One day passed quickly, and Hua Yueling and the others were also preparing for the next day's actions and replenishing their energy.

"Little guy, how about your big sister sending you to another big sister's house tomorrow. Big sister and big brother are still going to have things, otherwise you can only leave you at home."

Aroline even talked to the little girl before taking a break, mainly to persuade her to leave her to others to take care of temporarily.In fact, it seemed to Aroline that there was no problem with or without her, but Hua Yueling also rejected her idea. From the very beginning, he never thought about taking the little girl to act together.

The danger is still on the one hand, after all, it is impossible to encounter danger with Aroline's protection, but there is another danger to be aware of.You must know that if you really find the target, it is possible to fight, and it is better not to show it in front of the little girl.

Aroline thought about it for this reason, she just thought that the little girl wouldn't be in danger, and it didn't matter if she followed, but she never thought about it.Now think about that, if you can, it's better not to show it in front of the little girl.

This was almost the case. Although the little girl didn't know why she entrusted herself to others, she was still quite obedient. After hearing it, she nodded and said that there was no problem.

"I'll be obedient, big sister."

"Well, good boy."

Aroline smiled on her face and patted the little girl on the head.

"Okay, it's not too early. Go to bed early. If you want to play, there will be time tomorrow. There will be time in the future. Don't worry about it at this time and a half."

"Well, I listen to my big sister."

After the little girl listened to her, she really obediently turned off the game console, and then lay down on the bed obediently, covered with a quilt, her small body tucked into the quilt, very cute and cute.

Aroline smiled when she saw her like this, and got into the quilt, hugged her petite body, and the two of them pressed close together, very happy.

"Go to sleep."


The little girl looked at her face, with some hesitation in her expression, as if she wanted to say something, but she resisted.How could this kind of tangled expression be hidden from Aroline? Seeing the little girl showing this look, she knew she had something to say, but she didn't know whether to say it or not.

The little girl looked at her secretly, but how could this kind of action be hidden from Aroline.

"Anything you want to say?"

Arolin moved back and faced the little girl.

"If you have anything you want to say, just say it, if you have any hesitation."

Aroline encouraged the little girl to express her thoughts.

"Is the big and big sister going out with the big brother tomorrow? Is there something very important?"

"Well, there are important things. And there may be battles."

Aroline naturally did not conceal it, so she said it directly.

"That's it..."

Her face gradually dimmed, but then she became calm, and her little head shook slightly.

"The big sister and big brother must come back safely!"


After the little girl said this, Aroline stared at the little girl for a while, so she couldn't help but want to avoid her sight, and then she spoke.

"Don't worry, big brother and big sister will be fine. But is this what you want to say?"


The little girl opened her eyes wide, obviously she didn't expect Aroline to ask this question, which made her a little wondering how to respond.


The hesitant words just couldn't say it. In fact, after Aroline said that she might fight, she already buried what she wanted to say in her heart and didn't want to say it again.The little girl also knows that if she speaks it out, her elder sister may agree, but it will hinder them and make them annoyed, so it is better not to say anything.

Seeing that she didn't want to speak out, Aroline got closer, hugged her with one hand, and hugged her into her arms.

"Do you want to go with us?"


The voice sounded so light that it was almost impossible to hear in her ears, and the little girl admitted the thought in her heart.

"It doesn’t matter if you want to go with us. I’ve discussed this with your elder brother, but I’ve got to agree with you in advance. If you still want to go after hearing about it, then we’ll take you with you tomorrow. If you don’t want to, Just do what I said before, is this okay?"


This time the little girl's voice was louder and her expression became more solemn.

"I don’t think it’s a big deal, but your elder brother is worried that you will not be able to withstand the fighting scene after seeing it, and it may be a little unsightly. I also thought about it, it is true, you are still a child, there is no need to blend in. This is what happened to us, so this decision was finally made."

"I, I can... I also want to be as good as my big brother and big sister!"

"It's too early, can you bear it?" Aroline looked at her and asked.The little girl is still younger, but in fact, the younger the girl, the better.To be honest, Aroline couldn't bear to let her do it.

If you wait until she grows up, you can teach her to practice martial arts, at least let her have the ability to protect herself, but now Aroline still hopes to make her life happier and easier.

"Yes, I definitely can. I will definitely not let the big sister and the big brother down, if it doesn't affect the big brother and the big sister."

The little girl still has the same words, as long as it doesn't affect them, she still wants to go with them.

After hearing the little girl's truth, Aroline was not angry, but was even happier than before.It is good for little girls to have their own ideas. Although puppets are also good, they are still inferior to the living people who have their own ideas and dare to speak their own ideas.

The little girl has also changed a bit and is more courageous, which is also good for her.

"That's all right, if that's the case, I'll talk to your elder brother tomorrow morning, you can act with us."

Aroline finally changed her mind after the conversation with the little girl, she decided to take the little girl with her.Acting together will not improve her strength or anything. Even if there is a fight, she won’t be needed, but it can increase her knowledge and, to a certain extent, her mental quality can be improved. These two aspects In fact, it is also very important, not to be underestimated.

After getting the affirmative answer from Aroline, the little girl also thanked her immediately, her small body was thrown into her arms, and her small head kept rubbing against her chest, like a petite and cute Cats are average and lovely.

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