The entrance door of the tower is tightly closed, and you have to open the door if you want to enter.This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are two soldiers standing in front of the gate. If you just open the gate like this...

Hua Yueling was a little helpless, but she had to make a choice when faced with this situation.There is a time limit for invisibility. Aroline does not have the ability. She can be invisible for as long as she wants, but he can't.He must solve the current problem as soon as possible and enter it.

Staring at the door in front of you, the door was not locked, it was just closed, but it was very difficult to not make a sound if it was opened.This is also what Hua Yueling is worried about. If the noise is discovered, then it is likely to trigger a battle, and the situation will definitely not be easy.

Hua Yueling didn't want this, he wanted to solve the problem as easily as possible.

"How to do this?"

Hua Yueling looked behind her, and whispered to Aroline beside her.

"If you don't want to be discovered, you don't want to go in, or it's better to knock them out. Otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Hua Yueling shook his head gently, there is no better way.

"Then knock them out."

Aroline said lightly.

"But isn't this also attracting attention? Although the number of guards here is relatively small, it is not that there are no one."

During the previous observation, Hua Yueling and the others discovered that although the number of guards here is not large, there are still people here, not just these two, there is no one except them.If it is so natural, it is good, but the point is that it is not.

This is very troublesome. Hua Yueling is worried that these two fainted people will be discovered by them, and even if the two people are stunned and hidden, it is estimated that something is wrong.That was not so good for Hua Yueling and the others, it was a scene they didn't want to see.

"What else can I do?"

Perhaps he heard their conversation, or just noticed something wrong, and one of them turned his head and looked at the door.Hua Yueling and Aroline naturally noticed each other's actions, and quickly stopped talking, both of them closed their mouths so as not to be discovered.

"What's wrong?" The other person also noticed the movement of the same class, turned his head strangely and looked at the entrance of the tower, and asked in confusion when he saw no one.

"Nothing." After hesitating for a while, the person who first noticed something wrong shook his head, saying that there was nothing wrong.

"You are just too nervous, what weird things can happen here, don't be silly about worrying about this and that, you see, isn't it quite calm?"

"Yes, maybe I think too much."

After commenting on the place where Hua Yueling and the others were located, and after confirming that there was nothing to be discovered, he nodded and agreed with his companions, thus retracting his gaze.

Hua Yueling and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, just now they really frightened them, thinking they were really discovered by the other party.Now it seems to be just a false alarm, not as terrible as imagined.

"Be quiet, otherwise they might find it."

Even Aroline was subconsciously cautious, and she didn't want to get into the battle before the action started.Although the illusion component or the person who owns it may not be like this, if it is discovered, it may still be surrounded by people here.

"Yeah, this is the most important thing."

Looking at the closed door in front of them, it really made them feel a little at a loss.There are many ways to open such a door, but there are few ways to open it silently right in front of the opponent.

Aroline can take them directly in and use her method, but then she still depends on Sister Aroline, there is nothing wrong with him.

Hua Yueling wanted to rely on her own strength to solve the problem, not relying on Sister Aroline, but is there any difference in the end?There is nothing, I still have to rely on Sister Aroline for help to solve the problem, and there is no difference in peace, except for some changes in my thinking, my actions are not the same.

Therefore, Hua Yueling was not prepared to accept the help of Sister Aroline, he wanted to solve the problem in his own way.This can be regarded as a test for yourself. If you can't even complete the postgraduate entrance examination yourself, what should you do in the future?

Hua Yueling actually had such thoughts in her heart, but he didn't tell others, nor did he want others to know his thoughts.He just wanted to do it this way, and gradually no longer rely on others so much, so that others can also be themselves.

It can be said to be a small wish, but to realize this wish is not as simple as it seems.To know what kind of strength Aroline and Livello are, not to mention their two out-of-conventional people, that is, Gokala and Rafia are temporarily beyond the reach of Hua Yueling.

Naturally, Hua Yueling wouldn't lose confidence because of this. After all, if he really had no confidence, he wouldn't have the same idea as he is now.

"Um...what else can I do?"

Hua Yueling is still thinking about possible solutions, but for the time being, there is still no particularly good solution, none at all.Aloline looked at him and didn’t say anything. She could probably guess Hua Yueling’s thoughts. After all, this kind of thought is actually not difficult to guess, and from Hua Yueling’s expression and his actions basically It can be seen.

Arolin didn't stop his thoughts either, after all, this was what she and Livio wanted to see.They hope that Hua Yueling can be alone as soon as possible, which is of great benefit to them.

In terms of current strength, Hua Yueling is indeed not enough, but he can improve, and the room for improvement is very, very large, and the upper limit that can be reached is beyond their imagination.They are standing at a very high height now, but Hua Yueling will definitely be able to stand much higher than the height they are standing now.

It just takes time, and it is not a short time, but a time that is too long to even imagine.

The two soldiers withdrew their gazes, and they chatted about the sky. It was also because it was so boring to stay here all the time, so they chatted casually.Hua Yueling didn't bother to listen to what they were talking about. It was of no use to them. The main thing now was how to get in.

Obviously standing at the entrance of the tower, but there is no way to get in, this feeling is quite uncomfortable.

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