Even the ground was burned extremely hot, and if you step on it with bare feet, you can even burn your feet.Even wearing shoes can still feel this terrible heat, Hua Yueling waved his arms, blocking the sun's rays.

The arm blocked the sunlight, Hua Yueling closed her eyes slightly and sighed.I really shouldn't come out at this time, some are too hot.It is better to do this kind of thing in the morning or dusk.

But he has come out, it is impossible to go back now, so let's go look for it first.

Along the way, I came to the place where I met the person before. Hua Yueling scanned the surroundings and patrolled for a week, but found nothing noteworthy.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be here."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, but didn't know where to go.However, even though it was said that he came to look for that person, it would be too conspicuous if he acted like this, so it's better to disguise it.

Huayueling thought, walking at the usual pace.As long as you go out shopping as ordinary, it's fine.To be honest, at this time Hua Yueling started to miss Aroline instead. If she was with herself, she would still be a little boring by herself. Hua Yueling even wanted to go back to rest.

But still the same sentence, all came out, and it is impossible to go back at least temporarily. You can only wait and see if something happens, then he needs to do something, if not, he can go back.

I don’t know if that person lives near here or so. Huayueling thought that since the other party discovered and found herself because she possessed the aura of the system, and tracked her, then she just needs to walk around here. You can know if he lives nearby.

The streets in summer are still lively, but they are still different from other times. The traffic on the streets is obviously less, and everyone is in a hurry, and no one even stops to say a word or How is it?It can be seen that the hot weather has brought a lot of trouble to everyone. Under this kind of heat, everyone does not want to come out, but wants to stay at home or stay in a cool environment.

Hua Yueling thought of things in another world. There is no need to worry about this now. There is no such hot weather in the other world. Instead, it is a very comfortable season, very refreshing, and suitable for life.

Hua Yueling didn't like this scorching weather, and it is estimated that few people would like it, but there is no way, he can't control everything, there is no way to change the weather, so he can only adapt.

Turning around here, Hua Yueling's purpose is actually very obvious, even if he has made a cover, but if you look closely, you can find that his actions are quite regular.And basically it's going around an area, not going further.

After turning around for a while, she still didn't find anything. Hua Yueling felt that she should have changed some things, and she couldn't continue this way, she had to make some changes.

"Xiaoxue, didn't you find it?"

He stopped and asked Xiaoxue, who was based on the negative answer.Hua Yueling had actually guessed it a long time ago, but he still had to ask no matter what.

"People advise the master not to turn around here, in that case it's easy to find the owner's intention. And the other party may not be around here, you can go to see it further away."

Hua Yueling stretched out a lot, feeling a little tired, she didn't want to talk anymore, and even wanted to go home to rest.

"Ah, I'm a little tired, it's too hot. There is a small shop nearby. I'll buy a popsicle to eat."

While saying this, Hua Yueling walked to the place of memory. The canteen or store was on the edge of the road when she came, and Hua Yueling quickly found it.After buying a popsicle, he ate the popsicle while walking.

"There is a place to sit over there. I'll go sit there for a while."

Hua Yueling has no energy right now and needs to rest.Mainly there was nothing to notice, which made him a little bit disappointed, and the weather was indeed too hot, making him feel very uncomfortable outside, as if his body was about to be burned by the sun, his body was extremely hot.

The hair, clothes and pants were all dried into a stove, Hua Yueling wiped her face vigorously, took a mouthful of popsicles, and felt the coolness spread from her mouth.

It's very comfortable, although it's still uncomfortable in this environment.

Leaning against the back of the bench to rest for a while, Hua Yueling finished eating the popsicles, threw the sticks into the trash can, and then stood up.

"Well, look further afield."

Go to the station, after all, he was found there before, maybe there are any clues that can be found there.

Hua Yueling said so, speeding up the steps under her feet and walking forward.

Listening to the cries on the street is still very lively, but it is incomparable with the past, mainly because the traffic on the street has decreased.This is obvious, everyone is afraid of the heat, unless it is necessary to come out, otherwise they will stay at home and enjoy the cool, no one wants to come out.

Hua Yueling watched as she walked, and the streets were rarely green, and there were buildings everywhere, except for the passing cars, nothing else.

It is very difficult to find a place to escape the summer heat, but these are not the most important things for Hua Yueling. The most important thing for him is to find the person who follows him.But so far, there has been no gain at all, which made him a little discouraged, and it was quite uncomfortable anyway.

"Hey, I still didn't find out. Is he near here? It would be nice to follow him in the morning. Unfortunately, there is no time, and he was noticed at that time, there is no way to do that."

After all, he was monitored and tracked in the morning, unless he got rid of the opponent, otherwise his actions would be easy to startle.And there is really no time to do this in the morning.

Observing the passing pedestrians, Hua Yueling looked like an ordinary walk here, looking around at will, maintaining this attitude, Hua Yueling walked a long way, until he reached the station.

"There are a lot of people here."

Hua Yueling glanced at the station, and there were really some people waiting for the bus, but none of them were familiar to him.

"Well, I still haven't found anything."

Shaking his head, Hua Yueling said disappointedly.

"Master, don't be discouraged, as long as you don't care about it, you will definitely find out. It's just a matter of time or night."

"The point is that I can't go outside to look for clues every day, no, only these few days, and I also need to rest, it is impossible to come out in the morning and afternoon. Besides, it is easy to attract attention."

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