Several people walked aimlessly on the road, saying that it was aimless is actually not quite right. After all, Aroline among these people is actually purposeful, but she didn't tell the others.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't take a car at first, but Aroline stopped at a station halfway down the road and waited for the bus here.

"Are you going to the amusement park?"

"Guess it."

Aroline’s answer was the same as before, without any change, Hua Yueling wanted to smile and say how I should guess.Isn't this already guessing? The answer he got made him unable to continue to guess. Sister Aroline's answer made him wonder whether he guessed wrong or guessed right.

Hua Yueling didn't guess at all, but the conversation between them made the little girl very curious. She took Aroline's hand carefully, and when she lowered her head to look at herself, she asked timidly. .

"Big sister, what is the amusement park you and big brother are talking about?"

"Amusement park, amusement park is a very interesting place, there are all kinds of interesting things, all of them are very interesting."


The little girl asked longingly.Just listening to Aroline's simple introduction made her very yearning, especially want to see.

But because Aroline didn't say if she was going, everything was still uncertain.

The little girl didn't say anything. She was the kind of sensible child. If someone wanted to take her there, she would definitely go, but if Aroline didn't want to take her there, she wouldn't say anything.

"Xiaoyueling, you are quite popular."

Halfway through, Arolin suddenly showed a smile on her face, turned her head and looked at Hua Yueling and said.

"Can this be called popular?"

Hua Yueling curled her lips and said helplessly.

"Well, it's very popular. After all, few people have such treatment."

Aroline said jokingly.Hua Yueling rolled her eyes and felt that she didn't need to continue talking with Sister Aroline. The communication between the two parties was obviously not on the same platform.

However, he turned his head and looked behind him. There were not many people visible behind him, but the moment he turned his head, the feeling of being spied disappeared.It was as if everything before was a phantom, but naturally there was no way to deceive him in this situation, but he was not prepared to do anything. Now it is not the time to make a shot, he must accurately determine the identity of the other party. Action, it's too early.

After staring at her behind for a while, Hua Yueling withdrew her gaze. Since there is no way to find it for the time being, then don't startle the snake.That's it for the time being, he also needs to see what the other party is doing.

Keeping track of herself, it's definitely not something good to find herself, Hua Yueling can still be sure of this.

If you think about it this way, it’s not an accident or coincidence that you came back early in the morning and met the other party. The other party should be waiting for him, maybe he saw himself when he went, who knows.

After thinking briefly for a while, Hua Yueling shook her head vigorously, putting all these thoughts aside.These things will be discussed later, there is no need to worry.

With such thoughts, he temporarily assumed that the other party did not exist.Anyway, it won't cause much impact.

In this way, Hua Yueling directly ignored the person following her behind her, and instead focused her attention on her.A bus came, and they got on the bus. Hua Yueling also watched the entrance of the bus, but no one came from behind. It seems that the other party is also very clear. If they come up at this time, they will definitely be spent. Discovered by Yueling.

In my heart, I felt that it was impossible for Hua Yueling to shoot in such a place. After all, it was too noticeable. This is definitely not what Hua Yueling wanted, but who knows whether things will really develop according to their own expectations.

Hua Yueling found that the person who was following did not continue to follow, and she was still somewhat disappointed, although she had known that the other party could not just follow up like this for him to find out easily.

"Don't dare to come up."

Aroline naturally knew this too, so she said to him with a smile.

"I've thought of this a long time ago. If you don't come up, the other party will not be discovered, but once you come up in this situation, you will definitely be found. Under this situation, he will not come in anyway."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said softly.

After the two talked, they stopped talking about it, and left everything behind. There was not much to say anyway.

The little girl looked at them and didn't know what they were talking about, but the little girl knew that this was not something she should know, so she didn't ask.

After getting in the car, the destination is almost known.

There are not too many people in the car, but it is still a bit noisy. In fact, although there is a relationship between whether it is noisy and not many people, it does not mean that there are few people and low voices.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others also spoke very quietly, almost all of them stuck to each other's ears when they spoke. What they said was not something that could be heard by others, it was not good.

In this situation, Hua Yueling and the others were also quiet for the time being, and stopped chatting, or even if they were chatting, it was something else, instead of the question about the stalker mentioned before.

I don't know if the other party will continue to follow, but in this case, even if it is followed, it actually has no effect. It is impossible for him to act under such a full view of the public.What's more, even if he did it, he wasn't Hua Yueling's hands, but Hua Yueling had to do it.

The three of Hua Yueling and the others were sitting in the front row. Two of them were sitting side by side. Hua Yueling was sitting outside, while the little girl was sitting directly on Aroline's lap.Aroline embraced her with her hands, and it seemed that the two people were about the same age, like a pair of sisters.

Hua Yueling turned her head to look at them, then turned her head and looked back, but she couldn't see much.He was still thinking about the person who followed him.

Thinking about it now, the reason why he is tracking himself should be because of the attraction of the system in his body, but even if he is tracking it up, does he really dare to make a move?Hua Yueling felt she didn't dare, but maybe the other party was just trying to understand the situation on her own side, and hadn't thought of making a move.

In any case, now is not the time to take action, and I also need to know more about the other party.

"It's not clear who that person is. As long as you know what he looks like, it will be easier next."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, leaning back, feeling somewhat nervous.

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