After confirming the next course of action, they did not stay there, and continued to walk around the palace wall.

Walking through the places where each area connects with the palace area, Hua Yueling and the others have seen many things they hadn't seen before.It's quite interesting. There are some characteristic buildings. There are even monsters raised here, but the hidden ones are quite secret. You don't know if you don't explore them.

It's hard to find it even if it's walking through that area, but Aroline and the others found it.Although this method can hide ordinary people or many hunter adventurers, it is very difficult to hide them.

But in fact, there is no need to do that. The area is actually not allowed to enter, which means that it is completely enclosed and surrounded by walls, just like the palace.The gate is not on their side, it should be on the other side.

But there is no need to bother about these, after all, there is no need for them to go there.

In this way, I circled the palace. The palace was enveloped by a barrier, and there was no place to sneak in.In other words, if you want to get in, there seems to be only one way, and that is to break the barrier directly, and then go in again.

"There is no way, I can only come back at night."

There are still more people during the day than at night, and it is easier to be exposed during the day, so I can only give up temporarily and leave here first.

Several people went along the road to other places. They were not in a hurry to go home, but went to other areas.On the other side of the palace, which is the opposite direction when Hua Yueling and the others came, there is also a noble area, which is larger and more lively than where Anna lives.

"The nobles living here are of lower rank."

Anna spoke softly as she led them by.

But in fact, they have nothing to do when they come here, it seems they are just strolling around.Not long after they walked, they took a detour and walked back.

It was almost noon when I got home, and then I had to discuss things about the barrier.

"That fact, it should have only appeared recently. It appeared a little bit suddenly. I didn't know this before I left."

"You haven't been there for a long time, have you?"

"Well, I haven't been there for at least a year. It's not that anyone can go in there, so I won't go if I don't need it."

"This is also normal. The more you go to that kind of place, the more dangerous it is." Gokala said and turned to look at Rianne beside him. "Annie, do you understand that kind of barrier?"

"I don't know much, it doesn't seem to be on our side, but it just looks more refined than our enchantment here. It is not so easy to crack."

"What about Aroline?"

"I... it's not that difficult, but I still have to study. I am not particularly good at enchantments, but I have seen this kind of enchantment before."

Aroline shrugged and said.

"Don't talk about these at this time. Anyway, it's useless to talk about it. It's better to wait until the evening to learn more about it before talking. If you don't understand it clearly, you can't do it."

"Yes, let's discuss it at that time. But I have to ask Aroline for your help. Without you, it would be very difficult to solve the problem on my own."

Rianne asked Aroline directly, and said with a very humble attitude.

"Let's work hard together. Maybe you can solve the problem just by close to yourself."

I didn't say any more words, and they separated temporarily after this blow. Anyway, there was nothing to do, and I had to wait until the evening to do something.

After separation, Hua Yueling and the others didn't want to go out again for the time being. Whether it was yesterday or today, they have been wandering for enough time, but within a short period of time, they didn't want to go out again.

Otherwise, it seemed that he could only stay in the room.But speaking of them, they have spent a lot of time here. Most of the time since summer vacation is here. Fortunately, the time ratio of the two worlds is not one to one, which makes them relatively comparable. Satisfied, at least there is no need to worry about spending some time here, and when it's time to start school when you return home, it's too uncomfortable.

Back in his room, not only he was alone, but Aroline also came with him, as well as Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.Seeing them follow her into the room, Hua Yueling naturally knew what they wanted to do.

As a way to pass the time, playing games is very good, and it's fun to get together with a few people.But it wasn't just them, and it didn't take long for even Gokara to come over.

After discussing the actions afterwards, they didn't have anything to do for the time being, so they came here to take a look at Gekara's proposal.

When she saw the game console Hua Yueling and the others were playing, Anna really opened her eyes.In fact, both Gekara and Rianne looked the same as her now when they first saw the game console.

"Aroline and I met a thief when we came here before."

"Thief?" Anna was a little weird. "How could there be a thief in this place? The defenses here are unusually strict. If there is, it is definitely not an ordinary thief, and ordinary thief cannot come here. Not to be found."

"There must be some strength, but it's not that strong in Li. Aroline and I chased him for a while, and saw him fall into a person's house and then disappeared. He was dressed in black. It is unlikely that it is not a thief."

"Oh? It's really surprising that there are thieves here."

Anna lowered her head and thought after hearing it, if she were just an ordinary thief, she would definitely not be here.They know very well what this is. It's too dangerous to come to this kind of place. They won't be able to steal anything at that time, but instead they can get in. It's definitely not worth it.

It's just that it doesn't seem like a lie to hear Rianne. She actually doesn't need to lie to herself at all.And there is also Aroline testifying, which is very interesting, what kind of thief would come to such a place?I must be very confident in my own strength.

"Did you see where he went?"

"It should be around here, but we didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, we don't know much about it."

Leanne shrugged and said.

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