The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1281 Hidden Object

"I think my luck is pretty good."

Hua Yueling said with a smile.If you want to say it, his luck is of course good, but it is not certain whether luck will help him in this kind of place, and he cannot easily jump to conclusions.

"But now it is more useful to believe in your own strength than luck."

Hua Yueling looked into the distance while talking. The pedestrians on the street were talking and laughing. The vehicles came and went, and they were also very disciplined. Everyone got along in harmony.Perhaps because I have lived here for a long time, or grew up here since I was a child, I have become accustomed to everything here, and I haven't seen other buildings. On the contrary, I regard the buildings here as the most normal.

But these are actually imaginations, or things that generally come to mind, but these people are not actually like this. They are just a bunch of puppets, just a bunch of fantasy, not real.

Of course, it's best not to speak too much. In fact, it may be different from these.Never underestimate the world created by illusion, it is not that simple, Hua Yueling can say the same after learning that illusion is only.

Illusion is quite mysterious, the world created is also real and illusion, and if illusion is powerful enough, it can easily kill people in the world of illusion.

It's just that the illusion technology components can't do it. There is a gap in the strength of the illusion, and there is actually a gap in the strength.

On the other hand, Hua Yueling's illusion skills were actually not enough, otherwise he could take Sister Aroline and the little girl directly out of this world, and there was no need to fight each other here.I didn't want it before, but now I can't do it.

Deciphering such an illusion requires a high level of illusion ability and also requires an understanding of illusion, and these two points are not enough for Hua Yueling for the time being.

For the time being, Hua Yueling didn't even know where to go, and she didn't have any clues, which made her very confused. What should she do next, he couldn't answer this question.

"Is there no way?" Seeing Hua Yueling next to him is still thinking, and frowning from time to time, his brows are very deep, and he can see that he is very helpless in his heart.

"Well, I don't know what to do for the time being. I tried a cracking method, but it didn't work."

"In other words, you still can't crack this illusion?"

Aroline asked again.Originally, she thought that Hua Yueling should be able to cope. There was no problem, but she didn't expect that she would think too much, Hua Yueling could not cope.

"Well, there is no way for the time being. At least it is quite difficult. It can be said that this illusion is beyond the scope of my ability."

Hua Yueling sighed, originally thought that after purchasing the illusion skills, there was no need to worry about these things, who would have thought that she would run into this kind of thing.If this is not the case, it is not difficult to crack.

"Since there is no other way, just take some time to think about it. Maybe you will be able to think of the award soon. Don't worry before that. If you keep worrying, it will be useless. Relax. Don't worry."

Aroline comforted Huayueling, let him relax, don't strain his nerves like he is now, there is no way to solve the problem in this way.

"Well, I see, I will find a way to calm myself down."

With one hand covering his head, Hua Yueling nodded.Going forward with Aroline and the little girl, it's still a bit aimless for the time being, but it's better than just standing still.

This was Arolin's suggestion, and Hua Yueling naturally followed it.

The three people were walking on the street, except for the ordinary human beings, that is, strange-shaped buildings and vehicles.To be honest, Hua Yueling dislikes these vehicles very much and is unwilling to see them, but unless he closes his eyes, he will definitely be able to see them.

Hua Yueling was a little uncomfortable, but there was no way to avoid it, she could only endure it like this.


Sighed, walked a lot, and circled this place, Hua Yueling still did not think of a good solution to the problem.The main reason is that there is a difference in the strength of the illusion between the two sides, otherwise it won't be so uncomfortable.

"Nothing to find, it's hidden well, or is it not here at all?"

Generally speaking, the system components would have a familiar feeling to him, but after walking for so long, Hua Yueling didn't feel that feeling at all.This probably means that the illusion part is not here, what should I do in that case.

The most important point of this illusion has not been found yet, but Hua Yueling also has a guess for the time being.

"It's really weird, the space here is really big, it looks like no one can go to the end."

Aroline said strangely.It stands to reason that no matter how strong the illusionist is, the illusion world created by the illusionist should actually have boundaries. It takes a considerable amount of energy to pull others into the illusion world, and the larger the world, the more energy it consumes.

But judging from the current situation, they seem to be drawn into a world that is even larger than a city, which also means that the illusion component cannot be underestimated.

Hua Yueling is also very troubled, so far there is still nothing to do.

"There seems to be nothing worth noting here."

"But isn't there a very interesting place? Go there and have a look."

"It seems that I can only go there."

Hua Yueling whispered.

"Then go, don't wait here."

The place Hua Yueling and the others said was a more conspicuous place, almost in the middle of this illusory city.No matter where you stand, you can see it. It is a very high tower, and one more thing worth mentioning is that the tower is very normal, unlike other buildings and vehicles they have encountered. So unbearable.

It is precisely because of this that Hua Yueling and the others feel that they should go there.It's just that at first they wanted to look around here to see if there were other clues, but until now there is no better discovery, so they can only go there.

The three people walked over there, their speed was not fast, they were about the same as ordinary people on the street, in fact, there was no need to worry, the more anxious, the worse they could do.Hua Yueling and the others knew about this, and it happened that they could calm down on the road in the past.

Hua Yueling breathed out a long breath, and after walking for a while, her mood was completely calmed down, at least much calmer than before.

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