After bidding farewell to Gekara and the others, Hua Yueling and the others returned to the small village where Rafia and Livello were located.The small village is still a row of peaceful scenery, there are no people, it is particularly quiet, but there is a special atmosphere.

If you want to say, living here is much better than underground. Although it is not a great place, it can be said to be very good.

The little girl rescued by them also lives here. After spending some time with Rafia, she now regards this as her home.Rafia can already be regarded as her relative.

"You are back?"

Rafia saw them but didn't see Gokara. She was still a little regretful. He didn't expect Gokara to come back.

"Gekara still has things to do over there. The next step should be to contact the resistance organizations in various places with Rianne, and find a way to recruit new people. We can't help much with these, so we came back."

Aroline was obviously in a good mood, and she explained it, which surprised Rafia.

"That's right, she really can't take any time off. But it's fine if you come back."

"We are going to go back to the earth to rest for a few days. The materials are collected over there. Then we just have to wait for the blacksmith to complete the imitation of the artifact. But it will take at least a month. There is nothing we need to help here. "

"Well, why don't you take her back together? Wouldn't it be good for her to live in the world over there?"

Rafia was talking about the little girl who was sent back.

"You don't want her to stay?"

"Thinking about it, but there is no need to let her stay and suffer with us. She is still a child after all. Going to a safe place, where a peaceful life is also good."

"It's okay, no problem. You can take her back when you calm down here, it's not difficult anyway."

Aroline nodded and said.I looked around and didn't see the little girl, so she asked.

"Where's that little guy, not here?"

"Sleeping in the house, the little guy has to go to bed after eating at noon. Call her to come over later when she wakes up."

"Don't worry, it doesn't mean leaving now, it's okay to stay here for a while."

Rafia is not as busy as she first took over here, but there are still things that need her to deal with every day.She also handled all of these things in an orderly manner. Compared to the beginning, she did not know how many times it was stronger, but it was a big improvement.

"Sister, are you going back with us?"

Aroline asked Livello when she came over.

"No, there is still work to be done here. Where are Gekara and the others, you will take me over to see them later."

"My sister is looking for something to them?"

"Let's take a look."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Arolin shrugged and stood up, then she and Hua Yueling and the others said a word, and then left here with Livio.

The rest of Hua Yueling and the others are chatting with Rafia here. The village has been quite peaceful recently, so there is nothing to say.However, Rafia asked them a lot about looking for materials, Hua Yueling and the others did not hide it, and talked about what happened along the way.

But before I said much, I saw Aroline coming back, but Livello didn't follow it.

"My sister stayed over there. She seems to want to see if she can help me."

Seeing that they were all looking at them in confusion, Aroline explained directly.

"The reason why my sister wants to go there is also because of this. Gekara and the others are also very happy. Naturally, there is a sister who is in charge of more than me."

Saying this quite self-deprecatingly, Aroline still had a smile on her face.She just said casually. In fact, she didn't care about these things. Besides, Liweiluo's strength and various abilities must be better than her. I don't know how much.

"But in this way, my sister will not come back in a short time, let alone go back. With her help, Gekara and the others will be much easier, which is good."

"Has Sister Livello's previous research progress?"

"I don't know this elder sister, so I didn't ask, but it seems that the progress is pretty good, otherwise the elder sister will not be able to ask for it.

Aroline shrugged and said.She sat back in her chair and glanced at the others.

"By the way, what were you talking about before?"

"Listening to them about their experiences along the way. It sounds like a lot of things have happened, but I really want to go."

Rafia sighed and said.Although it is said that she is still doing her own work here, but if she can, she still wants to go out instead of staying here.It is a pity that there is no chance until now. The key is that there is no one to entrust. Gekara seems to be iron-hearted and will not come at all, which leaves her with no choice.

"Sooner or later, there is a chance, don't be so anxious. If you want to find Gekara and others, I can take you to see them, and you can come back when we leave."

"Is it possible? Will it bother you too much?"

"What's the trouble, anyway, I don't have to be anxious to go back. There is still time for you to go out and go around. If you want to go, there will be no such shop."

"I go."

Rafia actually wanted to go out a long time ago, but she never had a chance. Now she has a chance to seize it, so she nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go. I only took you with me a long time ago, and you didn't take the initiative to speak out. Really, I don't miss you at all."

Arolin said this, and grabbed Rafia's hand in the past, and the two figures disappeared from before Arolin and the others.

"Sister Aroline is also anxious enough."

After sitting for a while, Hua Yueling and the others also got up and went outside. After this period of time, the village has changed quite a lot.Basically, the building hasn't changed much. After all, it would be troublesome to rebuild it, and it's not that they can fix it in a short time.However, other places in the village have changed a lot. For example, you can see places to sit everywhere. They are benches made of wood, and you can even lie on them.

The other thing to talk about is the weapons placed next to the houses in the village. There are weapon racks on which are placed various weapons. I don’t know why it was made like this. Maybe it’s to let everyone in the village be able to. Learn to learn to fight.

Thinking like this, Hua Yueling found a place to sit down, with a long cushion on the wooden bench. Not to mention, it was quite comfortable to sit on.

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