"No, it's not here."

Arolin quickly inspected all the things in the entire warehouse, and found that although there were a lot of things inside, they were basically relatively ordinary and did not have the kind of precious materials they needed.

"Not here?"

A few people scanned the neighborhood. There were still many places to go nearby, but it would be troublesome to find such a place one by one.

"By the way, the person who informed me said that that kind of material was hidden underground."


"That's right. It's a basement somewhere, it's said to be very secretive, it seems to be inside the palace."

"Is it newly constructed?" Gokara asked. "It shouldn't be there before."

"It must be new. It is said that there are many precious objects hidden inside. But the first thing to do is to find somewhere."

"Are you going to split up?" Rianne asked after glanced at everyone.

"Separate actions... Then where to gather at that time... It's better not to take risks. If you really can't, you can ask someone here."

Aroline thought for a while and shook her head and said.

"Won't that also be exposed?"

"I have a way. You don't have to worry about this. You just have to find someone who can take care of things first. This kind of ordinary soldier will definitely not be able to ask."

"Then go directly to the palace, and you can find such people there."

After discussing it, I decided where to go next.Hua Yueling and his party no longer wandered around the outside of the palace, and went straight through the gate inside the palace.

The roads inside the palace are not too complicated, but there are many places to go.The road is still somewhat bifurcated, and it is easy to get lost in it if you don't remember it.

The main reason is that they are not very familiar with this place. If they are a little familiar with the roads here, this will not be the case.

"Where to go."

Walking along the beautifully paved road all the way in, Aroline turned to ask Anna beside her, and only she was familiar with the situation in the palace.

"It should be the right side, and the front is the main hall. It is the only place we can go here. The left side should be a resting place, and the right side is the side hall."

"On the right... then go and see."

It is safer to go to the right than to the left. After all, this is where the owner rests, and the defense must be quite tight.They did not come this time to carry out the assassination, unless necessary, what else did they do in the past.

Along the road on the right, after passing through a small gate, you enter the courtyard on the right. There are many roads leading to different directions.Fortunately, there are some signs in different directions, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others will have to roam around like headless flies, although it is almost the same now.

"It looks like it should be here."

Arolin glanced around and pointed to the road on the left. She didn't just guess at random, but felt that there seemed to be something that attracted her to the past.In other words, the things that make her feel unusual are over there.

"Then go over there."

Gekara and the others still believed in Aroline's feelings, since she said so, just go there directly, there is no need to argue.

When the road here is not familiar, they can only follow their feelings.

There were quite a few places along the way. The place here is quite big, and I haven't made a detour for a long time.

"It's getting closer and closer." Aroline closed her eyes and looked ahead. There is a row of beautifully constructed and quaint houses in front of them. There are no people living in these houses. They seem to be used for placing things. "But it's weird. Didn't you meet anyone along the way?"

Even this yard is the same. It stands to reason that every place here should be guarded, or at least there are some talented pairs, but they have basically never encountered anyone along the way.The atmosphere here is so silent, it doesn't look like a human being.

I don't know why. It stands to reason that there should be someone here, and there are not too many people, at least it shouldn't be like this.

Are they discovered?But this possibility is not high, and if it is discovered, it is definitely not the case. Aroline can also detect the anomaly, but everything is normal now, and it does not seem to be anomalous.

"No problem?"

"Not yet. Although I don't know what's going on, it shouldn't have much to do with us. This is how it is here, but I don't know why it's like this."

Aroline shook her head and continued to walk inside. There were many rooms here, but she just didn't know if the thing she was looking for was actually here.

When she came to the entrance of the room facing the door, Aroline waved her hand to signal the others not to go there. She pressed her face to the door and listened to the sound inside.

"That's it."

After listening for a while, she nodded and said in a low voice.

"What's wrong? There is a trap inside?"

"No, the guards are in the room, so there is no way to see it outside."

"In that case, don't you have to do it if you want to go in?"

"That's right. Let's explore the other rooms too to see if there are people in those rooms. If no one can connect anymore, it will save a lot of trouble."

I have a general understanding of all the rooms. Some of them are empty. It seems that there are people in the rooms in the center and on the sides.

"In this case, go in from the middle room. But be careful not to make any noise."

Aroline is very cautious. Although their strength is overwhelming in the face of the defensive power here, they are after all going to act secretly, not directly to destroy.If they do, it basically means that they will be discovered and noticed to some extent, which is naturally what they don't want to see.

"Just go in from here."

Aroline pointed to one of the doors, pressed her body against the wall, and carefully pushed the door open.I looked up and observed and noticed that there were doors on the left and right sides inside, but they were closed.

"Okay, just go from here."

After confirming that there was no danger, a few people rushed into the room, then quickly closed the door and turned around. There were a lot of things in the room, but there was nothing they were looking for.

"Going over there, I feel that there is something attracting me over there, maybe it's here."

Aroline also didn't know if the kind of thing that attracted her was what they were looking for, but since there was such a thing, she naturally wanted to see it.

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