"Do you have a clue how to break the barrier?"

Gekara did not directly ask if the barrier was cracked by them, but if he had a clue.Both Leanne and Anna nodded.

"There has been some progress, but it's still not that way to crack."

Leanne then shook her head again and said.

"That enchantment is a special kind of enchantment, and there is no one on our side. It should be those people who got it from where they are, in order to prevent us from being able to break it easily. If it’s just me, I’m sure It is difficult to make progress. Although I know a little about the barriers, I don't know at all about the barriers, and I don't even know where to start." Then she turned her head and looked at it. Aroline next to her, naturally don't need to say more about what to say next, she still has to compliment Aroline, although it can't be called a compliment, this is the fact.

"Miss Aroline is helping a lot. Ms. Aroline can really be said to be knowledgeable and talented. The kind of enchantment that I don't know very well can even speak up, and I have benefited a lot."

"So there should be no problem breaking the barrier, right?"

Gokara frowned and asked strangely.Earlier, I heard Leanne said that there was progress and there was no way to crack it, but now listening to her, there should be no problems with cracking.

"There are still some technical problems that have not been resolved." Aroline answered her doubts. "It's not that all problems can be solved by understanding this enchantment. Some changes have been made to this enchantment, so it is also necessary to just crack it like this. It’s a bit difficult. It will take some time, after all, we are not just trying to crack.

The meaning of Aroline’s words is quite simple, mainly for the sake of their actions. If it is only to break the barrier, it will not be difficult for her, but they must not be discovered, and they cannot be caught in the palace. People know that the barrier has been cracked in a certain part, which is more troublesome.

"It's not just that, there are other problems that need to be resolved. These will all take time, and they cannot be resolved in a short while."

"If you say that, will you still go tonight?"

"Yes, but it shouldn’t take that long. I almost understand what the barriers there are like. Although there are some changes, they are not much different from what I have seen before. The core of that kind of barrier."

After talking about so much Hua Yueling, they didn't understand much, so they just started breakfast, but this also showed that they still couldn't act today.

"But speaking of the news over there, there is still no progress?"

Gekara asked again at this time.But this time it was Anna who asked about it. Anna said she would ask others to search for what kind of material they were looking for, but she hasn't received any response yet.

"Maybe you have to wait, don't worry. If there is news, he will definitely contact me immediately."

Gekara didn't say anything, and a few people ate quietly.

"But if you want to talk about cracking, should it be here, or do you have to get there to be able to crack?"

"That kind of special barrier still has to be cracked directly."

"That's it."

After a busy night, after eating breakfast, Leanne and the others went back to rest. Gekara also told Anna that she would accompany her tonight. Please ask Anna to stay. There was no comment, and she agreed.

Hua Yueling and the others stayed in the pavilion for a while after eating breakfast, and then stopped here, left the house and went to the city.

They are not just wandering around the city at will, but also to collect some information, not only some characteristics of the city, but also some other things.

Look around and find someone to chat at random. You can also collect a lot, but there are not too many useful ones.

At present, they are relatively clear about the general structure of the city, but these are actually of no use. To say that their understanding of the structure of the city is definitely not as good as Anna, if you want to know anything, just ask her. All right.

The city is still relatively quiet, until it is out of the noble area, this is considered lively.It's a pity that it takes a lot of time to walk here, so they can't get too far away, otherwise it would be nice to go around the city entrance.

When I arrived at the market, it was not long before the time passed. The sun was hanging high in the sky, and it was bright under the shining.Hua Yueling and the others were walking leisurely on the road. They weren't watching from side to side. At least now, the living conditions here are still good. People living here don't see much pain, they are all normal.

Is what Gokala and the others are doing right?Hua Yueling is not sure now, but since it is the enemy who is standing in the opposite direction from Sister Alorin and Sister Livio, then there is no way, they must act and stand here.

It’s just that their current strength is not enough, but whether it is these people who rule here, or if they can really succeed in the future, Gekara and others will rule here. Hua Yueling doesn’t think there will be much change. Up.

What else can they do?Hua Yueling doesn't know at present, but he also hopes that they can do well enough, and it is not in vain that Sister Aroline and the others are busy.

Four days have passed on the earth now. Don't look at the time spent here, but given the difference in the speed of time passing between the two aspects, it can even be said that the days are like years.

It's just that they haven't been able to do what they want to do during this time. They have things to do every day, but they need their help to do things every day, not what they originally wanted to do.

There is no other way but to wait until I can go back to rest.Anyway, looking at the current state, it is very difficult to wait for the artifact to be stolen back.

This is not only because of Gekara's thoughts, but also because of their strength. In fact, if they really fight, Hua Yueling even thinks that this can't be regarded as war.

Several people were walking on the street with no special purpose. They just wandered around randomly, looking at the shops from side to side.They have been to some of the shops here, but not all of them have been. Hua Yueling is going to take a look around when she has time.

There is nothing else you can do at the moment, so just turn around at will.

Along the road, you can see a group of soldiers coming here. These soldiers have long swords hanging from their waists and shields behind their backs. They are not walking fast, but looking at the left and right, they seem to be looking for something. of.

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