The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1227: A Figure in the Alley

"That's it, let's go in and take a look."

Hua Yueling pointed to the armor shop next to her and said to the two girls beside her.

The two girls had no objection, and followed him to the armor shop.Speaking of them, they just come out and go around, no matter where they go.

The only problem is that you can't go too far. As I said before, Anna reminded them when they came out.Otherwise, there is no time to go back for dinner at noon.

Upon entering the store, I saw a middle-aged man sitting in the depths of the store. He seemed to be the boss here. He was holding a hat in his hand and seemed to be studying.Hearing the footsteps, he looked at the door and saw Hua Yueling and the others come in. He didn't say anything, and continued to lower his head to look at the things in his hands, as if he directly regarded Hua Yueling and the others as non-existent.


Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong looked at each other. This feeling of being ignored by the other party was not very good, but they didn't care.After all, they just came to have a look, not necessarily buying things.

"Ningshuang, Yuetong, do you think we need to buy armor?"

Hua Yueling scanned the armors hanging on the walls of this store, and asked them in a low voice.Normally, it’s actually useless, and when something happens, there may not be time to change it. If you think about it this way, it actually doesn’t seem necessary to buy it, basically it’s useless.

But if you change your mind, whether you have armor or not in battle is still very different, especially when the armor is very defensive.

"I don't know if the defenses here are enchanted?"

While whispering and observing left and right, there are really a lot of armors here, but after some browsing, Hua Yueling found that the armors here are all ordinary armors, and there is no enchantment.I don't know if it doesn't exist or what.

"Anything you want?"

After turning around, Hua Yueling felt that there was no need to buy it, but before going out, she still asked the opinions of the two colleagues, but whether it was Mu Ningshuang or Lu Yuetong, they had the same idea as him, and there was nothing they needed. .


Before Hua Yueling spoke, she turned her head and noticed a black shadow flashing past her eyes.That place is... just next to the shop opposite the weapon shop where they came. There is a trail there.

"what happened?"

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong didn't see that side, so they didn't know what was going on, so they asked him.

"Just now I seemed to see a creature of unknown origin hiding from there."

"Creature? Is it a monster?"

"do not know."

"Could it be the little creatures raised by the people here, the kind who are more afraid of living, so you found them to hide?"

Lu Yuetong said so.

"Um... it's possible."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, but did not deny this statement.

"Why don't you go take a look."

Seeing that there was still curiosity in his eyes, he obviously wanted to catch up and take a look, Mu Ningshuang didn't say anything else, but said so directly.She still respects Hua Yueling's thoughts, and he has no intention of stopping what he wants to do.

Lu Yuetong nodded when she heard her friend say so.

The three people walked out of the armor shop and stood at the entrance looking at the alley.

"Go and see."

Hua Yueling still couldn't suppress her curiosity, so she walked over there quickly.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong looked at each other. Lu Yuetong shrugged his shoulders, showing a somewhat helpless smile, and the two of them also followed suit.

Following Hua Yueling, the three people came to the shop opposite the weapon shop, and then walked to the side alley and stood at the entrance of the alley.I glanced around, saw no one paying attention to them, and then walked inside.

Even in the daytime, the alleys are relatively dark, and the main thing is that the sunlight is difficult to shine inside. This small alley is blocked by the houses on both sides, keeping the sun out.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't care about this. Although it was a little darker here, it didn't actually hinder their observation. After entering, they could still easily see the situation inside.However, the figure Hua Yueling saw didn't seem to stay here, and he didn't know where it went.

Walking in at a slow pace, Hua Yueling noticed a sewer entrance without going far. The lid at the entrance was damaged, and the sound of water coming from below could be heard.

"Did you go down here?"

Lu Yuetong said softly.She doesn't want to go any further in this kind of place, although she doesn't know what the sewers here are like, but...thinking about it makes her feel uncomfortable...

"It's possible, but maybe it's not here."

Hua Yueling looked to the right, but had no idea of ​​going down immediately.Where the entrance of this sewer is located, there is actually a passage on the right. This passage is as narrow as the passage they are in, or even narrower. If you want to go inside, you have to keep your body sideways. That's fine, otherwise it would be uncomfortable to be crowded.

Looking further out, the narrow alley seems to lead to another alley. This alley is actually not long, just like two shops.In fact, this means that one thing is clear. This aisle is in the center of the two shops on the left and right, while the shop on the left of Hua Yueling and others does not have such a passage.

"Let's go to the right first."

Compared to going inside the sewer, Hua Yueling still wanted to check the situation nearby before talking.If the sewer is not where the target is, he really doesn't want to go down.

Who knows what the sewers here will look like, no one would like to go to such a place.

Walking along the small alley on the right to the opposite side, Hua Yueling looked around, but didn't see the creature's figure. It seemed that he didn't walk from here. If you think about it this way, there is only one target. .

"Should I still go down and take a look?"

Hua Yueling and the others walked back again, standing in front of the sewer entrance and said.In fact, after seeing that the lid at the entrance was destroyed, the answer was basically determined, but Hua Yueling still wanted to see it again, now it seems that there is only one choice.

"Ningshuang, Yuetong, you guys are nearby to help me pay attention, you don't have to be here, you can just walk around after going out, I'll go down and take a look, if it's too complicated, I'll come back earlier."

"Let's go with you."

"No, I'll be the only one to go to this kind of place. Don't go with you. You will get dirty by then, and the environment of this kind of place is definitely not much better, and you are not comfortable with it. "

"Then... well, be careful, and come back quickly if the situation is not right."

"Don't worry, I know how to measure it."

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