

Huayueling had been on guard for the enemy, and he was still facing each other, but what he didn't expect was that the enemy's speed was so fast.A black shadow flashed past, and I didn't know how much it was faster than before. For a while, Hua Yueling didn't react.

However, he is still experienced, and he quickly recovered from the shock, and quickly moved the two-handed sword forward. During his life, the enemy's claws were caught on the two-handed sword.But only a moment later, the enemy's figure immediately flashed to the side, and attacked again from the side.


After Hua Yueling left the initial shock, the reaction speed was not slower than that of the monster. He saw his figure flash, and immediately avoided from the place.However, the monster's reaction was also fast, and he immediately chased after him when he dodged. The kind of reaction ability really surprised Hua Yueling.

"So fast!"

Somewhat surprised, he had to turn around quickly, and slashed in the air with a two-handed sword.This time Hua Yueling hit the other side by surprise, and failed to respond in time. The attacks of both sides interlaced together and made a loud noise.


The two-handed sword collided with the enemy's claws, but the enemy was not knocked into the air, at least not as Hua Yueling imagined, but abruptly carried it down, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Hua Yueling used her hand to force, and then the two-handed sword went down. Under this increased strength, the monster could not resist, it was in a rather disadvantageous position.

In the sharp howl, Hua Yueling frowned slightly. This sound made him uncomfortable. No one wanted to hear such a terrible sound, as if it could pierce the eardrum.This is just a description, but in fact it is not much different.

Hua Yueling even subconsciously wanted to plug his ears, but he couldn't do that. If he did so, he would give the enemy a chance, which would definitely not work.

In the gloomy sewer, a bright ball of light floated in the air, illuminating the environment near Huayueling and also illuminating the enemy's figure.The enemy's sharp claws gripped the ground, leaving scary marks.

Just seeing that kind of trace and imagining what it would look like if caught on one's body would make people feel terrible.

The enemy does not mean to rest, nor does it need to rest.After falling to the ground, there was a series of attacks. Hua Yueling had no way to counterattack for the time being, and could only stop the opponent's offensive.

This can only be done for the time being. Although the two-handed sword is not small, the only drawback is that it is too slow.Hua Yueling still had no way to compare with the monster in terms of speed with all his strength.

It would be different if it was the Hidden Dragon Blade, but now Hua Yueling only wanted to use this weapon and didn't want to change it.

"Wait, it should be soon."

Hua Yueling told herself that it was impossible for the enemy to make such a series of attacks without any pause. Observing the enemy's attack method, Hua Yueling discovered some patterns.In fact, some battles don't need such a thing as regularity at all, as long as you are busy, but it is obviously not possible now.

"It's now!"

Noting the momentary lag after the monster attacked and dodged, Hua Yueling knew that it was time for her to attack. A dodge rushed to the enemy, swinging his two-handed sword with the sound of wind, and slammed down from above.


The monster didn't have enough time to dodge, so he could only find a way to avoid some and block it, but Hua Yueling's strength was very strong, and the enemy could not be blocked at all.

Attacked with an indomitable momentum, Huayue Ling was bound to kill the opponent here.Under this attack, the monster tried to block it, but there was no other way. He could only watch the two-handed sword smash on his body.

The timing of Huayueling's attack was just right. If it weren't, it would be impossible to kill the enemy at this time.

The monster wanted to avoid but couldn't completely avoid it. It just dodges and was hit by Hua Yueling. It has no way to gather strength to dodge immediately, and can only bear it abruptly. one strike.Although he used his arms to block and turned a black shield in front of him, there was no way to stop Hua Yueling's attack.

In the sound of a heavy sound, the monster was split in half by him, very relaxed.In a head-on confrontation, he would not be afraid of this monster at all. It was the most troublesome when the monster dodges, but now it doesn't matter, he won.

"Huh... solved, the next step is to see what's going on inside, things can't be that simple."

Hua Yueling thought so and walked inside quickly.The series of things that happened Hua Yueling felt that it was definitely not just a problem with monsters hiding here, there must be other things.

It turns out that Huayueling was right, and just as she walked in, she saw something strange.

"that is……"

Hua Yueling frowned and walked quickly, but after a few steps, he stopped, scanned the surroundings, and then continued to walk in when he confirmed that there were no other enemies.

Before coming to the kind of thing that attracted his attention, Hua Yueling stared at that kind of thing, that kind of thing he had seen something similar before, he saw it in another world, it was at the tree house of Jelusy .

"This is for enchanting, right?"

It looks alike, but he doesn't know if it's specifically, it's a different world after all.It's just that the two worlds still have some similarities, so you can guess so.

"Then this should be used for refining medicine."

Rather than refining medicine, it is actually a matter of directly mixing various materials. It is indeed quite troublesome. At least if you don't know it, you can't even point out a medicine with a particularly good effect.

Hua Yueling didn't know this, and he hadn't learned it, but he did remember that Jelucy knew it.

"There seems to be nothing else."

Hua Yueling glanced around the things inside, there was nothing else worth noting.But there seems to be something deeper in what I have to say, but the only thing not here is people.

It stands to reason that if there is such a thing, someone should live here, perhaps because it might be because they go out at this time, anyway there is no one now.

Going further inside, there was a dead end in the deepest place, there was no place to go, but it was here that Hua Yueling saw something unpleasant.

Some bones were piled up on the ground, and a few dead people seemed to have died recently.,

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