The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1289 War of Illusion


After exhaling a long breath, Hua Yueling's head hurts a little, but fortunately, it is not to the point where she can't move.Standing in place with his head covered, he could feel that his state was gradually recovering.

"how about it?"

"Not so good. I can feel some kind of power eroding my spirit when I get close to the past, it's quite uncomfortable."

"Hold on and catch it!"

"It's not just this question, what kind of situation would it be if you get too close."

Hua Yueling put down his hand, although he could still feel the interference formed by the fluctuation of the power, but the state was already much better, and the power of calming him could be confronted, and there was no need to do anything else.

"I can only move forward little by little. If the power that is invading in an instant is strong enough, it will have a terrible effect on my spirit. That situation is not good at all."

"But hesitate to continue."

Hua Yueling continued to walk forward, and mobilized her strength, recalling some of the skills obtained from the purchased illusion skills.Since the other party is using illusion to invade himself, then he can also use illusion knowledge to resist accordingly.

Hua Yueling knew about the basics of illusion, but it was the first time it was actually used, and it was still used for defense.


Somewhat unskilled, Hua Yueling had to stop after walking a few steps.

"No, still no."

I used the knowledge related to illusion, but still couldn't stop the illusion attack of the illusion component like the waves.

"Sure enough, there is no practice, just having this knowledge is still very troublesome."

In fact, the main problem is that what Hua Yueling buys is the illusion attack skill, not the defensive skill. It would be easier to use illusion to attack others, but it would be troublesome to use illusion to defend.It will look like the way it is now, and it will have no effect.

As he walked forward step by step, the parts of the illusion technique gradually rose, and a certain aura radiated from it, and gradually became richer.

"this is……"

"Xiao Yueling, don't wait here, the situation is a little bit wrong."

Aroline followed him and said to Hua Yueling after noticing the changes in the illusion parts.

What's wrong is for sure, even if Hua Yueling is not reminded by Sister Alorin, the key issue is not what kind of changes have been made to the illusion parts, but that he still cannot increase the speed of advancement, which is very Annoying.

It is still only possible to move forward step by step, and the changes in the illusion components seem to be approaching the final moment. Hua Yueling doesn't know what kind of changes the illusion components will produce.This is very annoying.

"As long as I can catch it before it changes, there should be no problem!"

Hua Yueling thought so, but she just thought so, she couldn't reach the speed she imagined.Arolin said that she didn't help him, after all, this was his own thought.

Just help him protect the little girl, and leave the rest to him. This is what Hua Yueling thought.It's just that it seems that his strength is still not enough now, otherwise, there is no need to be so troublesome, won't it be over if you just rush up.

Seeing that it was reaching the last moment, the illusionist parts exuded a bright light.Hua Yueling stared at the illusion component, for some reason, the sun suddenly appeared in her mind, and the current illusion component was like a sun.

An instant bright light filled the room, Hua Yueling closed her eyes subconsciously, and blocked her eyes with one hand.

"So bright."

It seemed that something flew over and waved forward. With a crisp sound, Hua Yueling felt a powerful force attacking him. This force could suppress him and put him at a disadvantage. .

However, Hua Yueling was still holding on. Although he moved a little bit backward, he didn't retreat much, it was just a little bit, not even a step away.

Hua Yueling was still insisting, she had to keep going. It was difficult enough to move forward. Wouldn't it be more troublesome to move back.But the most noteworthy thing right now is not this, but whether the illusion component has completed what it has to do, otherwise it should not be the case.

No one knew what was going on yet, Hua Yueling was at a loss, not sure what the situation was.

The light gradually converged, Hua Yueling felt it, removed the arm in front of his eyes, and fell to the front.

"How is this going?!"

An astonishing emotion emerged in his heart for a moment, and he looked in front of him in disbelief, the tower disappeared, and he was not in the previous room.

He was alone on the empty grass. Turning to look behind her, Sister Aroline and the little girl weren't here, as if they had been taken elsewhere.But he didn't worry about them very much. Sister Aroline must have been separated deliberately, otherwise she wouldn't be separated so easily with her strength.

"Is it a new layer of illusion?"

Hua Yueling closed his eyes and began to feel the world, but at the moment he closed his eyes, before he even started to act, he felt the ground shaking.

Regardless of feeling any more, Hua Yueling quickly opened his eyes, and at the end of the line of sight in front of him, an unknowing piece of blackness was pouring over like a surging tide.

"Isn't it?!"

Hua Yueling looked at this scene with a wry smile, not knowing what to do.Only a few words are okay, but with so many monsters, he can't win it, it's only in fantasy.

"I can only avoid it, but how do I hide?"

There is no place to hide everywhere, there is no dead corner, then there is only one way to step on those monsters, but this method is more dangerous, and one who is not careful may be submerged in the monster group.

Before she knew it, she fell into this situation, and Hua Yueling was not ready yet.But no matter what, the next time is to be challenged. If there is no way to overcome this wave of challenges...In fact, Hua Yueling doesn't know what will happen, but he only knows that he has to carry it. , How can I lose here,

Without waiting in the same place, Hua Yueling rushed forward, the ground trembling, the atmosphere of the mountain whistling and tsunami was getting stronger and stronger. Seeing that the two sides who were very different were about to collide together, Hua Yueling discovered the monsters that rushed over. What it looks like.

A group of monsters that are hard to say are trampling on the ground. They have four legs, their necks must be half the length of the legs, and they have a head about the size of a human being. Their facial features are particularly strange.

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