The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1194 Obstacles in the Forest


Amidst the sound of footsteps, several figures walked quickly into the woods densely covered with branches and leaves, almost blocking all the light.Walking vigorously between the trees, the footsteps have never stopped.

There are trees that grow without rules everywhere in the forest. It is too difficult to find the direction here. It may be different whether you look at it there, but you will only feel confused if you want to find the direction.

Everywhere is like a place to come from, but when you look carefully, you will feel that no place is like the place you walked when you came.

The branches and leaves scattered on the ground were a bit dry, and the footsteps on it made a crisp sound. At the same time, the branches and leaves were smashed. They were accidentally stacked, and they suddenly became piles of broken pieces. In the end, the wind can blow down somewhere, making it even more ugly.

I haven't stopped since I entered here, and walked in one direction all the way, toward the depths of the forest.The blocking power is still there, and it becomes stronger as they deepen. That power is very resolute to stop them outside and blast them out of the woods, but Huayueling and the others are also the same. He is also very determined, and will not just run away in such a dingy way anyway.

You have to move forward and cannot stop.Hua Yueling kept telling herself in her mind that it was just a little tired for the time being, but this was already a very unbelievable situation. Even though she has walked a long distance inside, it is actually not for Hua Yueling. It's nothing, it's the increasingly powerful blocking force that really makes him feel tired. The feeling of having to fight with all your strength to be able to move on is really bad.

As this pressure grew stronger, Hua Yueling and the others knew that they were getting closer and closer to the core area.But there is one more question. There is no clue as to where they are looking for.

However, if they follow this method of action, Hua Yueling estimates that what they are looking for should be where the enemy is blocking her group.I just don't know how long it will take to get there.


As she walked, there was a light "Huh" sound from Gekara. Hua Yueling also hurriedly raised her head and looked forward, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"this is……"

"Block your nose, don't breathe in!"

Gekara's reminder sounded, Hua Yueling didn't care to ask anything, and quickly blocked her nose with her hand, the pale pink mist enveloped the woods, and Hua Yueling didn't smell what it was like.When the light pink smoke spread over, he had already covered his nose so that he would not inhale the gas.


The voice of Gekara sounded again in front, Hua Yueling and the others also quickly accelerated their pace and rushed forward, speeding up their pace in this way and sprinting all the way, coupled with the opposition to the blocking power, and gradually, Hua Yueling felt it. exhausted.If it is not necessary to ensure that she does not breathe in that kind of gas, Hua Yueling would even have to bend down to pant quickly, she is too tired.

But I couldn't stop, the pale pink mist was still spreading, and I don't know where it started.They had to keep going, and could not even stay for half a minute. This was more troublesome and annoying than the lion that came out to stop them before, and they couldn't even stop the light pink mist from appearing.

"If there is another enemy at this time, it will be troublesome."

Huayueling really wanted to do whatever he wanted. Just as this thought came up, she felt a shock on the ground. Huayueling smiled bitterly and slashed in the direction where the tremor came.

In the depths of the dense forest, the huge body was slowly moving outside.Trees were kicked down directly by its feet, and some of them were pulled out by it, and threw them toward the place where Hua Yueling was.

"Hurry up!"

Although it was still unclear what was going on, Hua Yueling also sensed the danger. Holding Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong's hands, the three immediately ran to the side.Only a few steps away, I heard a booming sound, accompanied by the sound of hitting trees and the sound of landing.

Hua Yueling quickly turned her head and looked back, and saw a thick tree hitting the ground heavily, rolling and hitting the road blocked by several trees. The trees were slightly bent when they were hit. Still blocked.

"Xiao Yueling, leave this big guy to us. Find a safe place and don't stay here."

The pale pink gas is still spreading, which makes Hua Yueling and the others unable to speak. They want to find a gas that can be hidden without this kind of unknown useful gas, but it’s not okay to look around. A place to hide.

"Let's go and see in the distance."

Seeing that it's dysfunctional nearby, Hua Yueling said to the two women beside her.

"Don't be too far away, otherwise you should get separated."

After a quick exchange, they ran to the left without stopping, but I don’t know if they weren’t seen. After running for a short distance, the pale pink gas disappeared and no longer spread. Come over and no longer appear.

"Then be here. Ningshuang and Yuetong, you will wait for a while below, I will go up to see clearly."

"Let's stay with you!"

"No, I'll be fine. If we go up too much, it's easy to be spotted, but it will become a target. And I just go up and observe the situation."

When Hua Yueling said this, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong became quiet, and did not say that they would follow him to the top.A few steps to the tree, stepping on the sturdy branches all the way up, the head drilled out the branches and the large "flower clusters" formed by the layers of leaves, stretched out.

The huge body of the tree man made Hua Yueling feel extremely shocked.He hadn't encountered a huge enemy before, and even fought, but such a huge enemy could hardly describe the feeling in words.

It was too huge, compared with it, Hua Yueling felt that she was simply an ant, and it was too small compared to its huge body.

Aroline, Gekara, and Rianne didn't know where they were. Hua Yueling scanned for them, but didn't find them.But they should also be fighting this huge tree man.

The tree man didn't notice it. A pair of huge hands swept around randomly, each with a violent air pressure, and its feet lifted up like a pillar that could support the world.

The Treeman is not very active, and seems to be too afraid of destroying the forest too much. In fact, its previous actions have messed up a place, and Hua Yueling and the others have not destroyed it like this.

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