Hua Yueling's monsters surrounding him are gradually decreasing, and the strength in strength is displayed and fully displayed.Facing these enemies, Huayueling didn't panic at all, and was able to fight with ease, no matter what kind of attack the other side adopted, there was no way to threaten him.

A large two-handed sword was used to protect himself from the wind, and at the same time, he could kill the enemy without paying attention.

The monster also showed a male, slamming angrily after his companion was killed, opening his mouth and howling, trying to come over and grab him and bit him, but these have no effect.Hua Yueling avoided easily, and used the gap to kill one more.

After killing a few monsters, Huayueling is also a lot easier here. Although the remaining enemies have improved in strength due to anger, there is still no way to cause him too much trouble.

There is no big difference between the number of monsters when there are fewer and more. The battles are the same, and it is easier to fight with fewer people. Although these monsters have increased in strength, they will pounce like crazy.

"Has it not been resolved over there?"

Hua Yueling was a little doubtful that the adventurer was deliberate, and he had solved several of them here, but he still seemed to be fighting fiercely there, and this battle even gave him the feeling that it would not be over.There is really no one.

"Forget it, don't care about him, anyway, just deal with these monsters."

It's useless to think about this right now. The other party can't tell him what he really thinks, so he has to observe it himself.Anyway, it didn't cause much trouble to myself, so that was enough.

Hua Yueling waved his two-handed sword, another monster was killed by him between the backhands.

Those monsters are getting fewer and fewer, and in a blink of an eye there are half fewer, there are four more.During the period, Hua Yueling also hid to the side to observe it specially, and found that the adventurer still fought back and forth when facing the monster, although it had the upper hand, and caused a lot of scars on the monster. , But it seems that for a while, don't think that this battle will be over.

Hua Yueling no longer knows what to say to express her feelings. This is too bad. If you really rely on him, these sheep will not be eaten up, and none of them will be able to leave.

Facing the rushing monster, Hua Yueling also greeted him, and the tiger with his two-handed sword was swung into the wind, exuding an incomparable terrifying aura.This momentum suppressed the mania of these monsters, and even caused them to feel scared in an instant, and stopped the rushing footsteps.

Just as he thought, his aura is still very useful, and those monsters are also afraid of this.

Relying on the momentum to suppress them, and stopped them halfway without rushing over immediately, followed by a series of attacks by Hua Yueling.Those monsters were suppressed by the aura radiating from him, and for a while, let alone an attack, they didn't even have the ability to react. They could only watch Huayueling attack and kill their partners.

Two of the four monsters were killed in a blink of an eye.

The sheep chaser stood a little further away, standing in front of his flock of sheep watching the battle in front of him, and was stunned by Hua Yueling's fighting style and the strength he showed.

Hua Yueling didn't care about these, as long as all the remaining enemies were solved, wouldn't it be enough? What else should be paid attention to.

With such thoughts in mind, he fought violently, and he simply didn't put those monsters in his eyes.However, he has the capital. Facing the remaining monsters, he didn't spend much time and easily solved them. The two monsters were knocked to the ground, and then Hua Yueling chased after him, slashing with both hands to solve the problem. Both of them.

"Huh, that's fine."

Hua Yueling let out a long sigh. After solving all the monsters, he turned and looked at his companion, and saw that the opponent's battle was over in due course.


Hua Yueling didn't know what to do, she seemed a bit too deliberate in this way.However, sometimes the more you do this, the less doubtful it is. After all, if it is really deliberate, isn't it a question of doing so?

"It's really amazing!"

After the adventurer over there worked so hard to solve the monster, he moved quickly, and said with a surprised look beside him.

"Yes? This monster is still a bit worse, not that powerful."

"But even this kind of monster is extremely difficult for me to deal with."

The adventurer seemed to be hurt by the words he said, and he lowered his head and said with some disappointment.

"This shows that you still need to improve. It's not enough to be complacent just like this."

Hua Yueling didn't comfort the other party either, he was talking casually while observing the other party covertly.But the other party seemed to have listened to his words, and soon gained confidence again.

Obviously he didn't encourage him, but I don't know why it is to give the adventurer a confident appearance.Hua Yueling was a little strange, but he didn't say anything. He didn't have much interest in knowing what the other party thought.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. If there are no two of you, I really don't know what to do. I will definitely lose a lot."

The sheep chaser couldn't even take care of his own sheep, and immediately ran over to thank them.Hua Yueling and the adventurer both shook their heads and said that this was nothing, they just did what they could.

Doing this kind of thing is not to reap the gratitude of others, but just because they met, and they have the ability, why not help, there is no reason.

After chatting with the sheep chaser, Hua Yueling and the others continued on the road to the next village.The sheep-driving people thanked them a lot from behind, and seemed to have endless words of thanks. Hua Yueling felt a little shy after hearing it.

"We just did what we could."

Hua Yueling was relieved when she waved goodbye to the other party until she turned the corner and no longer saw the sheep-driving man.This is the first time I have been so thanked.

Turning around, you can still hear the sheep's calls and the messy footsteps. It is estimated that this sound will have to accompany them for a while.

Along the road to the end, you can see that the road around the mountains disappears. The next step is to trek through the mountains and rivers, except for the mountainside.

"Climb the mountain, maybe you can see the village when you go up."

Hua Yueling said so, and walked forward on the initiative.

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