In the corner are old cabinets. The cabinets are quite luxurious and contain a lot of things, including jewelry and clothes.Then there is the dressing table and the bed against the wall.

There is a small table in the center, and stools around the table. These stools are round stools, probably made of red cedar, which is particularly artistic.The ancient breath is also more attractive.

Hua Yueling closed the door after entering, walked to the table, and picked up the most eye-catching note on the table.Reading the text written on it, Hua Yueling took a glance and put the note away, shook her head.

The note was written in words he didn't recognize. Since he didn't know it, please ask Xiaoxue to read it, but this method didn't work, because Xiaoxue didn't know it either.

"Hey, don't you understand Xiaoxue?"

Hua Yueling was very surprised, she didn't expect to get such an answer, it was too unexpected.It stands to reason that since the illusion component comes from the system, no matter what kind of text it uses, it should be without difficulty for Xiaoxue as a system wizard, but now she says she can’t understand it, which is simply Fantastic Nights.

At least Hua Yueling thought so. In any case, he couldn't believe that Xiaoxue didn't understand the words on this note. It shouldn't be like this.

"This is actually normal. After all, this is the world it has transformed into, so the text may have been transformed into it according to its ideas. If this is the case, then I naturally can't understand it."

"Yes... I forgot about this."

After hearing Xiaoxue's explanation, Hua Yueling thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed the truth. If Xiaoxue said that, even if she didn't know it, it would be excusable. There is no need to blame her.

"Then it's still leaving a note here, I can't understand it, it's useless."

"Maybe it's just decoration?"

Xiaoxue didn't believe what she said, let alone convinced Hua Yueling.Hua Yueling shook her head directly, denying her opinion.

"Decoration should be impossible. If you really leave decorations, you shouldn’t use this anyway. This note should have a special meaning, maybe it was used for a declaration of war, but we can’t help it. Read it."

"That said, isn't this note still meaningless."

Xiaoxue’s words made Huayueling stunned. If he thinks about it carefully, this is actually the case. No matter what the other party thinks, it is impossible for him to leave a clue. In this way, no matter what is written on the note. It is meaningless at all.

"Forget it, let the phone come, and leave it alone."

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling realized that she didn't need to worry about what was written on the note anymore. It was enough to know that it was definitely not necessary for her.

After putting away the note, Hua Yueling continued to walk inside.After a lot of searching everywhere, Hua Yueling found that there was nothing else worth noting here.This note is all that needs to be paid attention to here, and they have not been able to read the note yet, which is really interesting.

Turning around and pushing open the door, outside is a wider passage than the passage that I walked through before. Inside the passage is quiet, without any figure.

"I really don't understand what it did for such a place. If it is to trouble me, but in the end it didn't encounter any traps or enemies. It seems to be the same as the previous high tower, just for delaying time. "

"There should be other intentions. If it is to delay time, it is not necessary to do so."

"Perhaps, but it's difficult to guess its idea at the moment. It's better to pass it as soon as possible. Just like the situation before, the more it passes, the worse the situation becomes."

Hua Yueling quickened his pace, and the exploration took less time than before. If too much time was spent on the exploration, the arrival time would definitely be delayed.

Now she also decided to find the power that attracted him first, no matter how, the others can be left behind, there is no need to worry too much.

Winding around all the way, just as Xiaoxue said, this road is very long.In fact, the straight-line distance from the place where you came to the destination was not that far. The main reason was that it was twisted around. Hua Yueling was about to doubt life.

In many cases, it was obvious that it was about to arrive, and in the end it was a dead end.Sometimes a dead end is just a dead end, nothing else.Others are hiding monsters in the dark. These monsters are well hidden, and they have almost no aura. In addition, Hua Yueling is anxious to find the power, and has not searched the surroundings carefully, so he did not find it.

One was that it was accidental and almost made a big mistake. Thinking about the situation at the time, it was really dangerous enough. If it was really a series of attacks by monsters, it would be hard to say what the consequences would be.

Hua Yueling really didn't pay attention at the time. When she reached the end, she saw that there was no road ahead and turned around and left. In addition, she was in a bad mood, so even if the enemy had come out, it didn't attract his attention.

It wasn't until an extremely small voice sounded that Hua Yueling realized that something was not quite right.

Was attacked?!

He had this idea for the first time, and he rolled forward subconsciously. The weapon in the enemy's hand almost wiped his body and cut a hole in his clothes.Fortunately, it was just that, and it did not cause more harm.

After being attacked to Hua Yueling, she was naturally not in a good mood. After avoiding it, she turned around and looked behind her, and saw that a figure appeared at the end of the road without knowing when.Although he didn't care too much about the environment when he came here before, he still swept around if there were any enemies nearby. At that time, there was no front or left or right.

But at this time, an enemy suddenly appeared, and I couldn't see where it came from.Huayueling is sure that this enemy should have been hidden nearby before, but she didn't find it. It shouldn't have been turned out later. If this is the case, she should have encountered it before instead of here. Just met for the first time.

Turning around and reaching the enemy's side, the speed of the enemy is not slow, turning around and hitting Hua Yueling, Hua Yueling is naturally not afraid of it.The figure flashed, and instantly avoided the enemy's attack, at the same time he was able to attack again.

The two-handed sword slashed heavily across, and the enemy could not withstand such a blow.

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