To a certain extent, the battle can be said to have entered a state of anxiety, but Hua Yueling hopes that this battle will end sooner.Of course, it would be nice if he could help some, but unfortunately he couldn't help, even if he was a cheerleader.

The tree man’s attack mode is quite easy to see through. There is basically no other action except waving the huge palm, and there is also the raising of the foot and stomping on the ground randomly. These two attacks should be avoided. It can't be said that it is too difficult to hide, but it is really difficult to avoid it at close range.

Hua Yueling didn't have to try to know how difficult it was. There was still a big difference between imagination and actual combat.When the palm that covers a large area is photographed, the feeling of pressure will make you feel particularly flustered, and even if you run at full force, you will not necessarily escape.

"Would you like to take a closer look? Forget it, I still don't want to die."

He shook his head vigorously as soon as a thought came to his mind and threw it out. It was an act of seeking death.

"The resistance has dropped a bit. I just don't know if this is because of the appearance of the tree or what Sister Aroline and the others did. But if they want to entangle each other, they must do something. Just leave it there."

Thinking about it this way, at least one of the three people is there, but I don't know who is left behind.


The flame suddenly burned, and the tree man screamed and retreated. I don’t know when the palm that was shot out was burned by the flame. There was no warning. Suddenly the flame burned, and Hua Yueling was shocked. jump.

The fire took advantage of the wind and even showed signs of spreading. The tree man raised his huge arm, let his palm leave the woods, and lifted it high into the sky.There is no way to extinguish the fire, but at least it also prevents the flame from affecting the forest, so that it will not burn the entire forest.

Immediately after the battle, they fell to one side. It seemed that Aroline and the others were done with other things, and their figures flashed in the sky, and the tree people had no chance to attack.

In order to block their attacks, the Treants raised their arms in front of them to defend, but this kind of defense was not much different from Aroline and the others.It can't affect the overall situation, and it's impossible to defend their attacks.

Aroline and the others did not see any movements, the tree-man's already slow movements slowed down more and more, and he stepped back and stepped on the collapsed tree trunk, staggering and almost falling to the ground.

Then it was purely a moral battle. There was nothing to say. Aroline flashed away and left, and Gokala and Rianne were enough to get rid of the Treant.

"Sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling probably only came out when Aroline's figure disappeared, what she was going to do, yelled, and saw the figure of Sister Aroline appearing beside her.

"I have been found." Aroline appeared, came to him, and stood on the branch with him. "How did you know that sister I'm here. Sister Aroline, it took a long time for you to disappear this time, and I can feel some."

"Is that so? Sister, I thought it was pretty good to conceal it. I didn't expect Xiaoyueling to find out. Well, I'm growing up well. Sister, I'm very happy."

Aroline patted him on the head and said.

"Even if the treeman is solved? There will be other enemies? Although the treeman is also very strong, we have not reached the deepest point yet, and we have not found what we are looking for. Even if we solve it, There should be more powerful enemies coming out."

"There is nothing wrong with this. But if we can find a way to communicate with each other, if there is no problem in communication, maybe we can save this trouble."

"Then you have to wait until after the battle is over."

"Sure, she won't know our strength without fighting. She will be more cautious after knowing about it, knowing that our strength is not weaker than her, or even stronger than her. This will to some extent. Influence her choice"

Aroline took the trouble to explain to Hua Yueling. During the time they were talking, the battle between Gekara and the others changed again, and the tree could no longer withstand the repeated bombing of the two. , Fell heavily to the ground, and then turned into a remains.

"Call Xiao Ningshuang and Xiao Yuetong, let's go back."

Arolin said that she left first, while Hua Yueling jumped from the tree and told Mu Ningshuang and the others that the battle was over.

"Sister Aroline, did they win?"

"Sure, how could they lose?" Hua Yueling nodded and said.Then they returned to the place where they were before, came to see the collapsed giant tree up close, still can feel the shock, even though the giant tree has been killed and turned into an ordinary tree The same is true for trees standing diagonally on the ground.

The giant tree won't move, but the huge body that shrouds the earth still makes them involuntarily feel a trace of fear.

This is normal. It is difficult for anyone to calm down when facing such a huge body for the first time. Hua Yueling and the others are pretty good, but there are some tremors in their hearts, but they are actually quite calm.

A few people surrounded the place where the tree man fell. Hua Yueling was a little bit about to know where to go now, but it was actually very easy to tell, just look at the tree over there that fell down.

There is the direction from which the Treemen came, which is the direction they are going.

"Go ahead."

Standing for a while, looking at the treeman, she didn't know what Aroline and the others were looking at. In the end, they didn't do anything, so they just left.

The group of people continued to walk inside, along the road that was almost impossible to walk.Stepping on the collapsed tree, stepping on the solid tree trunk, the speed of several people is also affected, and this area is really destroyed quite large and completely, this is also related to the size of the tree man’s body, otherwise The words will not affect such a large range.

Not a few steps away, the blocking power strikes again, and this time it is stronger than the previous one. This is the last warning from the other party. If they insist on going forward, the other party will be true. It's going to do its best.

"Wait first."

Arolin motioned them to stop first.Hua Yueling and others stopped.

"Don't go forward, the other party's resistance is obvious. Wait for us to interview and communicate with him, if we can, we will continue walking, if not, we have to fight."


Hua Yueling and the others nodded. If they could not fight, it would be better not to fight. Hua Yueling thought so, he had gone through a lot of battles.

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