The adventurer was lying on the top of the mountain to rest. He was really tired, and he didn't want to move when he was tired.The energy that had been accumulated with great difficulty was only consumed in an instant.

Fortunately, I came up, as long as I came up, I could rest.

Hua Yueling turned his head and looked at him, seeing his appearance, there was no way to move forward in a short time, so he could only rest here for a while.Hua Yueling could go out and explore the way to see what's ahead, but it didn't seem to make any sense.

"I'm going to find the way, you can rest here."

"Thank you, I will catch up with you if I have strength in a while."

The adventurer wanted to go with him, but he couldn't bear to let him climb the mountain temporarily, so he said so.

"Don't worry, I just go ahead and have a look, and I'll be back soon. Anyway, the road is not far away."

Go down into the valley and then go up the mountain, unless it is to go further.But there is no need for that, as long as the village is over another mountain, it is obviously not like that.

Hua Yueling climbed over the mountain and came to the other side, and another higher mountain blocked his way.If you want to go forward, you have to climb another mountain.There was nothing worth noting here, Hua Yueling turned around and returned.

If he is the only one, it is fine to leave, but he is here with others, and he has to think for others, and he can't just leave like this.

When I went back, I saw the adventurer sitting up, but he looked tired.

"I'm back, how about there?"

"It's still a mountain. It takes a lot of effort to get past. You can rest again, otherwise you can't get past."

"Even the mountain must not be as steep as this side. If that's the case, don't even think about passing it today."

This is just a joke, even if you run into steep mountains, it won't be so.But it must take a lot of time and strength, and they don't want that.

"It will be a lot easier, don't worry too much."

"That's fine. Let's set off in a while. You can rest earlier in the village. After a break, you can go around here in the afternoon. I really want to see what's nearby."

The two sat on the top of the mountain for a while, and when the adventurer had rested, they stood up and walked to the opposite side together.After crossing the mountains and ridges, the two of them never stopped. Fortunately, the weather is pretty good now, and there is no feeling of being too hot. Otherwise, it will be difficult even to travel, and Hua Yueling is not willing to be hot. Travel under the weather.

After climbing over a mountain, there is still another in front of them, although they don't know how far they have to go to reach their destination.But as long as they think that they will be closer to the destination as long as they climb another mountain, they will have the strength to move forward.

"It's ok, much easier than the mountain in front."

As he said this, the adventurer was also a little gasping, he was still relatively tired and needed to rest.


Hua Yueling was faster than him. After this series of observations, Hua Yueling found that the adventurer was not only weak, but also not very good at physical strength.

"It looks like a rookie adventurer who hasn't been out for long."

Originally, he thought that the other party should at least have some experience, but now it is not like that.

This adventurer has very little adventure experience, not even as much as him.Although Hua Yueling is quite strong, she really hasn’t experienced too much in terms of adventure. She has been to several places with others, but she has some adventure experience, but the adventurer in front of him estimates Not as good as him.

This is really...

Hua Yueling didn't think of this, although there was nothing to say.

After climbing over the four peaks, they finally found the village, in the valley below the peak at their feet.After they found the place, they also roughly understood why the village was in such a place.

The valley below is larger than the spaces that have passed before. The village is built almost in the center, and there is still space on all sides.

There are not many people in the village, but it still looks a bit lively.

It is estimated that very few people will come here, and very few people here will go out, no matter where it is, it is very troublesome, and this is just a normal village, and there is no special place.

It is difficult for this kind of place to attract adventurers, and if Huayueling could not feel the familiar power fluctuations nearby, he would not come.

However, he didn't know what purpose the adventurer with him had.Maybe I just want to come here to have a look, this possibility cannot be said to be impossible, but Hua Yueling doesn't think so.

Some are too coincidental. Whether it's the timing of meeting him or the goal of two people, Hua Yueling still feels that this coincidence is a bit outrageous.He thinks this is not a coincidence.

It's just that the other party hasn't taken any action so far, so Hua Yueling hasn't done anything, just warning the other party, wanting to see when the other party will act and what kind of action it will take.

In fact, he was quite curious. If the adventurer beside him really only had the strength he showed, then no matter what he did, it was actually not a threat to him, and he didn't need to be afraid of the other party.

The two of them walked down the mountain, and some people could be seen in the village down the mountain. Those people seemed to be quite busy doing their own things.

"Although it is only an illusion world, it is still very realistic."

At least no matter if you observe it carefully or whatever, it is difficult for you to see what is wrong, except for the style of painting.

This should be the other party's special technique, the other party didn't expect to be able to fool him, after all, it was in that situation, and he agreed to help Xiaoxue.

But whether it was able to fool others or not, it was really difficult to get out of this illusion world. It took Hua Yueling a lot of time to get here, and it took more time to get out.It was quite troublesome anyway, he understood after experiencing the action in the illusion world last time.

Because she knew these things in her heart, Hua Yueling was not anxious now, even calmer than ever.Staring calmly at the village below the mountain, the breath of power is hidden in that village.

"The breath is so weak that it is difficult to detect where the specific location is."

Hua Yueling judged that there was still no way to find out the breath on the hillside, the breath seemed to linger in the entire village.

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