to It is even more difficult as imagined.

"In a while, let's rush in directly, one person in charge of one direction, and try to solve the battle directly if they don't respond!"

Lowering her head, her lips were close to Mu Ningshuang's ears, and Hua Yueling said in a very serious voice.

"Ok, I know."

Mu Ningshuang agreed, took out the magic wand, and was also ready.

"By the way, I'll take care of the nearby people in a while, Ningshuang, you are responsible for those in the distance, try to use those magic that is not particularly powerful, otherwise it should arouse the attention and alertness of other people."

"give it to me."

Mu Ningshuang said that rarely.She was very confident in her words, and even Hua Yueling was infected by her words. He who was not particularly confident at first became confident immediately, patted his chest, and then went round the corner with him to the front.

The door was closed, and even the light at the door was turned off, but the noise inside could still be heard, and it seemed that those people should be deeper.

"See if you can go in without disturbing them."

Hua Yueling said so and walked over. When he reached the door, he still squatted and didn't move, his ears pressed against the wall and listened to whether there was someone inside.Although the noise covered a lot of noises, it was still barely audible. At least there were no people inside the door, but I didn't know if the people were facing the door.

"Ningshuang, let's go over there first, find a place to observe it inside, and then decide how to act."

After thinking about it, Hua Yueling still decided to temporarily give up the plan of the raid. It would be dangerous to act rashly if he didn't understand the situation clearly. Hua Yueling was not a reckless man, he hoped to act again when he understood the situation.

The two came to the other side, Hua Yueling leaned on his side, trying to observe the inside through the window, looking through the glass, able to barely see the situation inside.

"Fortunately, although the door inside is not closed, you should not notice the doorway. If we move fast enough."

Hua Yueling added one last sentence.

Just like this, he walked inside while sticking to the wall, while Hua Yueling was still observing the internal situation.Those people are in the deeper room. There is a big table in the middle of the room. Those people are not sitting around the table. They seem to be sitting in different places, but they are having fun. And there is a tendency to get drunk.

"It sounds like they are drunk. This is a good opportunity for us."

Hua Yueling said so.

"If they drink too much, their reaction will be much slower. In this way, as long as we are fast enough, we can get rid of them without letting them react. This can be said to be the best way."

"Then do it."

Mu Ningshuang didn't speak much, and directly raised the magic wand.

"Do it!"

Hua Yueling gave a low drink, and the two of them broke into the door directly, and then went straight into the room where those people were.Hua Yueling found that the room was very lively. There were not many people, only five or six people. It was actually quite easy for them to get rid of these people, not as difficult as they thought.

Under the agreed allocation, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang acted together, Hua Yueling quickly solved the few people closest to him, and Mu Ningshuang immediately condensed magic power to bombard the distant enemy.

There was even no sound. These people's brains and bodies were hypnotized by alcohol, and there was no way to react in time. When they wanted to react, it was too late. Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang’s attacks came. In front of him, even if he wanted to pick up a weapon, he couldn't do anything.

It was just a matter of blinking an eye. Those people died under the joint hands of Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang. Some people still wore unresolved panic on their faces, while others still didn't understand what was going on. What happened, just died here, dying blankly.

Hua Yueling's actions were just a matter of blinking an eye, all those enemies were killed, and there was no one left alive.After doing all this, Hua Yueling immediately went inside to observe the left and right passages, but did not see other figures.

Mu Ningshuang walked around the room at his request, looking for fish that slipped through the net to hide, but not, there were only a few people here.

"Anyone else?"

"No, just these few people." Mu Ningshuang replied.Hua Yueling nodded after hearing this, and went to the doorway leading inside with her.The door was open, and the people here were closed, but they were only opened by Hua Yueling not long ago.

"I don't know if there are other people here besides them. During the insurance period, we should search again."

"Let's do it then. Search all places. Anyway, there are only three floors here. It doesn't take much time."

The place where those people gather for dinner is the living room part of this building. If you want to go in, you have to pass there, but the road inside is not particularly winding.There are passages on both sides, and at the end there should be stairs upstairs.

Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang stood in the passageway, in front of the door leading to the living room, yet they hadn't moved.

"Should we find them separately from both sides or together?"

It is more efficient to find separately, but Hua Yueling is still a little worried about Mu Ningshuang’s safety. She alone seems a bit dangerous, although the strength of the solid wood Ningshuang is not weak, it is much stronger than those here. .

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