Hua Yueling came to the other door, walked over gently, raised his hand and knocked on the door. As before, the people here didn't notice anything unusual, so he got up and gave it to him. Open the door.

Naturally, there would be no change. Hua Yueling easily eliminated the people inside, and then searched it again. After confirming that there were no other people, he left the room.

After that, he walked all the way to the right to find Mu Ningshuang, and Mu Ningshuang also solved all the enemies here, so that the tasks of the two of them were temporarily completed.

"What should I do next, go back and wait for them?"

Mu Ningshuang looked at him, then asked.Hua Yueling thought for a while, they had nothing to do, and it wasn't a time when they were strayed everywhere, it was better to go back.

"Isn't it done all the things that should be done? Then go back. There is nothing to do here, all the enemies are dealt with, and we don't need to worry about other things."

After all, it was divided into several teams, and I don't know what happened to the others.They went downstairs while chatting, then turned out from the wall again.

It's more conspicuous when going out from the main entrance, so they didn't leave there.Although it's easy to get noticed by going over the wall if you want to say it, there is no problem as long as the speed is fast enough in the dark.

Hua Yueling pulled Mu Ningshuang and turned over from the wall, and then the two of them walked around the direction of the house when they came and went. They were going to the place where they had met the person who gathered the news before, and Aroline said yes After completing the task, gather here.

After coming back, I haven't seen anyone else. It seems that Aroline and the others haven't solved the enemy yet, but logically speaking, they should be faster.

Although it is more troublesome to say that Aroline and the others go, it is not a problem for people like Aroline and Gokara.They can solve these problems as a piece of cake.

But the fact is that they were the first to come back, and no one else came after waiting for a while.

"Why is it so slow?"

Hua Yueling said strangely.

"Maybe it's some trouble. But the problem shouldn't be big. After all, with sister Aroline and Gekara, there won't be any big problems."

"I said so, but I am still somewhat worried."

Hua Yueling looked at the side of the passage and said.Waiting always makes people feel anxious, Hua Yueling is like this now, especially anxious, really want to know when they will be able to come back, but until now, there is still no response.

Fortunately, this kind of waiting didn't actually last long. Just when Hua Yueling felt a little anxious, several figures suddenly appeared beside them.

"Sister Aroline, Sister Gokala, you guys are back!"

Seeing their figure, Hua Yueling said happily.

"Why have you been there for so long? I thought you would be back in a while, but I didn't expect that we were back here and waited for so long."

"That kind of place is a little bit troublesome, and you can't do it as you want, so I wasted some time. But we have solved everything that needs to be solved. Let's go back later, go back and rest for a while, and leave until tomorrow."


After the meeting, it was time to go back to rest. Hua Yueling and the others went all the way back to the hotel and went back to their room to rest.It's just that they did not go through the front door, but went back to the room directly through the window, just like when they went out, so no one would know that they had gone out at night.

Hua Yueling went back to the room, closed the windows, lay down on the bed, changed the thin quilt, stared at the dark roof, unknowingly recalled what she had just experienced.

I don’t know when this kind of thing has been an ordinary thing for him. Although he is facing a group of bad people, he did not expect that his shots can be so decisive, even a little melancholy. No.Hands-on is like a commonplace meal, without any other ideas.

"Maybe I have become a terrible person."

Hua Yueling thought with a wry smile.But this is just a joke.Although he may not know as much as he imagined, he still knows what he looks like now. He is not so cruel, just what kind of person he is facing.

In the face of those people, there is no need to be merciful. They don't deserve to enjoy that kind of treatment.

"But recently, there seems to be a lot of this kind of thing, and there is no time to rest. There are battles everywhere, although it is collecting materials, the battle also takes up a lot of part. Um... I hope the next action can be smooth. Let's go on, it's better not to fight, just collect everything that should be collected in ordinary ways, and don't let the others make trouble."

Hua Yueling lay down, and a sense of exhaustion came up. Although he actually took a lot of rest, the main reason was that his head hurts, and the other things were secondary.Hua Yueling clutched her head, some wanted to sleep but she couldn't sleep too much.feeling bad.

The moonlight outside the window is getting dim, and the room is also shrouded in darkness. I closed my eyes and forced myself to fall asleep as soon as possible. I didn't know when I lost consciousness and fell into sleep.

Before I fell asleep, I was constantly thinking about when I could fall asleep. I always looked forward to falling asleep, but when I fell asleep, I just left it behind. Sometimes the more I look forward to it, the more I can’t fall asleep. I fell asleep quickly when I had no more thoughts.

Perhaps too much thinking in the head will affect the mood and thus affect the quality of sleep, Hua Yueling guessed so.

There was nothing for a night, until the mansion owner's wife woke up the next morning and found that her husband had been killed, and the city suddenly became chaotic.However, Huayueling and the others would not stay until then. The sky was just dark, and they had already left when the door was opened, quietly leaving the city without anyone knowing. Go to the next place.

"This place is more dangerous. It is not easy to find the materials you need."

The next place Gokala said was in a forest quite far from here. The forest grew along the mountain range, endless, occupying a large area.

There were people who wanted to open up that place, but then something happened and nothing happened.

However, there are a lot of precious materials and herbs in the forest, and if there are some monsters, there are also terrifying monsters in it, so if you are not confident in your own strength, never go there, or just go inside. Go and die.

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