Hua Yueling also rested after learning illusion, and she had to go out early tomorrow, and she naturally had to rest well today.

Soon he fell asleep and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Hua Yueling and the others got up early, which is very, very early in terms of holiday time. Hua Yueling woke up just at six o'clock.Opening her eyes and looking aside, Sister Yun hasn't woke up yet.

"Um... It's a little bit early, and I can sleep a little longer."

Hua Yueling is still a little sleepy and wants to rest again.But after thinking about it, he sat up cautiously.After getting up, she looked at Sister Yun again and saw that she hadn't been awakened by herself, so she was relieved and picked up her clothes and walked outside.

Open the door and go out lightly, put on the pants and jacket in the living room, and then look at the room where Sister Aroline and the little girl are.The door of the room was still closed, and it seemed that Sister Aroline and the others hadn't woken up yet.

"It's still a bit early. I should sleep a little longer."

Even if I went out to buy breakfast, I guess my sister just woke up when I came back and finished eating.Aroline didn't know when she picked them up, and said that she would get up earlier this morning, but now she doesn't seem to know what time it is earlier.

"Wait a little longer."

Going back to the room would definitely not work. In that case, it would be easy to wake my sister, so he simply lay on the sofa in the living room and started playing with his mobile phone.

The game console was still in the room, and it was more troublesome to get it back. Hua Yueling simply gave up this idea.

After half an hour passed, hearing a noise in her room, Hua Yueling glanced at the time. It was already more than 6:40, which was almost the time for her sister to get up.

He got up and went back to the door of his room, opened the door and walked in.

"Sister Yun, you are up."

After entering, I saw that my sister was already dressed, and I was a little surprised to see him walk in.

"Why did you get up so early today? Didn't you get more sleep?"

"Something was going on, but I got up too early. After I went out, I was afraid that I would come in again to wake my sister, so I just lied outside for a while.

"It's kind of for my sister's sake. But even if you wake up, it doesn't matter. It doesn't affect anything. It's comfortable here if you lie outside. Don't think about it next time. Come back if you want to rest."

After I went out, I went to wash and rinse. After Hua Yun came out, I also checked the time, which was relatively early.

"Should I make breakfast today or go out to buy breakfast?"

Usually, I’d better buy more early. After all, Huayun is also very busy. She has been making breakfast by herself and it is troublesome and tired. The key is not knowing what to do.So she usually buys some bread and mixes it with a simple breakfast such as milk salad dressing. It’s not much worse to buy breakfast in Hepingchang.

"Let's do it yourself today after a long absence."

"I'll help!"

Hua Yueling volunteered to follow her sister into the kitchen, and Hua Yueling also had some cooking skills.However, they are all ordinary, too complicated.

"doing what?"

"Well, I didn't think about it. Let's see what's in the refrigerator first."

I opened the refrigerator, and it was stuffed with a lot of things, and there were leftovers in it, but eating these things in the morning was not good.

"Spread the egg pie?"


Hua Yueling didn't speak, he thought it would be better for him not to speak, otherwise he would have rejected her sister's proposal.

"What else is there other than this, or just fried rice. How much rice is left."

Hua Yueling took a look and found that there was not much left. This was what was left at noon yesterday. I didn't eat it last night. As for the food I bought last night, the rice was almost eaten and nothing was left.

"Forget it, I'd better go out and buy an early breakfast. I'll save myself thinking about it here. Let my sister think about it."

What to eat one in the morning is a difficult problem, and Hua Yun, who is too troublesome, doesn't bother to do it.

As a result, after discussing it a bit, I changed to buying breakfast. Hua Yueling also said that he would go with him, and the two siblings went out.When they went out, Aroline's room still didn't respond, and she really didn't know when she would have to wait to get up.

What Sister Aroline said was really deceptive enough to get up and go out earlier. When is this, it can't be said that it is earlier.

Hua Yueling thought so, and went out with her sister, both of which were riding bicycles, faster.When she came back to finish her meal, Huayun should go to work after a while.

She is very busy every day, which is quite tiring. Fortunately, her physical fitness is very good, especially after exercise, this kind of ordinary life no longer makes her as tired as before.

On the way to buy breakfast, Hua Yueling also deliberately observed the neighborhood, but still couldn't find the person. It seemed that it was still too early, so the person hasn't come out yet.

I also searched on the way back, but there was no response.

"Maybe it's not here, it should be on the other side. But the time is still a bit early, if he is working nearby, it should be about eight or nine o'clock."

"Perhaps it is, but that's not sure. It's still a question whether you can find anything today."

Hua Yueling wasn't so confident, but she had to come and see it no matter what.After getting a conclusion that was not a conclusion, Hua Yueling went home with her sister.

When I arrived at home, I saw that Aroline and the little girl had woken up and were sitting in the living room waiting for them.

"Sister Huayun and Xiao Yueling, you can be regarded as coming back. I went to your room to look for you, and if you weren't there, I guess you should have bought it early. You got up early enough."

"It's okay," Hua Yun smiled. She used to see that the table and chopsticks were already set up on the table. It seems that Aroline and the others didn't do anything before they came. "Come on, eat early."

Aroline and the little girl also came to help. After finishing all those early, she pulled the chair away and sat down to eat early.

"Are you comfortable living here? How do you feel?"

After taking two bites, Hua Yun looked at the little girl and asked with concern.

"Well, thank you big sister, I am very comfortable living here and I like it very much."

The little girl quickly replied loudly.

"That's good. I'm afraid there is no way for you to adapt. If you have any needs in the future, just say that you are a member of our family."

"I know, thank you big sister!"

The little girl once again expressed her gratitude to Hua Yun. If it were before, she would never have imagined that she could have such a life now.

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