Hua Yueling stopped, it's better to wait a while at this time, and it's better not to go out directly.If discovered by the enemy, he would definitely enter the battle, and Hua Yueling didn't want to fight in close combat with the opponent.

In order to lengthen the battle distance with the opponent, Hua Yueling chose to use other methods.Fortunately, it's not that he doesn't have a long-range attack method. He has also learned magic. Although there is definitely no way to reach the level of Mu Ningshuang, he should be more than enough to deal with the enemies inside.

Hua Yueling thought for a while, stepped back, then walked across the bridge and returned to the place before.Going along the road, knowing that he can barely see the enemy.


Whispering in a low voice, looking at the mutated mice that seem to be the size of his upper arm, Hua Yueling subconsciously turned her gaze and stepped back.


Seeing that there was an urge to vomit, it was really... how to say it, so that he could not describe the uncomfortable feeling.With one hand on his chest, he gasped violently.

The mice didn't seem to hear the sounds he made, and did not come over at this time, but were still moving in the water.It's not just doing something, it seems to be having a dinner together.

What Hua Yueling didn't see was particularly clear, but he could probably see what the mice looked like, how ugly and ugly.The mouse is not just a problem of ugliness. If it is just like this, Hua Yueling can’t be scared, or it can be said that Hua Yueling is not scared, but by the kind of hair and dirt on the mouse. Feeling disgusting.

The little mouse may be better. Although it will not be liked by people, the grown-up mouse is really very ugly.There is almost no clean place on her body, and this alone is enough for Huayueling to be disgusting.

Covering her mouth and turning around, Hua Yueling even had the idea of ​​going back directly. If this is pounced on...

He didn't even dare to imagine that kind of scene, it was so terrible, it could be said to be a hell-like existence!

But just to think about it, those who should fight have to fight, Hua Yueling would not be frightened back in this way anyway, although it was terrible to him, it was not enough to escape.

Thinking of that, he walked forward and saw the figures of those creatures again, with magic power in his hands.At this time, there is nothing better than a ranged attack. Fortunately, he will use some simple ranged magic. Although he can't fight against powerful enemies, it should be easy to fight these little monsters.

Hua Yueling likes magic very much, although there are not many that can be applied so far.

The fireball condenses, scorching the air.The moment it hit one of the mice, the fireball exploded like a bomb, making a loud noise. Fortunately, Hua Yueling also remembered where it was, and did not use more powerful tricks, otherwise This kind of movement will definitely attract the attention of the people above.


In the sound of the explosion, the corpses of several mice flew up and were blown up everywhere. Some of them fell directly in the water channel, and some fell to the ground, but not many.

"Solved. Hope there is nothing else."

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling turned to the right and walked over. Knowing that there were middle rats here, he didn't want to go inside. He didn't want to enjoy the same water source with a few rats.

After walking a few steps, I saw the mouse corpse blocking her path. Hua Yueling subconsciously wanted to kick it into the water, but only lifted her foot and looked at the mouse’s corpse. He hesitated. , And finally put it down.

"Don't come across a better look."

No matter whether it was alive or dead, Hua Yueling didn't want to touch it, and it felt very uncomfortable.

Stepping directly from above, Hua Yueling didn't even have the idea of ​​using a weapon to get his corpse away.

On the road, you can still see the footprints left by him following the monster, but this time the footprints are not so dense, it seems that it is moving faster.

"It doesn't look like these guys, and I want to come. If they are, they would just rush out instead of hiding and returning to this place."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, looking into the distance.I can't see here if the monster is there, it seems it should be deeper, or hidden in a corner somewhere, or deeper in the corner.

Turning his head and looking behind his eyes, the place where he came can be seen very clearly, mainly because there is still some light there, except for there, everything else is dark.

"It's not that far yet. Look further, it hasn't been that long recently."

Hua Yueling thought so, and denied the idea of ​​going out.Going out so quickly is not justified, there is no need to do that, so let's go to a deeper look, and talk about it if you can't find anything in the depths.

Following the follower's footsteps, Hua Yueling speeded up a bit, and now it is better, there is no other monsters or the like, which means that it is still quite safe here.But going inside, I don’t know what will happen. Since mutated mice have already been encountered here, it is estimated that there will be other monsters.

Hua Yueling didn't really want to meet these monsters, after all, they were all headaches, and few of them could be seen.The only good thing is that these monsters are not strong, so it is relatively easy to solve, don't worry too much.

Hua Yueling heard a strange sound again before she walked far, but the sound this time was somewhat different from the sound she heard when she encountered a mouse before.

"Anything else..."

Some thoughts helplessly, but Hua Yueling had already been mentally prepared, it was quite normal to encounter some monsters here.There are very few people to maintain this kind of underground waterway, so no matter what it is, it's not surprising.

When I looked down, I saw a few crab-like creatures, but there was more than that, and a few swimming fish could be seen in the distance.The swimming fish were swimming in the water, and when they turned around, Hua Yueling opened her mouth in surprise.

The eyes of these fishes are shining, crimson, their mouths are slightly open, and their sharp teeth are so exposed.If this is bitten...

"Let's solve it all."

And you have to use that kind of group attack magic, otherwise he can only solve one at a time, even if he sees the amount he is surrounded.

In this case, Hua Yueling didn't want to become that kind of situation. Although it would be fine even to be besieged, but to be besieged by this kind of enemy...Forget it, it is better to pinch everything out when the signs are revealed.

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