When the big bed was completely moved, the secret road was exposed to Hua Yueling's eyes. This was a very small secret road that could only pass one person at a time, and it was very difficult for even one person to go down.

Hua Yueling looked at the entrance. The entrance was very small, probably only slightly larger than the size of a stool.

Standing at the entrance of the secret road, Hua Yueling looked down, only to see that there was a dark area inside, and she could not see anything.But another reason is that the entrance of the secret passage is really too small.If this weren't the case, Hua Yueling would have been able to see more, although it was useless.

"Go on, it's useless to just wait here. I just don't know what else will be down there."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but there must be some magical monsters in the secret path, or other types of enemies. Anyway, it is impossible for him to easily find what he wants to find. .

Pressing the ground with her hand, her foot stepped down first, Hua Yueling leaned back and explored under the secret road little by little.It took some time to make my body hurt, but I finally got in.

"Well, it's the same down here."

After going down, Hua Yueling found out that her thoughts were wrong. It was not directly a first-step step inside, but was made extremely narrow like the above. It would take a lot of effort to go down, and there was no way to relax. Go on.

The body was rubbing down on the wall, making herself quite uncomfortable, but Hua Yueling had no choice but to go on like this, unless he could directly break through the entrance of the secret passage.Otherwise it can only be so.


After spending a lot of effort, Hua Yueling felt that her body was about to be corrected so that she didn't know what was going on. This was considered as going out from that small place.

"It's down, I'm really going to be killed by this way."

Hua Yueling sighed and said helplessly.After coming down that narrow passage, he came to a new place.However, it is still a narrow passage, which can only accommodate one person to walk around, but it is much better than the previous one. At least it is still possible to walk here, not to say that you can't walk and you can only go down a little bit.

That kind of situation is the pure malice of the illusion technology component, it is to torture him, so that he can't get down easily, and can only accept this way of action.

"Don't let me catch you, or you will have to torture you severely."

Hua Yueling thought viciously in her heart, but he probably forgot that the illusion part was just a part, not a real person or creature.At that time, even if he wanted to do something to retaliate... There would be no other good way besides smashing it to the ground.

Now Hua Yueling naturally didn't think of this. There was only one thought in his heart, and that was to retaliate, and must retaliate.How much effort I had to spend on such a system component, I was really mad at death.

"Calm down. If this goes on, there is no way to explore this place properly. Calm down."

Talking to himself like this in his heart, his emotions can be regarded as calmer than before, at least now he is not in the same angry state as before.

Hua Yueling gradually calmed down after reminding herself, took a deep breath, and looked forward.This ladder is quite long, and there is no light below, and no one knows what is below.

"Let's go, I feel that the distance should not be far away."

I can feel that power is getting closer and closer to me. I don't know if I can reach the destination directly if I go on like this, but I think it should not work.

Going all the way down the stairs, he was surprised that there was no monster on the road to stop him from moving forward. He originally thought he would be stopped by the enemy, but now it seems that it may not be time yet.Hua Yueling walked very quietly along the way, and there were no monsters blocking the road in front, so she should be able to reach the bottom very calmly.

Hua Yueling also heard some sounds on the way, these sounds were very strange, and it was difficult to judge what it was just by listening to the sound.

"Is there something down there?"

Hua Yueling thought in her heart, and tried her best to look down the stairs, but it was still black.Hua Yueling found that the several places she faced were like this, and it was pitch black everywhere, so as to cut off people's sight, and it was very troublesome to explore.

"It's better not to do more at this time."

You can still use torches or magic to illuminate, but it is also dangerous to use this method, so it's better to just keep it in this state than that.

The fluctuation of power is far and near, it seems to be moving, Hua Yueling does not have time to understand these in detail now.

"But this power fluctuation shouldn't be caused by the illusion component, it seems to be a little different."

Although Hua Yueling hadn't actually seen the illusion parts, and didn't know if there were other enemies, he felt that it seemed a little different.This is the thought in the mind, and it is difficult to fade after this thought arises.

"Several illusion worlds have been created. It stands to reason that no matter how much energy it has, it should consume a lot of energy. As long as this illusion world is destroyed, it should be able to be recovered by then."

But it's still a bit early to think about it now, and those are things to do after going out, rather than thinking about it now.I didn't even think about how to go out. It was just a waste of time to think about this in a hurry.

"Go on, it should be almost there."

This staircase was really long, Hua Yueling was a little annoyed when she walked, but there was no sign of reaching the end.Looking down, it is still dark, which is quite annoying.

However, the quiet atmosphere was broken, and the sound of footsteps and the cry of monsters from nowhere floated in his ears, giving him a lot of shock.To be honest, Hua Yueling is not afraid of these, but in such a place, hearing this kind of call, there will be some bad reactions anyway.

Frowning, Hua Yueling stopped, and looked around her front and back carefully. There is no need to worry too much on both sides, but who knows if the other party will ambush something in front or behind.

"Nothing, is it still further down?"

It feels that the fluctuation of that power has drawn much closer. If you think about it this way, it may be almost there. If his estimation is correct, about four or five minutes should be enough to reach the bottom.

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