The layout of the room is very good, it seems that it is usually cleaned up, everything inside is very tidy, everything is there, and there is no dust at all.

It is estimated that the maids will clean them every once in a while, or this time they know that they are coming over so they will pack them up in advance.Hua Yueling put her things on the chair casually, and then sat down on the bed for a while.

"not bad."

Hua Yueling patted the white patterned sheet spread on the bed, which was not bad.It was quite comfortable to lie down, Hua Yueling felt a little sleepy after coming down, and wanted to sleep for a while, but he also knew that it was not time to rest.

I sat up and looked around, especially to the window, but there was a house not far away from the window. The house looked not small, at least bigger than the room he lived in, and I didn’t know it was. What is this for.

"Let's go out and have a look, Sister Aroline and the others should have come out too."

After Hua Yueling lay down for a while, she sat up and walked to the door.When I opened the door, I saw Sister Aroline and the others gathered outside, seeming to be waiting for them.

"Well, this time is not bad, I didn't let my sister wait too long."

Seeing him coming out, Aroline nodded with satisfaction, came up and patted his shoulder and said.

"I thought Sister Aroline, you all should have come out, I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Several people were talking while walking outside.It was still relatively empty outside, there were no people around, only a few maids were walking around, but soon they disappeared.

"Like no one."

When the maids disappeared, the yard suddenly became quiet. Under the moonlight, the lake surface was glowing with slight ripples, and the small animals on the grass ran lively and had a great time.

"Yeah, it's too quiet."

Aroline didn't like such a quiet atmosphere, especially when it was all around.It feels like coming to a haunted house that has been abandoned for a long time. It's hard to say how good it feels.

"Actually, there is not much place to visit."

I glanced around at will. There is some distance between the door and the entrance of the living room. There is a passage shrouded by a pavilion in the middle. On the left side of the passage is a small lake with fish swimming in it, and on the right is a small area. The grassland, animals are playing around.

Even so, it is still so quiet here, not only here, but also in other places.Every place where nobles lived is so quiet, it doesn't seem to be inhabited.

I don't know why this is the case, because nobles like to be quiet?This is definitely not the reason. Whether it is aristocrat or ordinary people, the vast majority of people are similar in some respects, and it is impossible that so many aristocrats like to be quiet.

From this we can know that the guards here are really strict, and the management is particularly strict, otherwise it is impossible for these nobles to obediently.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this, but for the moment it has nothing to do with them.These nobles can't provide them with any help, so there is no need to control them for the time being.

Walking around the entire yard, taking a walk in the moonlight, under the moonlight, the lake is really wonderful, and there is an unusual and wonderful feeling in their eyes and hearts.

As they walked, they walked around the lake back to the entrance of the living room.To the right is where Anna lives. Now Rianne and Gekara should be discussing things with her, so it's better not to disturb them there. As for other places?

Anna had reminded them not to go indiscriminately, but it should be no problem to just take a look at her house.

With this in mind, Hua Yueling and the others walked around the largest house, and when they came to the back, they realized that there was still a lot of space behind. The house was not so big, but the front and the back were separated. Yes, by a not-so-long channel.

The back was also quiet, no figures were seen, but the breath of more people could be felt here.

There are still roads further back, and there are some buildings there, but these buildings are small houses, and I don’t know what they are for.

"Those rebels should live here."

After a few people walked slowly back, standing next to the house connected by the passage, Hua Yueling stared for a while and said.

"It should be true."

Aroline nodded, and then walked away, not looking much.In fact, there is no need to pay attention, and they have no interest in these people.

In this way, a few people walked around again, returned to the living room, and looked around.The passage on the right leads to where they live, so if you think about it, the left side may be where the maids live.

Standing in the living room can still hear some conversations, which are cheerful voices of girls.I didn't realize this during the meal before. Although the maids at that time could also see some different places, no girl would really show her character in that situation.

Every maid strives to be the best, to be flawless, but it is only made for others to see, or for them and Anna. Now they are showing their true self. .

"They are still young children."

Aroline smiled and shook her head. It is understandable that they would do this, in order to survive.However, their treatment here in Anna is already very good, and this is their place to be happy.

A few people have nothing to do for the time being. As for what they can do, they still have to wait until Gekara and the others have discussed it. Just wait before that.However, it will be a lot more troublesome to act, and no matter how you do it then it will be dangerous. You must be careful.

"Go back and play for a while, and then rest if you are sleepy. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that there is no way to decide what to do in a short time. You have to wait a few days."

Aroline said so.Several people returned to the room, took out the game console and started playing.

In fact, this is quite good. You can carry your game console with you to kill time anytime, anywhere, or you can read a book for a while. Anyway, there is not nothing to do.

Time passed by, and the outside was still quiet. It seemed that the discussions between Gokala and the others would have been going on for a long time. They just don't know if they can reach some kind of same opinion this evening.

They didn't think about these Huayuelings, just waited, there was no need to do other things, and they couldn't do much.How to do it depends on the choices of Gekara and the others. Hua Yueling and the others are just here to help, as long as they do it, don't worry about other things.

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